The hormone progesterone in women: norm, pathology and function

There are several types of hormones that prevail in the female body and are responsible for the activity of the reproductive system and the entire organism as a whole. One of them is the hormone progesterone in women. It performs very important functions in the body. Incorrect production will have many negative consequences. In this article we will talk about what it is, what is the role of the hormone progesterone in women, and we will also find out when its production is considered normal and when the body malfunctions. Carefully read the information provided in order to arm yourself and protect yourself as much as possible. So let's get started.

Hormones in the body of a woman

As you know, a woman and a man on Earth have their own specific mission. So, the goal of the beautiful half of humanity is to continue the race. Of course, a man is also involved in this process, but most of the work is done by a woman.

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Therefore, nature did everything possible to ensure that the fair sex was able to bear and give birth to a child. This is possible due to the special structure of the body, as well as the work of certain female hormones, the level in the body of which is constantly changing. How the hormones are produced is influenced by the age of the woman, as well as the phases of the cycle and other characteristics of the body.

What is progesterone?

So, we will analyze what is the hormone progesterone in women. This hormone helps the fertilized egg to attach to the uterine cavity. Also, progesterone will help ensure that the most suitable and comfortable conditions for the development of the embryo are created. If the hormone progesterone in women is not produced in sufficient quantities, then the woman simply can not get pregnant. In this case, doctors will prescribe a fair sex to undergo hormone therapy.

Where is produced

Most progesterone is produced in the ovaries. However, also in small quantities this hormone is produced by the pituitary gland and adrenal glands. All of these zones should work together as they are links in the same chain. Only in this case, the woman will be healthy and will have every chance to bear and give birth to a healthy baby.

Usually, only those girls and women who are preparing for future motherhood are worried about the production of this hormone. In everyday life, this hormone does not interfere.

What is the hormone progesterone in women responsible for?

As we already said, the main purpose of this hormone is the ability of a woman to endure and give birth to a child. Consider exactly what processes in the body occur due to the activity of this hormone:

  • It contributes to the preparation of the female reproductive system for the process of conception, and also prepares the body for bearing a child and for the course of a successful birth.
beautiful girl
  • The hormone contributes to the fertilization of the egg, as well as its attachment to the wall of the uterus. This is very important, because the body may think that a foreign body is attached, so it will cause its rejection. Prolactin will make sure that this simply does not happen.
  • Very many women are interested in the question of what the hormone progesterone in women is responsible for. Its role in the body is really very important, as it is able to slow down the production of estrogen, which eliminates the possibility of terminating the pregnancy. Throughout pregnancy, this hormone will control the production of estrogen so that a woman can give birth to a healthy baby on time.
  • A lack of progesterone hormone in women can cause the uterus to not expand as the baby grows. Normal indicators of this hormone will prepare the uterine cavity for stretching, which means that the fetus will develop in the right and comfortable conditions.
  • This hormone, together with prolactin, will prepare the woman’s mammary glands for the lactation process and at the same time take care that cysts do not form in the ducts of the mammary glands.
  • Well, of course, do not forget about the maternal instinct, which is formed precisely due to the production of the hormone prolactin.

Additional functions

However, you should not think that the hormone progesterone is only responsible for preparing the female body for the process of conception and bearing a child. In fact, this hormone performs many other functions. Consider what exactly he does:

  • It takes an active part in metabolic processes. It controls the amount of glucose in the blood, and also helps to ensure that the resulting fat is converted into energy, which the body needs so much for life.
  • At the same time, the hormone also controls the sebaceous glands. Sometimes excessively oily or, conversely, dry skin occurs due to improper production of the hormone progesterone.
pregnant woman
  • He is also able to increase blood pressure.
  • Progesterone also affects a woman's sexual desire. A woman begins to want sex very much at precisely those moments that are most suitable for the onset of conception. If a woman does not want to become pregnant, it is very important to take all necessary contraceptive measures, since the likelihood of becoming pregnant increases several times.

It is progesterone that can be the reason that a girl has strong jumps in mood changes during menstruation, as well as in front of them. This condition is called PMS.


This is not to say that there are certain indicators of progesterone, since the level of this hormone will fluctuate throughout life, depending on the age, individual characteristics of a particular woman, as well as the processes taking place in her body. Usually, a woman begins to think about the level of this hormone if she still does not have the process of conception.

Please note: the analysis of the hormone progesterone in women will give different results in the first and second phases of the cycle, as well as when using hormonal methods of contraception or in the presence of any diseases, especially pathologies of the endocrine system. In order to understand what is the norm of progesterone, you need to take into account average indicators, which depend on the age of the woman, as well as the absence or presence of pregnancy.

Normal rates in the absence of pregnancy in women capable of childbearing

So, let's consider what is the norm of this hormone in the blood based on the phase of the menstrual cycle:

  • The first phase of the cycle is usually characterized by the formation of a dominant follicle in the ovary. In this case, per liter of blood accounts for from 0.32 to 2.23 units of progesterone.
  • The second phase is called ovulation. In this case, the ovary ruptures and the egg goes out. In this case, the norm will be from 0.49 to 9.41 units of the hormone progesterone per liter of blood.
  • Well, the third phase is to prepare the endometrium for exit, as well as for the onset of menstrual flow. The norm is considered from 7 to 56.63 units of the hormone per liter of blood.

However, keep in mind that these indicators may change if a woman is taking certain hormonal drugs. This must be taken into account to determine the exact results.

Increase hormone levels

Sometimes there are situations when the hormone progesterone in women is elevated. This condition is pathological, therefore it is very important to identify why it has arisen. So, we will consider in what cases a condition can be observed when the hormone 17-OH progesterone in women is elevated:

what does the uterus look like
  • Improper kidney function, including renal failure. Kidney diseases very often provoke an increased content of this hormone in the blood.
  • The presence of intrauterine bleeding. Do not confuse this condition with natural menstrual processes.
  • An increase in progesterone levels can also be observed when a tumor of the corpus luteum occurs, as well as in the presence of various diseases of the uterus.
  • Progesterone levels can increase if a woman takes uncontrolled medications, and also leads an improper lifestyle.

Symptoms of an increased level of these hormones are:

  • the occurrence of acne on the face, as well as throughout the body;
  • disruptions in the menstrual cycle, pain in the abdomen and mammary glands;
  • sudden mood swings, headache, increased blood pressure;
  • a sharp increase in body weight and excessive sweating.

Lowering blood progesterone levels

If the hormone progesterone is lowered in a woman, then this also indicates the presence of some abnormalities in the body. Consider what can lower the level of this hormone in the blood:

  • the corpus luteum and placenta are not active enough;
  • the occurrence of intrauterine bleeding, as well as cases of miscarriage;
  • progesterone levels can not only increase, but also decrease due to the use of certain medications, as well as when leading an improper lifestyle.
menstrual cycle

In order to understand that the level of this hormone is lowered, you need to pay attention to symptoms such as:

  • very frequent mood swings regardless of the phase of the cycle;
  • sudden jumps in weight;
  • irregular menstrual cycle;
  • severe hair loss.

Progesterone test

Many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are wondering when to take the hormone progesterone in women. Typically, this analysis is prescribed to non-pregnant women when the corpus luteum is considered the most developed. This phenomenon occurs on the seventh day of the third phase of the cycle. If the patient has a period of exactly twenty-eight days, this analysis can be assigned to the twenty-first day of the cycle.

Twenty-four hours before taking this test is not recommended to eat fatty foods. You need to come to the hospital in the morning, before breakfast. In the evening, before taking the test, give up coffee, tea, alcohol, and tobacco.

Usually, such an analysis is prescribed in cases where a woman cannot become pregnant for a long time, or there is a great risk of miscarriage.

How to normalize the hormonal state

Representatives of the weaker sex who are unable to conceive due to the low content of female hormones are wondering how to increase the hormone progesterone in women. Usually, drugs with hormonal or synthetic hormones are prescribed for this. Usually they are prescribed in the form of tablets, but in some cases they may take the form of injections intended for intravenous administration. Keep in mind that synthetic hormones are more effective, but they also lead to more side effects. Therefore, only an experienced qualified health care provider can weigh the pros and cons before prescribing a medicine for you.

Contraindications to the use of artificial hormones

Not all women can resort to hormone therapy. There are a large number of contraindications when its use is strictly prohibited. Consider the main cases when this can not be done:

  • in the presence of malignant tumors in the organs of the reproductive system;
  • in the presence of bleeding of unknown origin;
  • with dangerous liver diseases;
pregnancy test
  • hormonal preparations are not recommended for use in the presence of serious vascular pathologies, as well as after a stroke or heart attack.

Maintaining the correct hormonal background

In order to comply with the norm of the hormone 17-OH progesterone in women, it is very important to lead a proper lifestyle. Doctors strongly recommend that all representatives of the weaker sex adhere to such recommendations:

  • eat only healthy foods, increasing the amount of protein and reducing digestible carbohydrates;
  • exercise regularly;
  • avoid stressful conditions;
  • learn to alternate between work and rest;
  • replace bad habits with useful ones;
  • take additional vitamin complexes, especially during pregnancy and with diet.
mom and baby

The use of hormonal drugs is the simplest and most proven method of increasing the hormone progesterone in women. However, maintaining the right lifestyle will also help you normalize your own hormonal background.


Estrogen, progesterone and prolactin are the hormones of a woman who are responsible for her health, as well as for the opportunity to become a mother. If you want to experience all the delights of motherhood, you need to monitor the level of these hormones in your body.

Do not forget that you have one health, therefore, every day you need to maintain and improve it. Take care of yourself, take care of yourself, and you will notice how your body begins to take care of you. Do not ignore trips to the doctor, especially if you want to become a mother. Take care of yourself and be healthy!

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