How to bathe with a broom in a bath: basic steps, rules, temperature

The Russian bath is very popular among indigenous people and visiting tourists. She is one of the symbols of our culture. Here you can wash, warm up, relax and improve your health. To achieve the maximum benefit from visiting the steam room, it is important to follow the rules and the main stages of the procedure. In the article, we will consider how to steam with a broom in the bath with the greatest benefit.

brooms in the bath

When you can’t do this

Despite the mass of beneficial effects that a person receives while visiting the bath, the procedure has a number of contraindications. These include:

  1. Skin diseases and rashes on the body. Even with the smallest pustular lesions, it is forbidden to bathe in the bath, since the risk of boils with all the ensuing side effects increases.
  2. Problems with the cardiovascular system.
  3. Pulmonary insufficiency.
  4. The presence of sexually transmitted diseases.
  5. Pneumonia, acute bronchitis, epilepsy.
  6. Oncology, the presence of a benign or malignant tumor.
  7. It is not recommended to visit the bathhouse for children under five years of age, since the body at this age is not able to cope with temperature overloads.
  8. Pregnancy and lactation.

The procedure itself does not constitute a threat to human health if there are no contraindications for its implementation. In addition, it is important to know how to steam in a Russian bath with a broom, and what related attributes to use.

The benefits of the steam room

bath accessories

Legends make up about its positive effect on the body. What is useful to steam in a bath with a broom? The effect is as follows:

  • the body is cleansed of toxins and toxins;
  • the pores open and are cleansed of a mixture of sebaceous glands and dirt;
  • the orange peel disappears, fat deposits decrease;
  • bone and muscle tissue improves;
  • increased sweating stimulates weight loss;
  • blood circulation improves;
  • blood pressure normalizes;
  • headaches are reduced, migraines pass not only during a visit to the bath, but also after it;
  • the immune system is strengthened;
  • the work of internal organs improves;
  • vessels are strengthened;

The beneficial effect of visiting the steam room can be achieved if the optimal temperature and humidity ratios are observed.

Types of Brooms

This is one of the main attributes of the Russian steam room. Experienced bath attendants know that each type of product affects the human body in different ways. Therefore, you need to know what brooms you can soar in the bath. There are several types of them:

1. Birch. This is one of the most common types of brooms, which is in special demand among fans of the Russian steam room. Birch leaves contain special tannins, essential oils and vitamins, due to which the anti-inflammatory, disinfecting and bactericidal properties of the broom are achieved. Its use is best suited for smokers with experience and people suffering from lung pathologies. Among other things, birch broom improves skin condition, has a rejuvenating and cleansing effect.

2. Oak. It is the second most popular attribute of the steam room. Its use is indicated for people with oily skin prone to inflammation. Often, such a broom is recommended for hypertensive patients, since the substances entering the oak leaves normalize blood pressure. At the same time, during exacerbation, it is forbidden to visit the bathhouse. Contained tannins eliminate excessive sweating.

oak broom

3. Bamboo. This is an innovation that came to us from Asia. The broom is sticks tied together without leaves. It is important to know how to steam in a bath with a bamboo broom, so as not to damage the skin. It has a relaxing and healing effect. It is useful for diseases of the joints, salt deposition, helps to reduce weight, improve the appearance of the skin, disperse blood.

bamboo broom

4. Lime. Thanks to the substances contained in the leaves of this tree, the plant has anti-inflammatory and anti-cold properties. It also relieves insomnia and improves sleep quality. The use of linden broom helps with headaches, migraines, improves the appearance of the skin.

5. Bird cherry. A distinctive property that this broom possesses is its ability to heal microcracks and small wounds on the skin. The bird cherry branches smell very nice, due to which, in addition to all the useful properties of the procedure, a person undergoes a kind of aromatherapy session. This attribute is in great demand among girls and women, since it is very soft. Anyone who steams in a Russian bath with a bird cherry broom has a pleasant skin aroma.

6. Juniper. After applying this broom, the psycho-emotional background is normalized, the nervous system is strengthened.

7. Walnut. Such a broom is recommended for use by people suffering from diabetes mellitus, varicose veins or ulcerative pathologies.

8. Fir. Helps to remove excess fluid from the body, thereby reducing swelling of the upper and lower extremities, face. The product also has anti-inflammatory and sedative properties, eliminates radiculitis, improves sleep. Overweight in a bath with fir broom is especially good for overweight people.

9. Alder. The leaves of the alder tree contain sticky substances, which is why during the procedure they stick to the skin, thus pulling toxins from it. The broom has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system.

10. Nettle. Helps in the complex treatment of arthritis and radiculitis, normalizes high blood pressure, stabilizes emotional imbalance.

11. Eucalyptus. It contributes to a faster disposal of colds, reduces allergy attacks.

The man himself chooses which broom is better to bathe in the bath. You can ask the attendant for advice. In the presence of diseases, you should consult your doctor about the possibility of applying the procedure.

Steam room preparation and first run

Earlier, we examined which broom is better to bathe in the bath. Now we learn about the basic rules of this procedure.

steam room design

Before entering the hot bath, it is recommended to take a warm shower. Such manipulation allows you to warm up the skin and make the temperature difference less aggressive. While taking a shower, it is undesirable to use cosmetics and rub the body with a washcloth. These actions lead to the washing off of the protective layer on the surface of the dermis, as a result of which, after visiting the steam room, the skin becomes dry.

Do not wet or wash your hair, which increases the likelihood of getting a heat stroke. To prevent this, they enter the bathhouse with dry hair, over which a special hat is worn. It can be purchased at the store or made independently from wool, linen, felt or other natural fabrics.

During the first approach, the body gets used to high temperature and humidity. The use of a broom at this time is not desirable, it is only prepared by soaking in a basin with hot water. While in the steam room, you should sit on the lower shelf. There is not such a high temperature as above, and more oxygen. It is necessary to bathe, taking a prone position. They lay a dry sheet on the shelf and lay down on top, relaxing as much as possible. The breath should be calm and deep. With increased palpitations and redness of the skin, you can cross over to a shelf a level higher. The first run should not exceed 10-15 minutes.

Massage during the procedure

Ignorant people are often interested in the question of why a broom is soared in the bathhouse. The answer is simple - massage is performed with this tool.

At the first stage, lightly patting the broom is carried out over the body, starting from the neck and descending to the feet. This should be done slowly, without sudden movements, preparing the skin for subsequent manipulations, avoiding trauma to the epidermis.

set of brooms

Then the broom is raised high above the head, since the concentration of steam above is higher (thus, the leaves warm better). After this, the device is briefly applied to the chest, back, stomach, face and legs. Then, with light patting movements, they again pass through the whole body. Movement should not cause discomfort or pain.

Within a few minutes, a broom performs stroking movements of the body from top to bottom, in one direction. Then stroking alternate with a pat. In this case, the movements become more intense. The broom is again raised above the head, heated and alternately applied to different parts of the body.

It is important to pay attention to how to soak in the bath with juniper broom, as well as with bamboo products. This must be done carefully, no need to apply excessive force. Otherwise, it may cause injury to the skin surface.

Breaks and completion of the procedure

The rules of how to bathe with a broom in the bath, require you to perform several steps. Between each subsequent entry into the steam room it is recommended to take a short break. Moreover, its duration should exceed the time spent in a hot room. Simply put, you should not bathe longer than relax. Being in the steam room, the body loses a significant amount of fluid. On the one hand, this helps to reduce puffiness, on the other hand, it can cause dehydration. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to drink warm tea, water, juices or herbal decoctions between calls.

tea after the steam room

Before the final approach, it is recommended to carefully rub the body with a hard washcloth. This will help to open the pores, cleanse them and achieve greater benefits from the procedure. Girls and women, if desired, can put a mask on their faces, make peeling. After the final entry into the steam room, you can wash your hair, rinse off the mask, take a shower using cosmetics.

Useful Tips

Experts give the following recommendations on how to steam with a broom in a bath:

  1. After exiting the steam room, it is undesirable to go to bed or take a sitting position. It is recommended to walk slowly and give the body time to recover. You can not make sudden movements. A calm five-minute walk will allow the body to adapt to other temperature conditions. Only then can you sit down, relax and have some tea.
  2. Before visiting the steam room, do not apply cosmetics to the skin. They clog pores, which significantly reduces the effectiveness of the procedure, and prevent the penetration of beneficial substances contained in broom leaves into the deeper layers of the skin.
  3. If you experience weakness or deterioration in well-being, you should immediately terminate the procedure and exit the steam room. In the pre-bathing room, the body cools down, and the condition stabilizes. On this day, it is necessary to exclude further visits to the steam room. If in the future the same situation repeats, then the use of the bath is contraindicated for humans.

If there are any health problems, then it is extremely undesirable to bathe in the bathhouse yourself with or without a broom. In this case, the presence of other people is important.

How to enhance the effect

To enhance the beneficial effect of the procedure after the steam room, it is recommended to drink a medicinal decoction of linden or chamomile or green tea with honey. But what should not be done is to jump into a pool of cold water or snow.

Effectively add to the water, which is sprayed with hot stones in a steam room, a few drops of essential oils of eucalyptus, juniper, pine or geranium. They have a lot of healing properties and turn a visit to the bath into an aromatherapy session.

For increased sweating, respectively, and the removal of harmful substances from the body, you can use special mixtures for grinding, which are freely available in pharmacies and cosmetic stores. You can also cook them at home. For this, honey and salt are mixed in equal proportions. Then, with this composition, gently rub the mixture into steamed skin in circular motions. This tool cleans keratinized particles of the skin and enhances perspiration, however, in the presence of wounds and scratches it can not be used.

How to bathe with a broom in the bath?

The optimal number of entries into the steam room is considered 5-7 times. Exceeding it is undesirable, as this will be an extra burden on the body. The average duration of the first run is 10 minutes. All subsequent sessions can be longer - up to 15 minutes. Rest time between calls is from 20 to 30 minutes.

To well and slowly steaming, it will take at least two hours. It is recommended that you plan your time to spend it in the most relaxing environment. In the absence of contraindications, it is recommended to visit the bath 2-4 times a month.

Top Mistakes

Note what people do wrong most often:

  1. Usually a person after exiting the steam room takes a lying position. It’s better to walk around a bit and then sit down. Rapid and abrupt movements are contraindicated, since high temperature already loads the heart and blood vessels.
  2. Applying makeup before going to the bath. It not only clogs pores, but can also cause unwanted reactions when exposed to high temperature. All care products are applied after the final entry into the steam room.
  3. You can not take alcohol in the bath, the outcome can be disastrous.
  4. Steam in a bathhouse through force. This will not lead to anything good. It is important to listen to your body. If even after a couple of minutes in the steam room it becomes difficult to breathe or dizzy, you should immediately leave the room.
  5. Most people don’t put a hat on in the steam room. It must be remembered that steam can cause heat stroke. In extreme cases, if there is no special hat, you should tie a towel on your head.
  6. People in a hurry after the bath about their business. However, it is advisable to leave the steam room after the blood pressure and body temperature have normalized. Haste may not have the best effect on the outcome of the procedure.

If you adhere to the recommendations of specialists and listen to your own feelings, going to the bath will not only improve your health, but also rejuvenate.

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