It is known that the stars influence the fate of a person, forming his character traits and determining the life path. And especially interesting is the compilation of natal charts, which are the most accurate horoscope designed for one specific person, taking into account the position of stars and planets at the time when he was born. Let's get acquainted with the aspects of Mars and Uranus in such a personality map.
The concept
We learn what is jyotish, the Indian horoscope, which is considered the most ancient aspect of stellar knowledge. Otherwise, this science is called the Vedic horoscope and serves as the primary basis for all other trends and schools. Here we study the influence of planets on a person, his personality traits and life path. In addition, science makes it possible to find out the days of the week that are favorable for themselves, when you can make important decisions and take risks, as well as decide which days are not, which means that it is better to exercise caution at this time.
Information has been verified for millennia, therefore it can be considered reliable.
Drawing up a personal horoscope
We learn how to make a natal chart, that is, the most accurate horoscope for a particular person, taking into account the position of the planets at the time of his birth. This information directly affects the life path and personality traits, therefore, knowledge of one's own strengths and weaknesses will help to avoid mistakes in life, understand oneself, and determine the type of activity that will be the most productive. Thus, the horoscope will help you become happy and fully realize your potential.
How to make a natal chart yourself and is it possible? Astrology gives a positive answer to this question, but warns: the work will be painstaking and complex, thoroughness and accuracy are necessary.
To work, you need accurate information: date, time and place of birth of the person. Then they do this:
- First of all, it is necessary to draw the celestial sphere on a plane, taking into account the horizon.
- 12 constellations are marked or found on the map - zodiac signs, outer and inner circles.
- Planets are placed in the inner circle. It is very important to depict them in the correct, from the point of view of astrology, order in relation to the main star of the galaxy.
- Each planet is signed with a specific Arabic number denoting a degree of the sun.
It is much easier to find special resources on the Internet that allow you to create such a map online. In this case, all data is indicated, and the program itself makes the necessary calculations. The following information will be required:
- Floor.
- The exact date and time of birth.
- Place of birth (country, city, geographical coordinates).
At the time of man’s birth, the planets occupied a certain definite position, which must be calculated, and then analyzed. It will be a hint that allows you to understand yourself, find out what types of activities are most suitable for a particular person, and also to learn his life path. The mapping process is time consuming and laborious. Even experts often work for weeks to get comprehensive information.
So, the natal chart is made. Now it’s important to determine exactly what character traits a person has been given by a particular planetary position. We will get acquainted with various aspects of Mars, the most formidable and militant planet that has a direct impact on the personality of its ward. Here, several options for connecting Mars with other planets are possible:
- Sextile. Helps activate positive energy. A person is endowed with the most powerful working capacity, courage and willingness to overcome any obstacles in his path. This is one of the most harmonious aspects of a warlike planet.
- Trigon is also a good option. It gives creative energy, love of life, creativity.
- The quadrant forms aggressive sides in the subject; in the sphere related to the quadrant, a person will be disappointed and fail. Most often, these tense aspects of Mars are associated with strong energy and pronounced ambition, so the subject can very well realize his potential and achieve success in life if he shows will and fortitude.
- Opposition The person fully understands his motives and aspirations, but is distinguished by a pronounced aggression towards others, a tendency to rash acts. She needs to develop the ability to act less impulsively, analyze the situation, take into account the interests of others.
These are the main aspects of the planet Mars, with the first two options being harmonious, the second two not.
Any person born under the influence of the conjunction of Mars and Uranus has an iron will, but his nerves, unfortunately, cannot be called steel. These are impulsive and explosive people, endowed with a sharp mind, but very vindictive. They have high efficiency, but they quickly lose interest in any type of activity, and categorically refuse to work “through force”. Next, we will examine in more detail the Mars-Uranus square and other possible aspects, paying attention to what personality traits are given to people who appeared at this time, as well as what “owners” of natal Mars should be prepared for with any interference from transit Uranus.
Personality characteristic
With this aspect of the planets, the subject is endowed with many positive traits, he can be called with full confidence a strong, purposeful and vibrant person who seeks to live a full life. At the same time, quadrature is not a harmonious aspect; rather, it is critical; under its influence, there is a high risk of an accident, especially associated with air travel and interaction with electrical devices. Positive personality traits include the following:
- Assertiveness.
- Self confidence.
- Strength of mind.
- Performance above average.
- The presence of a pronounced creativity.
Among such people there are many innovators and revolutionaries, they are bored with the existing order of things, for the sake of thrills they are even ready to organize a coup.
Negative sides
We continue our acquaintance with the square of Mars and Uranus. This aspect of the planets gives individuals not only strength of mind and frantic energy that is in full swing, but also a number of negative qualities, and above all the desire for risk. Such a person is bored with the everyday aspect, his soul craves adventures, so there is nothing surprising in the fact that he comes up with an unusual goal and will try to translate it into reality. Also among the negative qualities include:
- Unceremoniousness.
- Inattention to the interests and problems of other people, even relatives and friends.
- Irritability.
Those born under the influence of the square of Mars and Uranus must moderate their thirst for speed, become more careful, learn patience. Then they will be lucky in everything.
We will get acquainted with the events that the transit Uranus foreshadows in conjunction with natal Mars. This is a very favorable period for performing complex work, since there will be a real surge of energy and bold ideas. It is likely that it will happen to try their hand at a new place. In this position of the planets, a person with natal Mars will experience an insurmountable disgust for his routine duties, his whole essence will long for something bold, new, non-standard, which will affect the performance of the work.
In personal life there is also a high risk of change, a person will express everything that has been accumulating in his soul for a long time, and such frankness can bring completely ambiguous consequences.
During this period, it is necessary to be extremely careful on the roads, there is a high risk of accidents, and you should also be very careful about household appliances, explosives.
When born in this period, a person is endowed with eccentricity, brightness, numerous talents and strong energy, determination and courage. This man will never be a slave, he will boldly rush into battle with any injustice, he is ready to defend the weak, to fight back. But the main problem is that in such people the idea of justice can be very different from the generally accepted one. Under the influence of freedom-loving Uranus, the warlike “Martian” becomes an individualist, a loner, a hater of everything standard and traditional. His actions are unpredictable, such a person is interesting to others, they want to communicate with him, but hardly anyone will be able to understand such a complex nature.
We continue our acquaintance with Vedic astrology. The next aspect is sextile. If the transit of Uranus forms a sextile to the natal Mars of man, then one should prepare for the following life changes:
- There is a high probability of changing work to a new one, moreover, associated with creativity, non-standard actions.
- There are many possibilities for the sextile of Mars and Uranus, the main thing is to be extremely careful and not to miss them.
Success is possible only with certain physical efforts, so now is not the time to relax. The time is right for businesses, high-risk deals and sporting events.
When born in this difficult period, a person is endowed with furious energy, a passionate love of risk in all its manifestations, hatred of routine and monotony. Life with him will be difficult, but interesting and full of adventure. If this is your partner, you should prepare for the fact that you need to surprise him, strike your imagination, boredom and monotony will kill feelings and cause a breakdown.
Consider what the quadrature of transit Uranus promises to natal Mars. During this period, one should seriously approach the issue of one’s own security, because hasty actions can lead to an accident or explosion. There is an ambiguous unpredictable period, so there is no time to relax.
The quadrature of Mars and Uranus promises the following changes:
- Alternating successes and failures. In some cases, all the plans will be fulfilled, but there is a great likelihood of a fiasco, despite the significance of the efforts made.
- In personal life, discord, but to a complete break with a partner, the matter is unlikely to reach.
- The main reason for the defeats at this stage is the influence of the crowd, which may be the most indirect (for example, due to traffic jams, a person will be late for a decisive interview and his rival will be hired).
Astrologers advise during this period to act very carefully, to avoid harsh words and rash acts, since circumstances are right now and the role of chance is great.
When Mars and Uranus were born during the period of the square, the personality is endowed with eccentricity, creativity, the ability to make decisions and courage. Such people are inventive, but often feel dissatisfied, especially if their life fits into the standard framework and is in no way associated with creativity or risk.
Consider the following types of aspects of the planets of Mars and Uranus in the natal chart. If we are talking about the opposition, it should be noted that a person will experience an irresistible craving for action, and with forced passivity his mood will deteriorate, and even the most insignificant circumstances can provoke an explosion of feelings and emotions during this period. With the opposition of Mars and Uranus, which is in transit, one can note some unpredictability of the acts themselves and their results. The period is complex and spontaneous, there is a high probability of resistance and sudden interference on the way to achieving the goal.
With this aspect, there is a risk of a complete breakdown in relations with relatives, health problems, injuries. Astrologers are advising now to refuse any surgical interventions (except in extreme cases), and also not to take part in sports and other risk-related events.
A child who was born during this period is very impulsive, even moody. Any prohibition or restriction for him is a real torture, against which he will fight with all his might, so parents will have a hard time. It is difficult to call for order or discipline, to convince of anything. Children of the "opposition" are very wayward. Note the positive features:
- Unconditional mind, quick wit, ability to see non-standard ways of solving a problem.
- Courage.
If such a person can be taught to control himself and let crazy energy “into the peaceful channel”, he is able to reach significant heights. Otherwise, the person will be quite unpleasant - an eternal debater, a rebel against the generally accepted foundations of the "local scale", a buoy and a brawler.
Next, consider the trigon of Mars and Uranus. This is a difficult and ambiguous period in life, when a person can find sources of inspiration unexpected for himself. He will actively strive to achieve his goal, but the results will often turn out to be completely different from what they were expected. But this is not always bad, because, having failed one task, a person can completely randomly implement another, which she did not even guess about. What is Vedic astrology advising in this case?
One should prepare for various circumstances, since events will not unfold according to a previously predicted scenario, spontaneous actions and completely unexpected outcomes are highly likely. In your personal life, lull, there may be a small conflict with a partner, which, however, will be resolved successfully over time. Regarding work, astrologers advise to pay attention to the following areas of activity:
- Radio.
- Technics.
- Computers
- Aviation.
This is where significant success is likely.
A person who was born during this period has curiosity, bold creative thinking, but he is not ready to think and act according to the standard, therefore, conflict situations are possible in the process of training and further work. If such a person finds for himself a workplace with a flexible schedule and the need to invent, invent something, then success is almost guaranteed. In the opposite case, making a career is very problematic - standards and dogmas by such people are categorically not accepted.
Such is Mars in astrology and its various aspects with other planets. This celestial body endowed its "pupils" with a huge number of positive properties, frantic energy, fortitude, courage, performance, innovative features. However, such people have a lot of complex and ambiguous, living with them together, creating a family is quite difficult and requires patience and willingness from the partner to sacrifice themselves, their interests. To understand yourself, to understand what your own shortcomings should be struggled with, will help a timely natal chart and its detailed interpretation.