A mid-cycle daub is a pathology that is quite common in many women of all ages. In order to understand the nature of its appearance, it is worth paying attention to the clinic of gynecological diseases, as well as to the results of studies and analyzes.
Mid-cycle daub: causes
The appearance of this ailment can be explained by the following processes or diseases that occur in a woman's body:
- Ovulation is one of the most popular causes of this pathology. This occurs during the release of the egg from the follicle, the vessels of the walls of which are torn. Allocations can be different in their color: from light brown to dark. Their average duration is about 1-2 days. During ovulation , changes in the tissue of the uterine endometrium can occur, from where the daub appears in the middle of the cycle.
- Polyps and uterine fibriomas are also the cause of discharge outside of menstruation.
- Endometriosis is a disease during which the tissue of the uterine endometrium grows on nearby organs. The most common symptom of the disease is the presence of a daub on any day of the cycle. To confirm the diagnosis, additional examinations are performed in the form of ultrasound of the uterus and hysteroscopy.
- A mid-cycle spot occurs when certain oral contraceptives are used. If a woman uses certain birth control pills for less than 2 months, then this is a completely normal reaction of the body.
- The presence of discharge in the middle of the cycle may indicate the presence of a uterine tumor, such as fibroids. Such a pathology is a complication of the disease.
- Very often, such discharge occurs in the initial stages of pregnancy. This happens when the fertilized egg is attached to the uterus.
- STIs are fairly common causes of mid-cycle daubs. As a rule, infections are accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, and sometimes an increase in body temperature.
The methods of getting rid of this pathology largely depend on the cause of the daub in the middle of the cycle. For example, if taking oral contraceptives is to blame, the discharge will go away on its own after the body gets used to the drug. If they continue, then you just need to change the contraceptive.
Accordingly, ovulation does not require treatment. After a couple of days, the discharge will stop. But if the cause of the daub is a polyp, then it must be removed: small formations with the help of current, larger ones - with forceps, rotational movements.
With STDs, numerous tests are prescribed, the results of which prescribe treatment aimed at getting rid of the pathogen. When identifying endometriosis, hormonal drugs or surgical intervention are recommended (in the most difficult and neglected situations).
If the daub is associated with the presence of fibroids in the uterus, then in case of complications (severe bleeding, etc.) or its rapid growth, surgery is required. In other situations, it can stop its development or even decrease in size.