Lion male, Sagittarius female: compatibility in love

Leo is a man, Sagittarius is a woman ... Their compatibility is pretty good, since these signs are representatives of one element - Fire. This leads to the presence of common features of character, desires and interests. But Leo refers to fixed, constant signs, and Sagittarius is mobile, changeable. While the former strives for retention and is conservative, the latter is constantly in search of adventure and novelty. How will relations in which a man - Leo, a woman - Sagittarius, tell our article!

lion male sagittarius female compatibility

Lion male, Sagittarius female: compatibility of feelings

Both partners are looking for great, passionate, full of emotions love. They attract each other at first sight, therefore they begin their communication as soul mates. In their pair there is mutual understanding and interest. At the first stage of the relationship, they are happy with everything: both are emotional, passionate, impulsive and loving. But with the further development of relations, it becomes clear that their worldviews regarding love are somewhat different. The Lion Man desires complete devotion and worship from his other half. He wants a stable and serious relationship. The Sagittarius woman, in turn, requires more personal freedom. She, of course, is interested in Leo, but besides him there are still some things and people who care about her. She cannot give all her attention to only one person. Of course, Leo is not happy with this. He may begin to roll up jealousy scenes or, on the contrary, will play in complete indifference to his partner. Each of the above scenarios will inevitably lead to quarrels and squabbles. If both characters learn to understand each other's desires and take them into account, then their pair will make an excellent tandem.

male lion female sagittarius
Lion male, Sagittarius female: married compatibility

Often such love relationships are developed and continued in the family. However, Leo will have to try to convince Sagittarius of the need to register a marriage. The family of them turns out to be extraordinary, bright. A sense of humor, intelligence and self-confidence - these are the qualities that are equally equal to male Leo, female Sagittarius. Their marriage is imperfect: there are problems. This pair is constantly fighting for leadership. And if Sagittarius is fully capable of recognizing his mistakes, then Leo will always insist on his own rightness and principles to the last. This can lead to a woman’s disappointment in her partner, who, she thinks, is trying to enslave her. Each of them should get rid of selfishness and start taking care of each other, then their relationship will sparkle with new colors.

Lion male, Sagittarius female: compatibility in sex

male lion female sagittarius marriage

If you could spend your whole life with your loved ones in bed, then this union would never have broken up, and there would have been no problems. Mutual attraction to each other, as well as equal demands and desires in sex, play their role here. The roles in this pair are distributed correctly, because Leo, as befits a real man, is powerful and active, but Sagittarius does not seek to dominate sex. The overall outlook for this pair is favorable. The only advice: be prudent and restrain negative emotions.

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