Preserved Rozanitsa: description, meaning, functions

Since ancient times, various amulets, which were made according to certain rules, helped people solve their problems, securing the support of higher forces. One of these symbolic helpers who have come to us from antiquity is the Rozhanitsa amulet.

Possible stories of the origin of the amulet

Each amulet has its own origin, which has its roots in the distant past. The modern world has come to several versions of where the Slavic amulet of Rozhanitsa came from. A common sign of all the options is that the ancient god Rod in the creation of the world was assisted by the Rozhanitsy, who not only provided support, but everywhere followed him. Existing versions disagree only on who these companions really were.

Some sources indicate that Rozhanitsa is an independent deity who was responsible for the birth of children. Others say that this word was a prefabricated name for all the goddesses of the lighter side - Lada, Leli and even Makoshi.

embroidery pattern

Today it is becoming quite difficult to find out the true origin of the amulet of Rozhanitsa. Most of the knowledge that the Slavs possessed in antiquity is irretrievably lost. However, it is possible that they will open again, someone really wants to find the answers and restore the heritage of their ancestors.

What does the symbol look like?

In order to feel for yourself what effect the amulet of Rozhanitsa has, you need to know how it looks. This is a symbolic image of a female figure, which is based on a small triangle. In most cases, this image is part of a common ornament and is surrounded by other elements that enhance the effect of the talisman. A photo of the amulet of Rozhanitsa will help those people who first encountered Slavic symbolism understand what kind of figure it means.

childbirth preserved the meaning for women

It is believed that if the hands of the figure are raised up, then this is a schematic representation of Makoshi. And the figure with lowered palms represents Lada. On either side of the silhouette are usually schematic images of the sun, birds or deer. It is also worth considering that such a compositional arrangement of elements is often used when embroidering the amulet of Rozhanitsa. Talismans or amulets with this symbol suggest the use of a single figure.

The main purpose of the amulet

Considering the functions of this ancient protective symbol, it is worth paying attention to the fact that it is intended only for women. Accordingly, only the fair sex can use its power. The main meaning of the amulet of Rozhanitsa is the protection of the mother woman. Its use helps to understand whether a woman is ready for motherhood, as well as to realize and accept all the responsibilities that await a woman.

It is recommended to wear this amulet with powerful impact from the beginning to the end of pregnancy. After the baby is born, Rozhanitsa will be a powerful protection for both mother and child.

doll preserved the woman in labor

This protective symbol helps not only those who carry a child under their hearts, but also those who cannot become pregnant for various reasons. It is possible to use the force of Rozhanitsy even when modern medical technologies take part in the process of conception. There are cases when the use of this amulet works real miracles and gives healthy offspring to those families that are already desperate.

However, it is worth remembering that the guardian of Rozhanitsa gives her help selectively. The higher forces with which its influence is associated know exactly who and when is ready to bear, give birth and raise a child. So, if you didn’t get help the first time, don’t give up. We must continue to use the amulet in order to experience all the joys of motherhood.

What material to make a talisman from?

If the amulet, known as Rozhanitsa, is planned to be worn as a talisman, then you need to know from what material it is better to make it. Properly selected materials will increase the effectiveness of the amulet to the maximum mark.

For the manufacture of this ancient Slavic amulets are best suited:

  1. Metal.
  2. Wood.

This choice is due to the fact that it is these materials that not only enhance the effect of Rozhanitsy, but have a purposeful strengthening of a certain quality with which the amulet is endowed. The direction of amplification depends on the type of wood or metal.

Metal products have the following effects:

  1. A copper charm will help to avoid conflict situations.
  2. Brass will give the owner of the amulet of peace.
  3. Cupronickel helps a person become more patient, wiser and more consistent.
  4. Silver charms are not only the most famous defense against evil forces, but also give the body rejuvenation, and the spirit - strengthening.

According to the heritage of our ancestors, ash is used in order to understand the omen predestined by fate. Oak products help to increase the reserves of physical strength, spiritual energy and health. The use of pine for the manufacture of an amulet helps protect against disorders of the nervous system and restore the lost peace of mind. And maple amulets will help to become more confident, but at the same time balancing emotionality.

Charm as an element of embroidery

Due to the special significance of the Rozhanitsa amulet for women, our ancestors more often depicted it as embroidery. And this is not at all surprising, since they knew how to embroider very well.

This symbol was depicted on many things. And to this day, Rozhanitsa can be found on embroidered kokoshniks, bedding, shirts, rushnyks and many other items that were used in household goods.

charm a woman in labor photo

Our ancestors included Rozhanitsa in the general embroidery designs for a reason. They understood that children are the real happiness for every person, and thus they asked for help from the brightest and most powerful goddesses.

The basic rules of embroidery

Embroidering a protective symbol on any subject is a kind of ritual. And any ritual must be performed in strict accordance with the rules, which for many centuries helped to obtain an effective amulet, which for a long time will help the whole family.

The basic rules for embroidery are as follows:

  1. The best time to create the Rozhanitsy is 10 or 14 days of the lunar month.
  2. Such an ornament is best to embroider a girl who was not married and did not give birth.
  3. On the day devoted to needlework, you can not work either in the field or at home.
  4. Before the start of the process, a prayer is given to the gods, which allows you to create the right energy charge and properly tune in to create a talisman.
  5. During embroidery it is extremely important to concentrate on bright and kind thoughts.
  6. In the manufacture of a talisman for a pregnant girl, it must be done with a stitch without fixing knots.
  7. The embroidery on which Rozhanitsa is present is a heirloom that is passed from mother to daughter from generation to generation.
woman in labor charm embroidery

The most important rule is that you cannot embroider such a talisman for yourself. You need to make it either to a close friend or a blood relative. This will help not only to get a powerful amulet, but also to make family ties stronger.

Making a charm doll

Since ancient times, our ancestors made charms not only in the form of embroidered ornaments or amulets from metal or wood. The Slavs knew how to make special dolls, which were very powerful. The created doll-amulet Rozhanitsa helped families no less than an embroidered figure.

childbirth preserved the meaning for women

The main impact of such a doll is to help a woman overcome the difficulties associated with pregnancy and protect the future mother from any negative effects. To establish a connection between the owner and the amulet, they do it with their own hands. When creating dolls with the influence of a talisman, the master should not use artificial materials - plastics, synthetic fabrics and other details. And to endow such a talisman with magical properties, it is necessary to say special prayers.

The meaning of the amulet in modern times

Despite the fact that time is moving inexorably forward, the ancient amulets that were used by our ancestors did not lose their relevance. Even in times of high technological development, seemingly simple talismans can create real miracles that are beyond the power of any legacy of modern science.

Slavic charm

Rozhanitsa helps a modern girl to understand whether she is ready to become a mother. The use of this amulet also contributes to the awareness, understanding and acceptance of all the responsibility and importance of motherhood.


Ancient Slavic amulets helped our ancestors and continue to help modern people. With the help of Rozhanitsa, many families can get their well-deserved chance to hear voiced children's laughter in the house and grow up a strong and healthy procreation.

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