Diet for cystitis in women: diet menu for acute cystitis

Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder as a result of infection, irritation, injury, or a combination of these three causes. The main symptoms of the disease are pain, an increased frequency of urination, urgent urination. This problem is widespread among women and can lead to a number of unpleasant sensations and inconveniences in social life. Reviews about the diet with cystitis are only positive: it would be, because proper nutrition can never harm you.

diet for cystitis or help fight the disease


Currently, there are drugs that can reduce the manifestations of the disease, but often drug therapy does not work at 100%, and the disease does not recede completely, becoming chronic. An ideal treatment strategy has not yet been developed. Tips that doctors give in addition to taking medications include stress prevention, warm baths, and adequate sleep. Therefore, the diet for cystitis in women is the most important way to prevent exacerbation and support the body in a difficult period for him. It is about proper nutrition that we will discuss in this article.

diet for acute cystitis in women

Diet Development History

A 2004 study showed that in 92% of patients, certain drinks and dishes provoked an exacerbation. 84% of respondents said that the symptoms became less pronounced when dieting. During the study, its participants did not undergo any additional therapy, and no one expected such impressive results.

In July 2007, a group of researchers of this insidious disease published in the journal about urology a list of products that can cause exacerbation. Dr. Beyer reports that these products turned out to be the same ones that were mentioned over the past 20 years and which were mentioned in Internet sources and in support groups. The question: β€œWhat kind of diet can reduce symptoms?” Remains to be answered. But the results of the studies published in the article give hope that an answer will be found.

Diet for cystitis, or Help in the fight against the disease

The diet still needs refinement, but some tools have already been discovered. It is advisable to work with each patient individually and analyze what is best specifically for him. The diet for cystitis in women consists of several stages. We will talk about them further.

diet for cystitis in women menu

Tool No. 1

The first tool is the rejection of foods and drinks that can cause an exacerbation of the disease. For most patients, this is coffee, many types of tea, most carbonated drinks, especially low-calorie drinks, most alcoholic drinks, citrus fruits and juice from them, cranberry juice, tomato products, soy, sweeteners, hot peppers and spicy dishes. Patients are advised, as far as possible, to try to reduce the amount of the above products in the diet. Many patients feel relief after the first stage of the diet. For those who want to go further, an expanded list of prohibited products has been developed and special recommendations have been added.

cystitis diet reviews

Tool number 2

All products are divided into 3 categories: not dangerous for the bladder, those that need to be used with caution and harmful. The first category is the safest. Food related to the second can cause problems in some patients. Patients are advised to experiment and observe how the body responds to products from this category. It is better to exclude harmful food completely, since its use with high probability can cause exacerbation. Of course, in practice, it is impossible to save patients from all their problems with a diet alone, but this approach helps to significantly alleviate the condition and, very importantly, give hope to those patients who are desperate and think that there will be no end to their unpleasant sensations.

Additional recommendations

The diet for cystitis in women will be even more effective if you follow these tips:

diet for cystitis in women

  • Water. The question of whether patients need to drink more water is not so simple to answer. In most cases, water is well tolerated, but much depends on the manufacturer. It is advisable to select options that are suitable specifically for your body. Chlorinated water and brands with the addition of minerals are undesirable.
  • Soft drinks. Patients who find it difficult to give up carbonated drinks can be advised with effervescent root vegetables. As for tea, chamomile and mint can be a good substitute for those who miss black.
  • Cereals In many cases, cereals are well absorbed, with the exception of those cases when the patient suffers from celiac disease, or increased sensitivity to gluten (according to the study, approximately 14% of patients have such intolerance).
  • Semi-finished products. It is highly not recommended for patients to use convenience foods and various types of pasta. However, you can cook these dishes yourself using fresh ingredients. In most cases, it is even cheaper and, of course, much more useful.
  • Smoked meat and soy. These products pose a danger to patients, especially soy, which in 99% of patients causes exacerbation.
  • Milk products. Good news for cheese lovers: research shows that dairy products are well tolerated. Moreover, cheese or ice cream can even improve the condition of patients during an exacerbation.
  • Fruits. You must be very careful with fruits. Individual patients tolerate only peaches and some types of berries. But for each patient, tolerance may be different.
  • Vegetables. Most vegetables are good for cystitis, with the exception of tomatoes and hot peppers. It is they who should be rich in cystitis in women. The menu is recommended to be tailored to the wishes of the patient, but it must include vegetable soups.

Sample menu

  • Breakfast: mashed potatoes with stewed zucchini, carrot juice.
  • Lunch: dried fruit compote.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup with buckwheat, dumplings, a slice of cheese, pumpkin juice.
  • Snack: a few slices of melon or watermelon.
  • Dinner: yogurt, cottage cheese with slices of peach.

Transition to proper nutrition

It is not necessary to immediately eliminate all harmful products from your diet. You can switch to proper nutrition gradually. The diet for cystitis in women is quite a lot of stress for the body. Keep a diary where you will record all the foods that you consumed during the day. Next, describe your condition. Gradually reduce the amount of junk food in your diet for 2-3 weeks. Watch your well-being. Nutritionists can help you create a menu and a list of necessary products, taking into account your taste preferences and prohibitions.

acute cystitis diet

Diet for acute cystitis in women

Acute cystitis requires special attention. The main task is to cleanse the urinary tract and remove the causative agents of the disease. You also need to prevent irritation of the mucous tissues. Basic Rules:

  • Drink plenty of fluids, at least 1.5-2 liters daily. Calcium chloride water is good. Fruit compotes and fruit drinks, vegetable juices (except tomato) will be useful. A great option is pumpkin juice, it has diuretic properties.
  • Need to drink herbal infusions, kidney teas with horsetail, lingonberry leaf, bearberry.
  • Fresh vegetables are useful - zucchini, cucumbers, spinach, carrots, as well as watermelons and melons. From fruits - grapes and pomegranate.
  • Eat 1 tablespoon of honey daily.
  • Milk, cottage cheese, cheese and yogurt will be useful during this period.

Patients know how unpleasant and even dangerous the disease is acute cystitis. Diet must be followed so that the body can recover quickly.

diet for chronic cystitis in women

Now you know the basic recommendations regarding nutrition in this insidious disease. It must be remembered that the diet for chronic cystitis in women is slightly different from that in the acute course of the disease. Therefore, during periods of exacerbation, it is important not to neglect the advice of nutritionists and review your diet. Of course, each organism is individual, and its reaction is not always predictable. Keep track of your well-being and look for foods that are good for you. Remember that a diet can significantly alleviate many symptoms. Your health is in your hands!

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