To date, acne iodine is very popular. This tool is one of the most effective drugs and is used, as a rule, for disinfection, treatment of wounds, treatment of colds and thyroid problems. Often it is used to eliminate acne or acne.
Can iodine be used to treat
Quite often, people have doubts about whether it is possible to smear acne with iodine. Doctors say that this drug has a drying property and can easily eliminate inflammation. After a course of treatment, the production of sebum is significantly reduced, and rashes go many times faster. But there is another side - the likelihood of burns.
Specialists can not come to a common opinion and say for sure whether to burn acne with iodine. Some say that the substance helps cleanse the skin and eliminate all inflammations, while others argue that this fluid can only spread the infection and contribute to the appearance of neoplasms.
As for people who have already used iodine to combat acne, they often indicate that the remedy is effective. This is especially true in cases where the disease is at the very first stage.
Product Efficiency
Find out if iodine helps with acne, it is possible only after determining the type of formation. Rashes on the face can be different, and the effectiveness of the drug can be assessed based on the causes of the problem, as well as the degree of the inflammatory process.
Iodine does not cope with comedones and black dots very well, but their condition does not worsen them at all. Specialists allow in this case to treat damaged skin with a solution.
In the process of the appearance of internal acne, inflammation occurs from the inside. This formation can be safely burned with iodine. As a result, the abscess will begin to dissolve and after a few days will disappear.
It often happens that internal pimples fill quite large areas of the skin. It is allowed to cope with them in the same way as with single neoplasms, but an antibacterial agent will help to achieve a better effect.
Whiteheads, otherwise referred to as sunflowers, as you know, do not appear outside. You can eliminate them if you apply the solution pointwise, without touching healthy areas. This is necessary in order not to provoke an allergy or burn.
Recommendations for use
In order for the iodine from acne on the face to be as safe and effective as possible, you should listen to the recommendations of experienced people:
- It is necessary to strictly observe the duration of the course of treatment and the dosage of the drug prescribed by a specialist so as not to over-saturate the body with a solution.
- Only affected areas of the skin should be treated, because iodine can contribute to a burn if it gets on healthy skin.
- Before using the product, it is necessary to check the sensitivity of the integument by applying a couple of drops on the wrist.
- Teenagers are not recommended to use iodine as therapy, because it can injure the skin, and if the cause of the acne rash is hormonal disruption, then it will not be possible to get rid of it with any drugs at all.
Side effects
People who are interested in whether it is possible to cauterize acne with iodine often think about adverse reactions. At first glance, this tool may seem harmless, although it can still lead to undesirable consequences. The most dangerous of them are chemical burns, as well as iodism.
You can determine a negative reaction if you detect the following impairments:
- diarrhea;
- cramps
- bad breath;
- weakness;
- vomiting
- sore throat.
Often, iodine from acne contributes to the appearance and even intensification of acne. This is due to the release of excess solution through open pores. Because of this, already irritated skin is inflamed, and neoplasms appear on top.
Unpleasant consequences may appear when the product gets on healthy skin. It can provoke burns, which is a direct contraindication to the use of the substance for owners of sensitive and dry skin types.
If during the application of iodine severe dryness, burning, peeling or itching occurs, the course of treatment should be interrupted. The applied composition must be washed off, and put grated raw potatoes on top, which will collect the remnants of the product and soothe the integument.
Types and treatment of acne
Today, the most common problems are white and red acne, as well as blackheads. You can get rid of all this with the help of iodine, but the most important thing is to know how to do it. Methods of dealing with neoplasms will be different, as their causes also differ.
Only those who correctly determine the type of problem and follow the instructions will be able to eliminate unpleasant points with the help of a solution. It is best to contact a dermatologist for help in improving the skin, but if this is not possible, you can figure it out yourself.
White rash
In medicine, white pimples are called milia. They are distinguished by high density and size not exceeding the grain of millet. Such neoplasms are closed pores where excess fat accumulates. They often appear both singly and in rashes. Most often they are exposed to the cheeks, temples, as well as the area around the eyes.
It is best to get rid of miliums with iodine only if they are single, because the treatment of rashes can increase the risk of a burn. To do this, the composition must be applied to a cotton swab and process the necessary areas with precision. This is best done before bedtime, and after waking up, the face should be wiped with salicylic alcohol, which will improve the result.
Red acne
Inflamed and red acne are considered the most common. They are called papules and arise in the most unexpected places. These neoplasms can occupy a fairly large area of ββthe skin in the form of a rash or appear alone.
It will be quite difficult to completely cure the rash, as this will require the help of a dermatologist. But as for single neoplasms, the situation here is much simpler. It is enough to lubricate the pimple with iodine every evening without touching the healthy areas, and soon the first results can be observed.
Comedones, or blackheads, can appear completely in any person. The reason for this is contaminated pores. They usually appear on the face and back. Open comedones are easily eliminated by mechanical cleaning, but closed comedies will have to be struggled for a long time. Especially for them, various masks, peels, scrubs and other salon procedures are provided.
Get rid of acne with iodine alone will not work. To achieve the main goal, you will need to prepare a special solution. It will accelerate resorption and will not contribute to the deterioration of the appearance of the face. To prepare it, you need to take 100 g of boiling water, add a tablespoon of salt and 5 drops of iodine. The contents should be thoroughly mixed, after which they should be slightly cooled and treated with affected areas. It is recommended to carry out the procedure every day 1-2 times.
Masks with iodine
In addition to the usual treatment of damaged areas, iodine from acne can be used to prepare masks. Such compounds have pronounced anti-inflammatory properties and help to cope with the problem many times faster. The best masks today are:
- Aspirin. A couple of tablets should be brought to a powder, then mixed with a tablespoon of water and a couple of drops of iodine. The finished composition should be applied to problem areas and left overnight. After waking up, you must wash yourself with plain water.
- Honey. The first step is to take sour cream and honey in equal proportions (for a tablespoon), and then combine them with two drops of iodine. The resulting mixture must be applied to the entire surface of the face and held for 20 minutes, then rinse with water at room temperature.
- With aloe juice. Taking a couple of drops of pharmacy iodine, a tablespoon of sour cream and the same amount of aloe juice, you need to mix all this in a separate container and add a drop of peroxide. You can apply the product both on problem areas and on the entire face. It is recommended to withstand the mask for 20-25 minutes.
Perform procedures with the above formulations should be only a couple of times a week. If you follow these instructions, acne will disappear quite quickly, leaving no trace.
If you use iodine from acne in the wrong dosage, then the effect may turn out to be the opposite. With frequent use of the solution, acne will gradually appear on the face, which I wanted to get rid of initially.
Owners of dry and sensitive skin should not get carried away with this tool. First of all, it must be said that this will worsen the condition of the integument. In addition, the appearance will be spoiled, because the traces will not pass in any way even in a day.
People who are wondering about the benefits of such a remedy are often interested in reviews of acne iodine. Experts indicate the presence of both positive and negative sides in such treatment.
First, you should consider the good sides of the product, since their number is much larger. Many experts talk about the positive effects of using iodine against subcutaneous inflammatory processes and purulent pimples. Unwanted formations disappear in just a week, without spoiling the appearance. Iodine absorbs these processes from the inside, as a result of which the treatment goes unnoticed by a person.
Negative reviews of iodine from acne on the face indicate that the treatment of integuments with this drug can cause new rashes. Fortunately, this does not concern all people, but only owners of oily skin.
Based on the foregoing, it is worth noting that there is simply no exact answer to the question of whether it is possible to smear acne with iodine on the face. Each person has skin with its own characteristics, which perceives such procedures in completely different ways. Therefore, it can benefit someone, but only harm to someone.
Experts strongly recommend that you be careful when choosing a product for applying to the face. Modern drugs, including those based on iodine, if used incorrectly, can worsen the condition of the skin and cause their owners to spend additional funds on already more expensive drugs and procedures.