Putty "Ceresit": types, characteristics, application features, tips

To carry out repairs and alignment of the walls today, many putty compositions with different technical characteristics and cost are used. A large assortment and the best value for money are demonstrated by Cerezit. Putty "Ceresite" has several varieties that differ in the scope and physical and mechanical properties. It is about these compounds that will be discussed in our article.

Hard putty for finishing works of Cerezit ST 127

The first and most commonly used compound is putty "Ceresit ST 127". It refers to finishing materials and is used to smooth out the smallest defects of the base. It is applied to the surface with a thin layer - up to 3 mm. The composition is used only for internal work.

putty "Ceresit ST 127"

The positive properties of the product include:

  • plasticity and ease of application;
  • high adhesion to the surface;
  • environmental safety;
  • the possibility of use as a facial finish (without staining).

After finishing with this composition, the walls can be covered with any paintwork and roll materials. The mixture is characterized by good adhesion with concrete, cement, cement-sand surfaces. Use the composition only in rooms with a dry climate. In the bathroom and kitchen, this product is not recommended.

Hard putty Cerezit ST 95

A more expanded scope and improved physical performance is characterized by putty "Ceresit ST 95". It belongs to the group of polymeric materials that are used in the final stages of surface finishing. It should be used in the process of leveling concrete, cement and gypsum substrates. You can use the composition and for sealing joints of drywall structures.

putty "Ceresit ST 95"

Putty is also applied only in dry rooms, but already has high resistance to low temperatures. The list of its positive properties includes:

  • security;
  • elasticity;
  • resistance to cracking;
  • smoothness;
  • vapor permeability;
  • ease of grinding and processing.

Finishing putty "Ceresit ST 95" is distinguished by a saturated white color, which allows it to be used in finishing work. The composition is sold in pasty form and is ready for use.

Product Ceresit IN 95 and its properties

An improved version of the previous version is the finishing polymer putty "Ceresite IN 95". Its main difference is that it contains a fine filler that promotes the formation of a smooth layer even on surfaces with high moisture absorption and low strength.

putty "Ceresite IN 95"

The list of positive qualities includes all those properties that the CT 95 option has, but the bonus means the possibility of all-weather use. The main purpose of the putty is to level the surfaces for finishing. A high degree of whiteness of the paste reduces the amount of application of paints and varnishes. This option goes on sale in the finished form, which saves time on mixing the working mixture.

Features putty Ceresit CT 225

If all the previous varieties can be used only indoors, the facade putty "Ceresit CT 225" can be used outside. This option is also intended for finishing work on horizontal and vertical surfaces (in the building and on the facade). With it, you can eliminate minor defects, eliminate cracks and fill voids. The composition can be applied on concrete, cement-lime and cement-sand surfaces. Also, the material can be used in humid climates and at sudden changes in temperature.

putty "Cerezit ST 225"

The advantages of putty "Ceresit CT 225" are:

  • water resistance;
  • frost resistance;
  • plastic;
  • excellent adhesion to mineral type bases;
  • environmental Safety;
  • high strength (due to the presence of reinforcing microfibers in the composition).

Putty of this type is used in those cases when it is necessary to eliminate defects whose depth does not exceed 3 mm. In all other cases, the mixture should be supplemented with repair compounds of this manufacturer.

Ceresit Putty Recommendations

Before applying putty of any of the types presented, the manufacturer recommends that you first examine the work surface. It must be absolutely dry, free from dust and oil contaminants. The presence of these flaws significantly reduces the adhesion of the composition to the base.

If on the wall there are fragile, falling-off sections of the stucco mortar or in some places delamination is present, the surface must be completely cleaned. In the presence of deep depressions and wide cracks, the foundation should first be repaired using the Cerezit ST 29 composition. After applying it, it is recommended to wait 72 hours, and then proceed to work.

putty application technology "Ceresit"

If dry mixtures are used during the repair, then warm water is used to prepare the working composition, the temperature of which is not lower than +20 degrees. The mixture is thoroughly mixed until lumps of powder completely disappear.

When working with large volumes, it is not recommended to breed a lot of the composition at a time, since the finished paste must be developed within 1 hour. The composition is applied to the walls with a wide trowel. After 24 hours, you can already begin grinding it. For these purposes, use fine sandpaper or a tungsten mesh.

Advice from experts on working with putty "Ceresit"

Experienced craftsmen recommend working with compositions of this brand at relative air dryness and temperature from +5 to +30 ° C. Under such conditions, the material comes into contact with the surface best. Other application conditions contribute to the deterioration of previously declared product properties.

Do not perform work in direct sunlight. This is especially true for putty "Ceresit-225 ST", which is used in natural conditions. If it is impossible to postpone the decoration, then scaffolding should be closed with a special film or mesh. Such protection is applied not only on sunny days, but also in rainy and windy weather. It allows the composition to maintain its properties and prevents the surface from getting wet and drying out.

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