Metropolitan Peter: Life. Saint Peter, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia

Miracle workers in Christianity have been for centuries. Among them are monks, priests, ordinary people. Saint Peter went from a boyar son to the Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia. It will be interesting to know his life not only to believers, but also to everyone who is interested in the history of the Russian state and the fates of famous people.

Metropolitan Peter

The birth of Peter and the beginning of his studies

Once in Volyn (now the northwestern part of Ukraine) in a noble boyar family, the mother of the future saint shortly before his birth saw in a dream that she was holding a lamb in her arms. Between its horns a wonderful tree grows with fruits and flowers, as well as burning candles. Soon, around 1260, her son was born - this was the future Metropolitan Peter. When the boy was seven years old, they began to teach him to read and write the Holy Scriptures, but this did not bring the expected result. He did not manage to master anything, until one day in a dream, the lips of Peter touched someone in the holy vestments. From that moment on, the future Metropolitan Peter began to study well. Soon, he managed to become the best of all students and study all of the scriptures.

Righteous way

At the age of twelve, the future hierarch Peter (Metropolitan of Moscow) became a novice in the nearest monastery. In addition to doing all the work that he always did with humility, Peter was the very first to come to church service. He stood at all the liturgies, listening to the Divine Scripture with attention and humility and praying, and even never once leaned against the wall with his back for all the time. Seeing Peter's efforts in obedience, looking at his humility, the abbot of the monastery made the saint a deacon, and later - a presbyter. In addition, the saint became an icon painter, moving away at the moments of work on the image from everything earthly, imbued with divine thought and with all his soul striving for a virtuous life. For a very long time, the future Metropolitan Peter of Moscow and All Russia spent in the monastery. Then he was blessed by the abbot and left the walls of the shelter in order to build a monastery on a river called Rati in a desert place. The saint built the church of the Savior Jesus Christ there, and then with it a monastery called Preobrazhensky. Peter taught the brotherhood gathered there with meekness, considering himself the last of all. He was kind and never let go without alms or the help of beggars and wanderers. Even the prince heard about him, because he was respected by everyone, and everyone joyfully accepted the holy instruction.

Metropolitan Peter of Moscow

Metropolitan Peter

Metropolitan Maxim, who arrived from Constantinople, at that time taught the people in Russia. Peter presented him with the icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary of his own work (called Petrovskaya), and also asked himself and the brethren for blessings. After giving it, the Metropolitan reverently accepted the image and kept it at home. Subsequently, the icon was in the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin in Moscow. The hour has come for the death of Metropolitan Maxim. After that, they began to look for a contender for his holy post. There were two candidates: Yuri Lvovich, Prince of Galitsky-Volynsky, persuaded Peter to go to become Metropolitan, and Tverskaya and Vladimir Prince proposed Tver Father Superior Gerontius to the post of saint. The second candidate went by sea to Constantinople, but the storm overtook him on the road. Then Gerontius, in a vision, the Blessed Virgin Mary said that Peter should be the metropolitan. The Patriarch of Constantinople Athanasius was also open to the mission of Peter. When the saint entered the temple, the fragrance filled all around. This was a sign for the patriarch, who joyfully blessed Peter. But, as expected, there was a meeting of saints, which considered the candidacy for the post of Metropolitan. It recognized that Peter was worthy of this fast, which was destined for him long before birth. During the initiation, all those present understood that he was the chosen one of God, who had come here at the behest of Heavenly Father, since his face shone.

St. Peter Metropolitan of Moscow

Intrigues against Peter

The newly minted St. Peter, Metropolitan of Moscow, received instructions from the patriarch for several days after the consecration, and then left Constantinople to begin his duties. But meek and soft, when it came to himself, and firm, strict in church matters he caused discontent from some people. Among them was the envious bishop of Tver Andrey. He slandered the saint, wrote to His Holiness Patriarch Athanasius such accusations against the Metropolitan that he did not even believe in them, but nevertheless sent the church cleric. The Russian Church convened a cathedral in Pereyaslavl. The investigation exposed false evidence against Peter, and the instigator was put to shame. The saint did not harbor bishop Andrew with malice and, having forgiven him, released the cathedral. By this Metropolitan Peter gained even more respect and reverence.

Russian church

Acts of the saint

Peter traveled all over Russia for the good of the people. In the Golden Horde, he achieved privileges for the clergy. By all means, the Metropolitan tried to pacify the warring princes. Their strife bothered Peter the most. Arriving in Bryansk in order to smooth out another conflict, the Metropolitan almost became a victim of murder. Understanding and foreseeing that the unification of Russia is possible through Moscow, Peter often visited this then small and little significant town. At that time, George Danilovich was the prince there, but he was often not in the city. In his absence, the brother of Prince John was a very kind ruler. He always helped the poor and destitute. It was with John that Peter often talked about the affairs of the church and the future of the city of Moscow. The kind of prince metropolitan predicted greatness and prosperity. St. Peter wanted to move his department to Moscow, for which a cathedral was needed. The Russian Church owes the construction of the Assumption Cathedral in the Moscow Kremlin precisely to Saint Peter, who, according to him, was founded in 1326. At the base of the structure, on the altar, Metropolitan Peter of Moscow arranged his coffin.

Prediction of the death of a saint

Prince John after a while saw in a dream a very high mountain in the snow. The snow melted, and after him the mountain disappeared. St. Peter explained what this means. Melted snow is the death of the metropolitan, and the missing mountain is the death of the prince. Peter also received the revelation of his own death, but which one is not known to anyone. On December 21, 1326, during the evening service, Metropolitan Peter died in prayer. His grave is in the Assumption Cathedral. Prince John was not in the city when the saint was gone. Returning, he saw the people mourning over the holy. During the funeral procession, one unbelievable questioned the sanctity of the Metropolitan and immediately repented of his unbelief when he saw Peter sitting in a tomb and blessing people.

church of metropolitan peter

Miracle Worker Peter

Healing and miracles began to happen almost immediately after the burial. Some young man, who had motionless hands from birth, prayed with tears and faith at the tomb of the saint. At that very moment he recovered, and his hands were strengthened. Saint Peter also healed one who was writhing, and his ears were opened to the deaf, and he began to hear. The blind man who came to the tomb with prayer received his sight. Thus began the miracles performed by the saints. And today, Metropolitan Peter helps those who come in faith and prayer to his mercy.

Metropolitan Peter Cathedral

Ascribing the miracle worker to the face of saints

The Assumption Cathedral was built and consecrated in 1327. Metropolitan Theognostus, who succeeded Peter, did not change the instructions of his holy predecessor. He settled in Moscow, prayed at the tomb of the saint, and he himself saw many miracles happening there. Having passed everything to the patriarch, Theognostus received a command and ranked the saints the miracle worker Peter. Three times the relics of the saint were found incorrupt. For the first time, when during the invasion of Khan Tokhtamysh in 1382, the saint's coffin was burned. Then, when in 1477 the walls of the cathedral collapsed. And the last time, when Aristotle Fioravanti, an Italian architect, erected the Assumption Cathedral again, in 1479. In this form, he remains to this day. The life of Metropolitan Peter was written by Bishop of Rostov, Bishop Prokhor, who was ordained by the saint himself. The days of memory of St. Peter are December 21 (or January 3) and August 24 (or September 6).

Metropolitan Peter Grave

Church of Metropolitan Peter

In 1514, by decree of Prince Ivan III, the first stone church was erected in Vysoko-Pokrovsky Monastery in honor of the saint. Reconstruction work was carried out there more than once. Therefore, even today, parishioners visit the church of Peter the Metropolitan of Moscow. The saint was revered and revered not only in Moscow. There are churches in his honor in other cities of Russia. So, in St. Petersburg in 1991-2001, the wooden church of Peter the Metropolitan was built. In that place was a temple erected by decree of Peter I in the name of the saint in memory of the victory over the Swedes.

It is difficult to overestimate the contribution to the strengthening of faith in Russia and its unification of St. Peter. Metropolitan can be compared with such prominent Christian saints as Gregory the Theologian, Basil the Great, John Chrysostom. His life is a vivid example of selfless love for God, people and the motherland. I would like every Christian to have at least a little bit of St. Peter.

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