Irina Shvedova: biography and creativity

Irina Shvedova is known for many songs, and White Waltz and America the Separator are her calling card. This Russian singer also realized herself as a film and theater actress, theater and pop director, songwriter and musician. She was born in 1959, on April 28, in Chisinau. There, the future performer spent the first three years of her life, after which the family went to Kiev, to their historical homeland.


shvedova irina

Irina Shvedova always surrounded songs. Her father Vasily Yakovlevich Tretyak, a dramatic tenor, was a soloist of the Ukrainian Opera and Ballet Theater, People's Artist of the USSR, was buried in Kiev, at the Baykovsky cemetery. Lyudmila Stanislavovna Tomashevskaya - Irina's mother, was an actress of the Ivan Franko Kiev Ukrainian Drama Theater.

The performer bears the name of the stepfather. He is a writer Igor Alexandrovich Shvedov. He was a national artist of Ukraine and was buried in Kiev at the Baikov cemetery. From the age of 6, the future singer was engaged in classical dances, English and music. In 1968, she began to go to the studio of young announcers on Ukrainian radio.

During this period, Irina in the children's operetta “Queen Toothbrush” performed the first significant vocal part. This performance was accompanied by the Variety Symphony Orchestra of Ukrainian Radio and Television. Polina Nyatko and Nikolai Yakovchenko became partners in the performance . From 1969 to 1973, the future performer attended a fine arts studio.

In 1974, Irina graduated from music school number 5. There she already took up writing songs. Three of them were recorded on the radio in 1977. In the period 1974 - 1980 in the ensemble "Rhythm" Irina was engaged in ballroom dancing.

She was a participant in international competitions in class A. After graduating from school in 1976, the future star sang in the pop orchestra of I. Gass, led dance clubs for children, worked as accompanist, typist and secretary.

The future singer was trained at the University of Marxism-Leninism, which operated under the Kiev city committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine. She studied from 1976 to 1978 at the Faculty of Ethics and Aesthetics and which she graduated with honors.

In 1979, she became a student at the Karpenko-Kary Kiev State Institute of Theater Arts. Irina graduated from this educational institution in 1983. She studied at the course of Mikhail Karasev.


Irina Shvedova songs

In 2010, Irina Shvedova was the author of music for the song “I Love Forever,” which became the anthem of the “Festival of Pregnant Women” held in Moscow. Poems for this composition were written by A. Shvedov and S. Dzhigurda. In 2011, Irina Shvedova wrote music for the song “Our Victory”. Poems for this composition were written by Nikolai Bandurin.

For the first time, a song in the author's performance could be heard on Moscow City Day, as part of a concert held on Red Square. In 2012, the singer created and performed the song “Let go” for the film “Reflection” with Olga Pogodina in the title role.

On the stage of the Kiev Ukrainian Drama Theater . Franco embodied the image of Tatiana in the production of "Wild Angel". In addition, she played in the performances Golden Chick, Reportage, Matchmaking on Goncharovka, Two Hares, Cyrano de Bergerac, Cat Leopold’s Birthday, Serenade of the Sun Valley, Queen of Hollywood .

Since 2015, the actress has been collaborating with the Moscow Drama Theater Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. On this stage she played in the performances “Theater. Eternal Love ”,“ Twelve Months ”,“ New Year's Adventure ”,“ The White Crow ”,“ Vaux de Ville ”. In 2017, viewers saw Irina’s author’s solo performance entitled “The Soul Preserves.”


Irina Shvedova White

Irina Shvedova released a solo work entitled “The Witch”. It can also be heard in the following albums: "The White Waltz", "Over the City", "The White Crow". Irina Shvedova’s video collection “America the Hometeller” was published in 1999. In 2009, the performer pleased the audience with an album with the ensemble "Stargorod".

Interesting Facts

Irina Shvedova America Razvitnitsa

The song "America the Separator", performed by Irina Shvedova, led various charts in the nineties and sounds in the film "The Muslim". Since 2002, the singer has been engaged in directing productions of various musical performances in the city of Podolsk, at the Center for Children's Creativity under the name "Blue Bird".

She staged the performances "The Last Veteran", "The Little Mermaid", "Thumbelina". Since 2010, Irina has starred in TV shows and movies: the film "Reflection", the series "The Case of Doctors" and "Before the Court", a project called "Don't Lie to Me."

In 2011, as a producer, she worked on the exhibition of the artist Anatoly Shinkarchuk. In 2017, the artist’s performance in the Kremlin “30 years on stage” was held. The performance was attended by Anatoly Rykunov, Felix Tsarikati, Valery Semin, Levon Oganezov.

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