The oil pressure lamp blinks: causes and solutions

Engine oil pressure. Is it necessary to explain what role this process plays. But nevertheless, thanks to the oil pressure, there is an engine resource! And so: there is no pressure - there is no resource ... And each time the motor compartment cover is lifted, the motorist pays attention to the state of the oil (level, cleanliness, viscosity).

An internal combustion engine is a complex unit that incorporates many details of rotation, rolling, sliding, etc. When working with all these compounds, in an environment of high temperatures and dynamic loads, constant, plentiful lubrication is required. For her, oil channels are connected to the most important nodes, through which oil flows under pressure. Lubrication is supplied to all engine components thanks to the oil pump.

The butterdish blinks: reasons

Why is the oil pressure light blinking? There can be many reasons, but not so much that they cannot be captured by consciousness. But a very important point is, in what order, these reasons are lined up in your head! The speed of troubleshooting, and the amount of "losing weight" of your wallet, depends on this.

So, the oil pressure light blinks. First of all, you must immediately turn off the engine. Raise the hood. Wait ten minutes, allowing oil to drain into the crankcase. Check the oil level: according to the engine manual, it should be in the middle (but a little higher), between the Min marks. and Max. If the oil indicator is normal, you need to calmly think about the possible causes of the blinking of the oil pressure bulb.

What could be the reasons:

  • Oil level.

  • The quality of the lubricant.

  • Loss of oil through gaskets and seals.

  • The pressure sensor jams.

  • Wiring oil pressure sensor.

  • Oil filter.

  • Pump.

So far, these reasons are the most accessible for clarification, and if they are not responsible for the fact that the oil pressure light is blinking, then the matter takes a serious turn.

To begin, consider the methods for finding out these causes and how to eliminate them.

Method for correctly checking the engine oil level

why does the oil pressure light blink

There are rules for checking the engine oil level:

  • Tracking is carried out strictly on a horizontal platform.
  • The oil level is checked at a temperature below normal heating of the engine mode (allow to cool slightly).
Prior oil pressure lamp blinks

There are foreign-made engines where the oil level can be checked both for “hot” and “cold”. In this case, the manufacturer provides labels "cold" and "hot", respectively.

Below normal

The minimum oil pressure in a healthy engine system is: 0.7 - 0.8 atm. at idle, and 3 - 4.5 atm. on power. If during the test the level turned out to be lower than it should be, this may be the reason for the pressure drop, due to "oil starvation". In this case, you need to find out the cause of the level drop, there may be several.

It is necessary to carefully examine all the joints, for the presence of oil leakage. Pay particular attention to:

  • oil filter mounting location;
  • pressure sensor;
  • places of installation of epiploons;
  • places of attachment of covers (front and rear), along the perimeters of valve cover and crankcase installations.

Also check for the presence of leakage in the front lower part of the gearbox; the oil leak in this place indicates the failure of the rear crankshaft oil seal. It is necessary to add oil to an average level. If, after starting the engine, the blinking of the light bulb has stopped, you can get to the nearest diagnostic site and, if necessary, repair.

Level above normal

Well, what if the oil level is above normal? Here the reasons should be sought in a different direction. Most likely, the viscosity of the lubricant will also be lower than that provided for the operation of the engine. So what could be the reason?

One of the probable reasons is the ingress of cooling fluid into the oil system due to the burnt out of jumpers in the gasket, between the valve head and the engine block. The liquid from the cooling system through a burnt place enters the crankcase. A mixture of coolant and oil is formed, the viscosity of which instantly drops, as a result of which the oil pump cannot create the necessary pressure. Also due to cracks and microcracks that appear as a result of engine overheating.

The use of low-quality fuel can lead to the same result. Not completely burning in the combustion chamber, it enters the crankcase through leaks in the piston rings.

There is another possibility of fuel entering the crankcase: from the cavity of the fuel pump. The cause may be a failure of the membrane.

The likelihood that rubber seals will collapse and the system is leaky is high when replacing mineral oil with its synthetic analogue or vice versa. Different brands of oils vary in temperature resistance. For example, at low temperatures it becomes highly viscous, at high temperatures it becomes too liquid. We should not forget about the existence of oils made in violation of technical conditions. When choosing a lubricant, you need to carefully study all of its characteristics.

If the oil pressure lamp blinks at idle, check the true value of the oil pressure.

Oil pressure check

oil check tester

Checking the oil pressure is carried out to determine its true value on a scale, and for one serviceability or failure of the sensor. This requires a pressure gauge with an oil-resistant hose connected, at the end of which a threaded fitting with a diameter equal to the diameter of the sensor thread. The indicated sensor is twisted and a fitting with a pressure gauge hose is inserted in its place. Then the engine starts.

First, the pressure is measured at idle, then at medium speed, recording the readings of each mode. If the pressure parameters are normal, but the lamp blinks at idle, you have to sin on the sensor. To eliminate doubts, the state of the contacts in the electrical circuit is checked, and, if necessary, the oil sensor is changed.

Checking the oil filter

the oil pressure lamp at rpm blinks

Next, proceed to check the oil filter. It is possible that a foreign object (metal shavings, debris, etc.) gets under the shut-off valve, which prevents it from closing. As a result, when the engine is stopped, grease from the filter flows into the crankcase. At the subsequent start-up, the oil pressure lamp blinks at idle until a filter is filled again. There may also be clogging of the filter itself, which prevents the creation of sufficient pressure.

Oil pump

VAZ oil pump

With prolonged use, there is an increase in the gap between the gears and the pump housing. High production on the working surfaces of the oil pump and plus clogging of the oil receiver grid can cause the oil pressure lamp to blink.

But do not forget about one more point: the spline connection of the oil drive with the stem of the oil pump. Generation in this connection may cause the oil actuator to rotate relative to the stem under load. The "breakdown" of the splined joint will be the result of this rotation, and the signal is the blinking of the oil pressure bulb at revs, and often its continuous burning.

Gas distribution and crank mechanisms

Well, now to the most serious and extensive reason, from which it begins to buzz in the head, and the above reasons are not put in anything in comparison with this.

Lubrication system

This is the wear of the liners on the camshaft pillow and on the necks of the crankshaft, the wear of the oil scraper rings on the piston group, the development of the walls of the cylinders, etc.

All of the above applies in general to our VAZ-classics and the question of what to do if the oil pressure lamp blinks on the VAZ, an exhaustive answer is given. But there is one small addition regarding Priors.

“Unsuccessful wind” “Prior”

The Priora engine is no different from any super-revolutionary innovation, and all the "sores" regarding "oil starvation" are also inherent in it. But as we know, the motor is perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the car. Due to the geometric configuration of the engine compartment, the jets of the incoming air flow round the engine in such a way that sometimes they create an extra "headache".

Quite often you can hear that the “oil pressure” lamp blinks on the “Priora” due to the fact that dirt (snow, rain) has got on the sensor. In such cases, it is enough to clean it of dirt and wipe it dry. It makes sense to make a protective shield of the sensor.

Peugeot oil pressure light blinks

Fans of the "French" also "did not pass this cup." But a couple more links are built into the chain of reasons: in the oil filter there is a plastic partition in the form of a cross, which often breaks and a chip closes the valve, creating "oil starvation".

peugeot pump

Another reason may be incorrect operation of the solenoid (electromagnetic) valve for adjusting oil pressure. Often the sealing sleeve fails, which is located at the entrance to the cylinder block body of the electrical wiring, suitable for the solenoid valve. Due to the loss of elasticity of this part, oil is leaking at the place of its installation.

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