What is in the political sphere? General concepts

According to one version, the term “politics” came from the ancient Greek phrase “state activity”, which perfectly (but not fully) conveys the meaning of this word. And in Greek, “poly” means many, “tokos” means interest. Therefore, the "plurality of interests", which is also important for the interpretation of this word.

Key policy areas

Thus, firstly, politics is the activity of state bodies. It reflects the economic model and structure of society. What is in the political sphere directly? Economics, national and social relations, security of the state and its citizens, demographic issues. The policy determines the directions that must be followed, while leaving acceptable freedom of action. Explains why the tasks set by the state and society are necessary. Directs actions related to their implementation.

Art arts

No wonder in ancient times, politics was called the art of managing other arts. An experienced figure can often achieve what is desired with a minimum of losses. To reconcile the warring parties, taking into account the interests of the state, society, a certain party. Politics are created by both social movements and state structures. This is a struggle for power, and subsequently - actions to preserve and hold it. As a rule, in society there is no complete unity of opinions and actions. The task of politics is to combine it, to come up with solutions that satisfy certain groups of people, both narrow and broad.

main policy areas

What else is in the scope of politics?

It is designed to guarantee the rights and freedoms of the individual, to regulate social interests, to ensure the mobilization of various types of social activities, to involve individuals and groups in the life of the country. What is in the political sphere? This usually refers to what is associated with social movements, and with government agencies, and with political parties (their diverse multi-purpose activities). Thus, virtually any problem falling into this sphere of attention can be considered political.

what is in the scope of politics

To the question: “What is included in the sphere of politics?” - one can answer in a different way. This is a whole world, rich and diverse, represented by various sciences and arts (for example, the art of making speeches or the science of sociology), political institutions and social groups, diverse parties and government. All of the above interacts and moves, following certain laws of society and the state, developing new necessary laws and rules of public life. And all this can be called in one word - "politics"!

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