Menstruation delay is considered a cycle failure for more than five days. If your menstruation goes astray for a shorter period, then you should not worry.
The reasons for the failure of the cycle are many. In this article we will consider the most popular problems that explain why there may be a delay in menstruation. But first, we recommend that you consult a gynecologist, as this may be a signal of any disease. But be sure to remember, if you have a delay of 2 months, then this does not mean anything, and there are no failures in your body.
Why can there be a delay in menstruation? Common reasons
Pregnancy. Enough reason for the delay, as a result of which you can only purchase the test. If the result is negative, then you should familiarize yourself with the following points.
The formation of the menstrual cycle. At an early stage, menstruation does not occur on a schedule, and during this period it is considered normal if the cycle goes wrong.
Anovulatory cycle. Ovulation in a woman does not occur every month, as a result of which a serious menstruation failure can occur, but there is nothing to worry about.
Stress is also a popular cause of delay, and failure can last more than one month. To eliminate the problem, it is necessary to exclude negative emotions.
Physical exercise. Excessive and sharp passion for sports is also a stress for the body. Often the reaction becomes a failure of the menstrual cycle.
Lack / excess of body weight, a sharp restriction of nutrition and vice versa - this is what is associated with the delay of menstruation. Sometimes everything is quite simple. Do not starve yourself and do not overeat, as both extremes lead to hormonal failure, and not only.
Adapting to changes in the environment. This can happen if you went on vacation to another country where the climate is radically different from the usual.
Lactation period. After childbirth, the cycle recovers slowly. In particular, if you are breast-feeding, then your period may not be several months. Monthly recovery usually ends by the year of the baby.
But these are not all reasons, as a result of which we continue to answer the question of why there may be a delay in menstruation.
Medical reasons
Polycystic ovary is one of the types of disorders in the functioning of the ovaries and other organs.
Ovarian dysfunction. Doctors often abuse this diagnosis only after hearing a complaint about a monthly delay of 5.6.7 days. Literally, this means that there are any malfunctions of the ovaries, but there are incredibly many reasons for this.
Gynecological diseases and inflammation of the pelvic organs. This category includes inflammation of the tubes, appendages, and uterus.
Medical abortion or emergency contraception. These drugs often lead to a delay in menstruation and a serious failure of the cycle.
Termination of pregnancy for natural reasons. This phenomenon, unfortunately, is quite common and not all women can determine that they were pregnant. Outwardly, everything looks like a delay in menstruation, and then the onset of the cycle.
Premenopausal changes. Each woman begins a period when biological changes in the body begin. One of the harbingers is the delay of menstruation.
Of course, when answering the question of why there may be a delay in menstruation, it is worth noting that there are many more reasons than in this article.