How to draw eyebrows with a pencil

The shape of the eyebrows plays an important role in creating the perfect look that almost any woman wants. Many women decide for themselves what the shape of the eyebrows will be, but not everyone thinks that by making it wrong, you can easily visually add yourself a few years, make your face look sad or strict. Therefore, it is better to learn how to draw eyebrows correctly, and only then do it. This article will help you with this.

how to draw eyebrows

Why do many girls still prefer to draw the shape of eyebrows? This is because not everyone trusts new modern methods such as permanent makeup and prefer to do makeup daily. Since this is the choice, how to draw the eyebrows correctly, if the appropriate tool is not selected?

What are the tools to create a beautiful shape of eyebrows? Of course, a pencil. But, besides him, the shape of the eyebrows can be corrected with the help of shadows, mascara, persistent paint. However, pencil is the most simple and popular tool, which is approved and preferred by many women. What should be a pencil?

Choosing the perfect pencil:

1. You do not need to buy a pencil, but a special one, specifically for eyebrows. That is, those that are recommended for the eyes will not work, because they are too soft.

2. The degree of softness of the pencil can be selected to your liking. Someone will prefer to use a solid lead, while someone will prefer a softer one.

sable eyebrows

3. Before use, sharpen the pencil sharply. There are also mechanical pencils: they do not need sharpening, however, they end faster than usual. If the pencil is soft and impossible to sharpen, then you should hold it in the refrigerator before that. Its base will harden, and no further problems will arise.

4. It is good if there is a brush to comb the eyebrows at the end of the pencil.

Nevertheless, not all ladies know how to draw eyebrows with such an ideal pencil correctly, and negate all its advantages.

How to draw eyebrows beautifully with a pencil?

  1. Before applying makeup, you should take a closer look - is eyebrow shape correction necessary? The most ideal, "sable" eyebrows are wide at the base, slightly raised in the middle or gradually tapering to the tips.
  2. First rule: you do not need to draw lines, but separate hairs. Just such a make-up will look natural. If the eyebrows need to be made longer or the gaps in the hairs painted over, then thin strokes should be put with a pencil in the direction of hair growth.
  3. When the shape does not need to be adjusted and you just need to add brightness, it’s better to comb the eyebrows with a special brush, tint the roots and put the hairs back in place.
  4. To make the makeup as natural as possible, you can apply
    draw eyebrows
    not one, but two pencils, which will be in different shades, but of the same color. Using a light shade, short strokes are drawn from the base of the eyebrows to the tip. Dark shade - for small strokes along the lower border of the eyebrows.
  5. After applying makeup, eyebrows should be combed.

If the eyebrows are tinted beautifully and correctly, then they give the face expressiveness. Therefore, knowledge of how to draw eyebrows with a pencil is very important for every woman who wants to always be beautiful.

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