The values ​​of the runic characters in fortune telling

If you think that runes are a simple ancient alphabet, you are very mistaken. Simple symbols cannot be called ordinary signs: it is a whole magical system with which you can guess by opening the gates of the future. Runes are a powerful adviser. They will not only suggest a way out of a difficult situation, but also help to attract love, success, prosperity and health into your life. A person who wants to use them must understand: each symbol is a whole stream of energy, which will take more than one week to learn. But by revealing the existing channels and understanding the meaning of each sign, you will be able to understand the interpretation and meaning of the runic symbols, photos and pictures with their image will convey to you a deep content that does not lend itself to verbal interpretation.

Rune action

With their help, you can call higher forces and ask them for a hint to solve certain problems, remove obstacles or improve your lifestyle. The meanings of the runic symbols need to be known only with complete silence, being focused, attentive and open. This is not a game, but a whole art that requires full dedication and close interaction. Even our ancient ancestors used runes, considering them sacred. As Orthodox Christians revere the icons, so the Gentiles respected these symbols. People believed that they connect them with the higher world, extraterrestrial forces.

runic character values
Our ancestors claimed: the calmer and more careful you are with the runes, the more interesting and reliable answers you get from them. Signs require a ritual atmosphere, an intimate, sensual, soulful state. In this case, the meaning of the runic symbols in fortune-telling will open to you on a large scale. There is an opinion that runes need to be made independently: every day, one at a time. It is unhurried work that will give you the opportunity to fully experience the secret message of the sign, its semantic meaning, meaning. Making is reminiscent of the process of giving birth to a child: you see a body that over time will acquire a character, a behavior pattern. Runes never offer themselves to man. A connection with a magic instrument is established only when you live by them, think about them and know how to sincerely thank you for your work.

Fehu, Gebo, Eyvaz and Mannaz

The interpretation and meaning of the runic symbols will be correct if you are able to activate them. To do this, squeeze your right hand into the tube and let out a stream of air through it to the symbol - so you breathe life into it, a piece of your soul.

Fleece Fehu always indicates wealth, wealth, profit. It can be interpreted as a monetary reward, a major purchase, well-invested investments, fertility, career advancement. In a figurative sense, it indicates the renewal of friendships, the fulfillment of desires, the implementation of plans. Together with the runes of Gebo and Berkano, she says that you will derive income through personal relationships.

Rune Gebo - a sign of love, friendship and creativity. She indicates that soon in your life the long-awaited period of partnership will begin: it can be a profitable cooperation with a long-time friend, lover, colleague. The symbol also warns that it is not necessary to make these relations close and strong: successful partnership is possible only between free people. Gebo is the main rune, which indicates sexual attraction. In the inverted sense, it becomes negative and indicates weakness, miscalculations, and even insanity.

the meaning of the Slavic runic symbols

Rune Eyvaz (Ayvis) predicts obstacles on your way. Calls to learn expectation and patience. You must demand the protection and assistance of a higher power, since obstacles can only be overcome with the help of a strong patron. The meanings of runic symbols in magic are often contradictory. And Gebo is no exception. At the same time, it means the internal struggle of man, which will certainly lead to rebirth.

Rune Mannaz (Mannas) symbolizes the human race, society. In literal meaning, this is a man, his intellect, inner "I". He says that at this stage you need to listen to your inner voice. Be sure to listen to the opinions of loved ones: they will help you open your eyes to things that you did not notice. Now is the time to show moderation and modesty.

Uruz, Wunyo, Perth and Lagus

Runa Uruz (Urus) says that a new stage has begun in life. No need to be afraid of him: change does not always portend problems. Life is an eternal movement, do not interfere with it freely circulate. Artificially created obstacles will not be able to stop the novelty that will soon collapse on the head. The downpour that washes away everything old is the way to interpret the signs of the rune. The meaning of the runic signs hints at a deep dark bottom: you need to dive into it only in order to successfully push off and rush as high as possible.

Runa Vunyo is a symbol of hope, joy, rebirth, delight and energy. Finally, the black streak is over - a ray of light burst into your life. In the near future, bright events and happy moments await you. She is the patroness of travelers, so feel free to take her on the road for protection.

Runa Perth recalls that all the secret sooner or later becomes apparent. Perhaps you will find out the secret, discover the truth, expose the betrayal. It can also indicate a pleasant surprise, a major surprise or a solid win.

Runa Laguz (Lagus) is the patroness of sailors. Its main meaning is forebodings, fantasy, imagination. Trust your intuition - it will lead you to victory, give fulfillment of desires and well-being. Now you need to cast aside all doubts. Your task is maximum trust.

Turisaz, Hagall, Algiz, Otala

Runa Turisaz (Turisas) is a powerful sign. In interpreting it, the secret meaning of the rune must be taken into account: the meaning of the runic symbols, and channels. This is a sign of a rather critical situation in life that requires you to immediately resolve. Focus and take control. The symbol calls for a decisive step, invites to active action.

Runa Hagalaz indicates destruction, collapse, loss. The course of events can take an unexpected turn, destroying your achievements, breaking plans and making impossible beginnings. Do not lose heart. Everything that is done is for the better. Negativity will change you: nurtures iron will, stamina, determination. At the current stage of destruction, they are necessary to stimulate internal growth and development.

the meaning of runic symbols in fortune telling

Runa Algiz can become a powerful amulet. It protects from troubles and at the same time indicates, when divining, that you are under powerful guardianship. Even if troubles and catastrophes will happen very close, they will not affect you. The values ​​of the runic symbols in this case also indicate new acquaintances, good prospects. There will be an opportunity to change your fate for the better.

Rune Otala (Odal) at the same time foreshadows rejection and acquisition. You need to stop for a moment, dust off the boots - get rid of old problems, wrong decisions, missed chances. Forget the old - something new awaits you. This rune is very positive, it hints that blue blood flows in your veins, your family is respected, the tree is noble.

Ansuz, Nautiz, Soulou, Evaz

Rune Ansuz (Ansus) portends the acquisition. She is very positive for your position: social, family, friendly. Analyzing the runes and the meaning of the runic symbols, we conclude that Ansuz indicates good news, a gift, the unexpected appearance of an old comrade. You need to carefully monitor what is happening. Any little thing - a piece of sleep, a conversation in transport, an article in a newspaper - will be the clue that will lead to success.

Rune Nautiz (Naudis), on the contrary, is a harbinger of retardation, limitations. Now progress and growth are impossible, you feel because of this devastation and longing. The main thing at this stage is not to throw out anger and despair on people around. Any incontinence will provoke sad consequences. Remember: you can keep losses to a minimum.

interpretation and meaning of runic symbols

Runa Soulou points to the colossal energy that lies within you. Breaking out, she can change the course of events. Often, the meanings of runic symbols are associated with their image: Soul is drawn in the form of lightning, so in real life it also indicates a flash, insight, a brilliant blow. It portends the unleashing of potential, the revival of enthusiasm and the emergence of creative plans. However, it can ruin if you have developed a desire for power and pronounced narcissism.

Runa Evaz (Aivos) - a sign of luck. Take the bull by the horns: any action will bring success now. This is a time of triumph, triumph, well-deserved stay on the laurels. But any idleness can be severely punished: skimming the cream, do not forget to think about the future and continue to make plans. The stars are on your side.

Raido, Isa, Teyvaz, Inguz

Runa Raido indicates a journey in the literal and figurative sense. It can be a trip, a path, a movement. Or spiritual development, fulfillment of the plan, the process of translating dreams into reality. In any case, Raido is progress. All roads are open before you, so go ahead without delay. Be sure to trust the course of events, not to panic and not to doubt.

Runa Isa scares many people. The short meaning of the runic symbols does not always need to be interpreted literally. Isa is interpreted as death. But this does not mean that someone is sure to die. Perhaps the symbol indicates a halt in your development, characterizes unrealized plans. It can also be interpreted as a small timeout before promising growth and further advancement in life.

Runa Teivaz (Tivaz), on the contrary, is interpreted as victory, adventure, battle, justice and will. This is the main male symbol that says: everything that happens is truth. Your current life is a special period: now you need to achieve your goals, solve complex problems. If a woman has rune, then a strong man will soon appear in her life. She also indicates gambling, passion and risk.

Runa Inguz (Ingus) symbolizes the arrival of the time that will give success. Now you succeed: you can get out of the constrained position and spread your wings. Throw away everything old from life - make room for new events. Do not draw your past experiences and emotions into the future. It's time to start a new phase.

Kenaz, Hyeres, Berkano, Dagaz

Runa Kenaz (Kano) - creativity, unlocking potential, energy flow. Now you are more active than ever. The symbol says that at last you will find answers to all questions, reveal the secret, clarify the incomprehensible. Like other meanings of runic symbols, Kano can indicate a barrier or barrier that obscures life. Now it’s better to get around the obstacle: give up overwork tasks. Instead, relax and reveal yourself.

Rune Hyere (Hyere) - time to harvest. This applies not only to farmers, but also to people of any profession, occupation, all spheres of life. If you invested money - wait for the profits, made an offer to the girl - get ready for the wedding. The rune also indicates the improvement of your affairs, promotion, the signing of a serious contract.

Slavic runes meaning and scope

Runa Berkano is associated with fertility. Therefore, she predicts marriage or the birth of a child. You will feel good: physical, spiritual and emotional. Now you are protected by higher powers. Peace and harmony have come in life. A positive outcome threatens any undertaking, and ideas flourish. But be careful: if you are doing something, make every effort, do not be lousy and do not be lazy.

Runa Dagaz is a dawn, sunrise, the beginning of the day. Interpreted as vigor, surge of strength, prosperity. Finally, your efforts are rewarded: the holiday has come to the house. On the other hand, the rune advises to change the gloom into the light: if before that you led the wrong lifestyle, now is the time to change everything for the better.

The meaning of the Slavic runic symbols

In contrast to the Scandinavian signs, there are a total of 18. Slavic runes, the meaning and scope of which have been studied by our distant ancestors, help to know fate and protect themselves from dark forces. They are named after the names of pagan gods and various phenomena. For example, the rune Belobog (painted as Algiz) means peace and harmony. Heralds patronage and guardianship. If her image is upside down, there is another rune in front of you - Chernobog. She portends a mess and confusion. Often it is used in amulets to destroy old ties. The rune Alatyr is similar to the Scandinavian Nautiz, only the stick on the left side is directed not up, but down. It represents the balance of good and evil, designed to streamline chaos.

signs runes meaning runic signs
The significance of the runic symbols of the Slavs is given in honor of many vital and natural phenomena. The Rainbow Rune (depicted as Raido) is the path to balance, the search for harmony. Used in talismans to fulfill dreams. Rune Need (mirror image of the Alatyr sign) carries constraint, prohibition, threat. It does not allow a person to develop, move towards a goal. But Krada (mirror image of Nautiz) is a symbol of energy. An excellent amulet for the realization of desires and the fulfillment of the plan. Treba (an analogue of Teyvaz) indicates sacrifice, bestowal. Gives a person what he wants, but in return takes much more. Rune Strength (painted as the Russian letter "and") - a sign of power, power. Directs towards the goal, gives energy. This is the rune of warriors. The symbol is similar to the Scandinavian signs Fehu and Ansuz. Here are just two strips of it located in another place - on the left, below. She is considered the embodiment of life, natural forces, gives energy and activity. Fleece Wind, painted in the form of a house, indicates a creative impulse. Helps revive muse and inspiration.

The meaning of the Slavic runic symbols is often associated with men or women. For example, Bereginya, a mirror image of the Slavic sign Yes, is a purely girlish rune. She symbolizes motherhood, protects babies, pregnant women, gives the young lady beauty and sexuality. The oud, similar to the Latin letter h, is a male symbol. It gives the representatives of the stronger sex health, protects their energy field. The Slavic rune Lelya, an analogue of the symbol Laguz, is the embodiment of purity, joy. Attracts success, gives foreboding. Rune Rock, drawn in the form of the letter "g", shows the way. This is a sign of fate, fatum. Rune Prop is depicted as a wand crossed out by two lines; he is demonstrating support. It is a powerful amulet for solving problems and overcoming difficulties. Dazhdbog (the same Turisaz) is a sign of wealth, it helps to get rich, to attract money. But Perun, painted as the Russian letter β€œp,” helps a lot to get things off the ground, to attract change. Rune Source - an analogue of Isa. Has the same image and meaning.

Runograms to attract love and wealth

By combining the values ​​of the runic symbols, you will create a powerful amulet for yourself. The main thing is to draw the runes in the order in which they are submitted in runograms:

  • Preserving the family, building relationships and reviving the passion: Berkano, Kenaz, Soulo, Vunyo, Inguz.
  • Elimination of rivals, the challenge of sympathy, the emergence of relations: Uruz, Turisaz, Kenaz, Gebo, Vunyo, Berkano, Inguz.
  • Amorous victories and establishing intimate relationships: Teivaz, Gebo, Ingus.
  • Formation of a stable financial position: Raido, Fehu, Otala.
  • Elimination of obstacles in career and business: Teyvaz, Fehu, Soulo.

runes and the meaning of runic symbols and channels
Just be careful with the Soulo rune. When used improperly, it causes a person's greed, thirst for unnecessary leadership and unhealthy egoism.

Runograms to attract health and good luck

These combinations will help make the body strong and resilient. And they will bring success and happiness to your head. For these purposes, there are such runograms:

  • Quick recovery, development of immunity, maintenance of sexual desire: Teyvaz, Dagaz, Uruz.
  • Increasing stamina, unlocking physical potential, attracting energy and activity: Kenaz, Uruz, Inguz.
  • Elimination of obstacles, overcoming obstacles: Dagaz, Tayvaz, Fehu.
  • Search for a single right direction, fulfillment of plans, achievement of goals: Kenaz, Fehu, Vunyo.

The meaning of the runic symbols in fortune telling will help you open the curtain over the future, and a correctly composed runogram will become a powerful amulet to achieve the most cherished dream.

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