The custom of consecration of temples came to Christianity from the Old Testament, where the Lord himself established a special rite, special ceremonies and necessary rites. Orthodox Christian churches are always blessed in honor of any holy or Christian holiday. The celebration of a patronal or temple festival is performed with special solemnity, even during strict fasting. Many churches are dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ, angels and saints. But with special love in Russia they always treated the Virgin, as the Heavenly Mother of all people and an assistant in troubles and sorrows.
Mother of God churches in Russia
From time immemorial, the Blessed Virgin Mary was revered by the Orthodox people, which was manifested in the variety of its icon-painting images - not a single saint has such a number and variety of icons. Church chants glorify the Mother of God above all heavenly angelic ranks. The Russian people attach particular importance to many theotokos holidays, thereby emphasizing their significance in the Christian life. In a sign of love for the Virgin, in honor of Her icons, many Russian churches and chapels are consecrated.
The icons of the Mother of God “All-Tsaritsa” are distinguished by special love and reverence among the people. Among other images, they are preferred in connection with the great healing power transmitted by the Queen of Heaven herself.
Icons of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa"
The miraculous Mother of God icons reflect moments from Her earthly life, as well as miracles revealed by Her after the Holy Assumption. The main earthly ministry of the Mother of God consisted in Her giving birth to the Lord Jesus Christ, therefore, the Mother of God on icons is predominantly depicted with the baby Jesus Christ in her arms. The Christian world knows such miraculous images of the Virgin as Kazan, Vladimir, Tikhvin, Iverskaya and others.
The Blessed Virgin Mary has always shown the power of her intercession through various icons, thereby supporting and saving many believers in difficult times of life. One of these miraculous images is the icon of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa" ("Pantanassa"). Other options for translating the Greek word "Pantanassa" are "All Mistress" or "Almighty."
The history of the icon "All Tsaritsa
The history of the appearance of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God “The Tsaritsa” dates back to the 17th century. According to the legend of Mount Athos Joseph Hesychast, the Mother of God through her icon saved one young man who was engaged in witchcraft and sorcery from error. The first miracle of the Blessed Virgin Mary, revealed through Her image “The Tsaritsa”, occurred as follows.
Intending to test the effectiveness of his magic, a young man came to the Vatopedi monastery on Mount Athos and began to practice before the holy image of the Virgin. At that moment, the face of the Virgin Mary shone with a bright lightning-fast light, and the young man was thrown aside by an invisible force. Having come to his senses, the young man with tears of repentance came to the monastery old man, confessing his sin and promising to leave the evil witchcraft classes. After performing this miracle, the young man accepted monasticism, remaining for obedience on the holy Mount Athos. So the holy image of the "Tsaritsa" became famous, showing an example of the great miraculous power.
Later believing Christians began to celebrate the help of the Virgin in the healing of various tumor diseases, including malignant ones, better known as cancerous tumors. It is known that this disease is practically not cured with the help of medical intervention. Even in the XVII century, Christians began to notice that after a fervent prayer brought to the Virgin before the holy image of Pantanassa, many patients received miraculous healing. Since that time, the icon became known throughout the world, and icon painters began to make exact copies and lists from a miraculous image.
Temple of the Icon of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa" in Moscow
In Moscow, at the 2nd Botkinsky proezd, 3, is located the Oncology Research Institute, which is the Russian leader in the development of various methods of treating cancer patients. Local scientific workers strive to achieve the maximum effect in the fight against cancerous tumors, their work is aimed at developing the most gentle methods of treating oncology.
There is an Orthodox church at the institute, consecrated in honor of the Mother of God icon "The Tsaritsa". It is open daily for everyone from 8:00 to 19:00, the day off is Sunday. The rector of the church is the abbot of Novospassky Monastery - Abbot Paisiy (Yurkov). There is a library at the temple where you can take a variety of Orthodox literature for reading. Also on all floors of the institute building there are prayer corners in which Orthodox icons are located.
Miraculous lists of the icon of the Virgin "The Tsaritsa"
In many Russian churches there are icons of the Mother of God “The Tsaritsa” (“Pantanassa”). Believing Christians pray before them for healing from various bodily and spiritual ailments. In the churches of the capital there are also miraculous lists (copies) of the Athos icon “Healer”, which constantly reveal various miracles to the Christian world.
Church of All Saints
In 1995, with the blessing of the governor of the Vatopedi Athos Monastery, Archimandrite Ephraim, a canonical list of the icon of the Mother of God “The Tsaritsa” was made. After the icon was delivered to the children's oncology center (located on Kashirskoye Shosse), healings started flowing from this holy image: the condition of many cancer patients improved, cases of getting rid of drug addiction, etc. were noted.
On the feast of the Nativity of the Virgin, this miraculous list began myrrh-streaming - several large fragrant oil drops appeared on a dry wooden icon board. On the feast of the Introduction, the appearance of the world was again revealed on the icon.
The miraculous icon of the Mother of God “The Tsaritsa” repeatedly showed the great power of healing - she became known as an assistant for cancer. Also, prayer in front of the icon helped get rid of the effects of evil spirits and alcohol addiction. Currently, the icon is in the Moscow All Saints Church (In Krasnoselsky Lane). The church regularly reads the Akathist to the icon of the Mother of God “The Tsaritsa”. Many Orthodox come to the Virgin with a prayer and a request for various healings. Various miracles performed through the prayer of suffering Christians were also repeatedly noted.
Temple of the Martyr Tatiana
In 2005, parishioners of the house church of the Holy Martyr Tatiana (Moscow State University named after Lomonosov) brought as a gift a list of the miraculous icon "The Tsaritsa" brought from a pilgrimage to Mount Athos. Here on Tuesdays an akathist is celebrated with the icon of the Mother of God “The Tsaritsa”, and everyone who wishes to worship the holy image is invited to worship.
Novospassky Monastery
One of the most revered Orthodox images is the “Tsaritsa” - an icon of the Mother of God. Moscow has become the focus of the miraculous shrines of Orthodoxy, a great number of miraculous icons and lists have been collected in the capital city. The Novospassky Monastery contains a list of Greek miraculous icons brought here in 1997. Since 2000, the icon began to be myrrh-streaming, and cancer healing has been repeatedly noted. Before the image, a daily service is performed with the reading of an akathist to the Theotokos.
Cancer Prayer
When the first symptoms of cancer appear, doctors advise to conduct an early diagnosis, and if the diagnosis is confirmed, immediately proceed to treatment. Modern medicine has a sufficient arsenal of methods and tools to combat this ailment.
But it should be remembered that success in curing this disease depends on how timely the diagnosis was made. Often, sick people despair and lose hope of recovery, so it is very important that spiritual support for the sick person be given along with medical treatment.
Often, to receive spiritual comfort, Orthodox clergymen advise to pray in front of the icon of the Mother of God “The Tsaritsa”. Cases were repeatedly noted when the patient, after performing deep and sincere prayers in front of the Icon of the Virgin, received miraculous healing from the disease, and the tumor disappeared. There have also been cases when many hopeless patients who were preparing for an imminent death received the spiritual comfort and peace that is so necessary in a serious condition.
Such a result was given by deep faith in God's help and pure prayer. The Icon of the Mother of God “The Tsaritsa” helped many times in the healing of not only oncological diseases, but also in other vitally difficult circumstances. Therefore, you should learn how to always come to the Virgin with a warm and sincere prayer in a difficult moment - the Heavenly Patroness will certainly hear a sincere request and send the necessary comfort.