Prayer to St. Helena: what and how to pray to the Queen

The life of St. Helena resembles the tale of Cinderella. The future queen of Constantinople came from a simple family, her father owned a "visiting yard" - the prototype of a modern hotel. Once a passing nobleman noted a beautiful but modest girl and asked her to become his wife. Elena answered Constance in return. Soon a couple was born to the spouses, named Constantine. In the III-IV centuries, when Elena lived, the emperor Diocletian ruled, dividing the Roman Empire into parts, one of which passed to Constance.

But Constance needed a political union to strengthen his position. The man decided to marry again Theodore - the stepdaughter of Emperor Maximinus, the predecessor of Diocletian. Helen was sent away from the imperial court for a long 15 years.

Emperor Constantine and St. Helena

Elena was not discouraged, she was a Christian and received any sorrow from the Lord with thanks. The link ended after the death of her husband. The title was inherited by the son of Elena - Konstantin, and he returned his mother to the court. The Romans fell in love with the queen for her good disposition and chastity. The church recalls the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Helena in the spring - March 19 and in the summer - June 3. The Orthodox queen is known for her pilgrimage to Palestine, where the acquisition of the Life-giving Cross took place, on which Jesus Christ was crucified. Helen is called the Apostle , because under her Roman Empire stopped persecuting Christians and was illuminated by the light of Orthodoxy.

Finding the Life-Giving Cross

The cross, which served as an instrument for the salvation of mankind, was covered with earth along with the place of execution. Instead of Calvary, pagan temples now rose. Emperor Constantine, raised by a Christian mother, really wanted to find a shrine. Elena went to Jerusalem, armed with a letter to the Patriarch of Jerusalem, Macarius, the emperor himself could not leave the throne, even for a short time. The queen commanded to destroy the idols and cleanse Calvary.

Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Tsarina Elena

After praying, they began excavations and soon found three crosses. To find the right one, the Patriarch applied them all in turn to the deceased. As soon as the cross of the Savior was laid on the deceased, he came to life. The church celebrates this significant event in the spring, March 19.

Prayer Saint Helena

The Tsarina during her life endured many sorrows, was in exile, survived treason. But she kept faith in difficult circumstances. Therefore, the grieving and unhappy turn to her. And they will certainly help the prayer to St. Helena, which sounds like this:

About the kingdom and all the holy kingdom, the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Helen! To you, a warm intercessor, we offer our unworthy prayers, as they told them to be bold to the Lord. Ask Him for the peace of the Church and the whole world for welfare, wisdom for the leaders, pastoral care for the flock, flocks of humility, elders longed for peace, fortress for men, goodness wives, purity for virgins, obedience to children, Christian healing, warring reconciliation, offended patience, offending the fear of God. Coming to this temple and praying in it is a holy blessing and all who ask us all useful, let us praise and sing the Benefactor of all God in the Trinity, praise the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever. Amen.

When a person despairs, you need to read the prayer of St. Helena. What does the Orthodox queen help:

  • in career advancement;
  • in a political career;
  • in improving well-being;
  • in conflict resolution;
  • in strengthening in the Orthodox faith.

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