Perseverance is ... How to develop determination and perseverance?

Persistence is a character trait that is common to all successful people. Indeed, to be honest, without this internal quality, they simply could not have achieved their current situation. But what exactly do people mean by stubbornness? Why do some have this trait, while others do not? And is it possible to develop perseverance in oneself, if from birth nature did not reward them?

tenacity is

What is perseverance?

Perseverance is a special character trait due to which a person does not give up under the influence of certain factors and does not give in to difficulties and obstacles. In this case, one important point should be taken into account: in this context, we are referring to just the same temporary troubles or setbacks. For example, perseverance is when a traveler tired to half death continues to go to the designated goal. Or when a programmer, not sparing his own strength, spends one hour after another, finalizing the binary code of the program.

I mean, perseverance - this is the force that allows you to win in cases where all circumstances indicate otherwise. That is why this character trait is so necessary for those who strive to become better than others. Indeed, only relying on one’s own persistence and willpower, a person can conquer the peaks.

persistence in achieving a goal

Perseverance and stubbornness: what is the difference?

Unfortunately, few people are able to see the fine line that distinguishes perseverance from stubbornness. However, if the first trait makes people better, the second, on the contrary, can lead them to collapse. And therefore, let's look at the fundamental differences between these two concepts.

So, perseverance is something similar to purposefulness. For example, a person has outlined a certain goal and is trying to achieve it by all possible means. At the same time, he soberly assesses the chances of success, planning his every move.

As for stubbornness, it is rather caused by an emotional impulse, rather than judiciousness or sanity. It is because of this character trait that a person does not give up, even in cases where there is no chance of success. But! In such a situation, he is guided by an irresistible desire to win, acting like a child in a candy store.

tenacity and stubbornness

How to cultivate perseverance and determination?

Now, we think, everyone understands why perseverance in achieving the goal is needed . But how to cultivate this trait in yourself?

To begin with, this is a very difficult path, which not everyone is capable of going through. But the prize awaiting in the end is worth such an effort. So, here are some tips that can increase your determination and perseverance:

  1. Learn to set yourself the right goals. On the one hand, they should be ambitious, and on the other, quite doable.
  2. In this case, initially it is better to focus on small tasks that can be completed in a few weeks. By doing this, you will feel the joy of victory, which will serve as a good motivation in the future.
  3. Be prepared for defeat - they are an integral part of this path. However, do not be upset about them. Think of mistakes as a way to gain new experience and try not to step on the same rake several times.
  4. Never leave a business you have started halfway, even if this goal is no longer a priority.
  5. Ultimately, get yourself a diary. It will help you plan your time wisely, and it will also prove that your life is changing for the better.

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