Two-contact light bulb. Scope, varieties. Which to use: LED or with filament

Incandescent lamps with two contacts are widely used in automotive and motor vehicles. However, many car owners do not understand why a two-pin bulb is needed and what role it plays in the headlight.

Application area

The rear lamp of the car can simultaneously play the role of the side light and the brake light. Outwardly, it looks like this: if the side lights or dipped headlights are turned on, then the section in the lamp at the back is highlighted in red. When you press the brake pedal, the section starts to shine much brighter.

The fact is that a two-contact light bulb consists of two spirals. The first is responsible for the dimensions and does not glow very brightly. The second thread lights up when you press the brake pedal and lights up quite brightly. If one of the threads burned out or shook, then, accordingly, the section with the side light or the stop signal will not work.

2 threads in the lamp

This type of backlight can also be found in direction indicators on American cars. In them, the role of the side light and the turn signal is performed by one orange lamp.

A two-contact bulb can also be installed in the headlamps and perform the tasks of a navigation light or a conventional marker lamp when the dipped or main beam is turned on.

Varieties of lamps

On sale, there are often different versions of lamps. The main difference may be the base or version:

  • classic metal base;
  • baseless execution;
  • two-pin LED bulbs with or without base.

When replacing a burned out lamp, one should take into account the structural features of the cartridge or refer to the instructions. A win-win option will be the preliminary removal of the burnt out part and a trip to the store with a sample in hand.

Lamps with white and orange glass

LED options are able to give a brighter glow, while the service life of a quality product can be increased up to 10,000 hours of continuous operation or up to 10 years. For comparison: a two-contact light bulb with a filament can last no more than 1000 hours, which is approximately equal to 1-2 years.

When buying a lamp in LED design, it is important to understand that most German cars simply refuse to work with it, giving a malfunction error in the on-board computer. The point is resistance, which can be very different from the native part. You can only β€œcheat” the on-board system of a car with a lamp with a built-in driver that provides the necessary parameters for full-fledged operation.

What lamps are better to install in a car or motorcycle?

The best solution would be to use those lamps that were originally installed at the factory. The fact is that the design of optics implies a certain type of lamp and the direction of illumination.

For many reasons, LEDs have directional light, and an incandescent lamp scatters light rays around itself. The optics for a standard lamp are arranged in such a way that a special reflector collects all the rays and directs them towards the glass of the lamp. In the case of installing an LED in such a headlamp, the glow can be dim and pointy - full lighting of the entire unit reserved for the marker light cannot be achieved. For such a violation, you can even get a fine from the traffic police.

LED lamp

If the car was originally used LEDs, then you should buy only original lamps built using the same technology. Then the optics will work in the correct mode, without creating problems for other participants in the movement. Diode lamps for cars installed at the factory, in most cases, are designed for the entire life of the car and do not require replacement.

Which firms are worth paying attention to?

It’s not worth saving on lamps. A poor-quality product may require replacement within a week or even burn out during installation and inspection.

2-pin lamp

When choosing, it is worth paying attention to well-known manufacturers:

  • Hella;
  • Osram;
  • Philips
  • IPF
  • Koito;
  • MTF.

Products from these manufacturers meet all the requirements and will work throughout the declared service life. Also, branded lamps meet the declared characteristics for power and will not lead to melting of the inside of the cartridge and headlamp.

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