The social network "VKontakte" with its appearance brought a lot of innovations into our lives. We began to communicate more, watch news, have fun in the browser games “VKontakte” and many others. Do not forget about the important and significant thing that makes social networks the way we know them - these are communities. They can be of various directions, which attracts more and more audiences. This article will discuss what MDK is and why everyone loves this community, as well as the similarity of its name to a disciplinary subject.
What are VKontakte communities?
Communities are special pages on which certain content is posted. Each group or community should be narrowly specialized, and a sharp change of subject holds promise by blocking. These are the rules, but this has its plus - a person can always rely on one or more groups and communities, where he will certainly find the desired content.
People by nature are quite constant, so not everyone will like it if the community about animals abruptly begins to lay out musical compositions on their page. This is what makes VKontakte a unique social network that differs from others in its atmosphere and charm.
The “MDK” community has just such charm, which is why the question of what “MDK” is is not only for VKontakte users, but also for ordinary readers of the global Internet network around the world. Let's talk about this in more detail.
A few words about what is "MDK VKontakte"
This group is quite well-known in the Russian segment for its black jokes, or to be more precise, the “memes”, which were formerly called “photojacks”. Nothing lasts forever, like the name of old concepts. Theme, oddly enough, the "MDK" is humorous. The community was founded back in 2011, after which it literally experienced more events that could once and for all close the community, and bring the creators to justice for extremism.
In 2015, the creators were threatened with criminal liability for extremism in their "memes." We are talking about the published picture, which laughed at the death of the popular pop singer Zhanna Friske. The publicity of the case was given by the television program Let Let They Speak, which invited the creators of the community and many celebrities of Russia. Also, Joseph Kobzon, who wished for death to those who laughed at the “meme,” could not hold back his opinion.
After all these events, VKontakte and Rospotrebnadzor blocked MDK for the Russian segment of users. However, the community exists to this day, it is not difficult to find. Almost every fifth user of the aforementioned social network is his reader, so among friends there will certainly be at least one with “MDK” in the list of groups. If there is a “black” sense of humor and a desire to understand the trends, then this is the most suitable content in the whole Runet.
What is it - the subject of MDK?
By definition, MDK is a special interdisciplinary course. Every year, reforms in the education system make it possible to make the process of training new personnel more flexible and reasonable for the country than previous teaching methods. MDK is a global practice that promotes not only the creation of more qualified employees, but also increases the number of people able to work in various fields, while having only one education.
An excellent example is a discipline called “MDK: Programming in Computer Systems”, because after graduating from college, a person not only knows how to understand computers, programming, but is also a fully qualified accountant. It is this approach that the MDK is considered to be.
The question also arises about what it is - MDK 01.01. In the process of training, each profession has its own interdisciplinary courses. For example, builders may have an MDK called “Organization of installation works and control of industrial equipment”. And within the framework of this curriculum, the subject will be indicated by the indicated index.
Should I create my own VKontakte community?
The opinions of many experts agree that this type of activity is most suitable for those people who want and can invest their souls in something, while receiving a lot of money for distributing advertising records in their community.
The bottom line is to create interesting and engaging content that people will come to and use it themselves. An example of a successful community can be MDK, because one of its authors at the time of creation was an ordinary student, now he is a businessman: he has about 20 VKontakte groups that bring him considerable cash income.
We hope that this article on the topic “What is“ MDK? ”Enriched your knowledge of the modern media field, because by law all communities that have reached the number of 3,000 subscribers are mass media. Recall also that the "MDK" at the moment there are more than 8.5 million readers.