Date cake: step-by-step description of the recipe with photos, ingredients, cooking features

Mistresses who like to pamper their family with sweet pastries, but are used to monitoring the calorie content of the products used, will like the date cake recipe.

To prepare this gentle dessert, you will need a very small set of products, a little time and a good mood. There are several recipes for this tender cake, let's try to figure out which tastes better.

About the benefits of fruit dough

Pieces of dates

In order to make homemade cakes more healthy and dietary, you can use a dough with a high fruit content. This simple technique will help to use less sugar in baking, while maintaining the favorite taste of the dessert.

Professional chefs advise replacing sugar with slices of chopped fruit (or even fruit puree) in a 1: 1 ratio. This is especially true for dates, because the sugar content in ripe fruits is 60-70%. In addition, the fruits of dates contain a lot of dietary fiber, and there is also iron and vitamin B6 necessary for the body.

Cake with dates and condensed milk

Date cake with condensed milk

Probably, this is the most simple recipe for a date cake in the oven with a photo. For a dessert of two cakes you will need:

  • Dates (preferably not very dry) - 350 g.
  • Flour - about 2 cups.
  • Sugar - 1 cup (the amount can be reduced).
  • Butter - 300 g
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pieces.
  • Soda is about a teaspoon.
  • Jar of condensed milk.
  • The juice of half a lemon.

First you need to prepare the ingredients for the test: remove the seeds from the dates, pour the dried fruits with hot water and leave for about half an hour. Then the remaining water will need to be drained, and the dates cut into large pieces.

Melt about 100 g butter in a water bath, add eggs, chopped dates and sugar. Mix everything thoroughly.

Soda needs to be repaid with lemon juice (you can use vinegar, but the smell of lemon will be more pleasant). Add slaked soda to the dough and mix again. Proper dough should resemble sour cream.

Divide the dough for the date cake into two equal parts and bake two cakes at a temperature of 180-200 degrees. This will take approximately 20 minutes. Check for readiness and let cool.

While the cakes are cooling, prepare the cream. For it, you need to whip the remaining butter with condensed milk.

The cooled cake should be covered with cream, then decorate the top of the cake and its sides. Then leave it to soak for several hours.

Brew delicious tea. Bon Appetit!

Date cream cake with sour cream

Cake with dates and sour cream cream

For those who prefer desserts with a more delicate, creamy taste, you can offer a slightly modified recipe. Such a cake will turn out to be tasty and satisfying, and besides, it can be stored for a long time in the refrigerator. Although you do not have to store it for a long time!

Cake cakes can be prepared as for the previous recipe. Tip: sugar will be added to the cream, so you can take it less for dough. You can divide the dough not into two, but into three parts, then the cake will soak faster.

For the cream you will need:

  • Fat sour cream (at least 25%) - 300 g.
  • Butter - 200 g.
  • Half a glass of sugar

Melt the cream oil, but do not heat. Mix sour cream, butter and sugar and beat until smooth.

Generously coat the cooled cakes with cream, apply a layer of cream on top. If desired, the top of the date cake can be decorated with whole pitted dates and cream patterns made using a pastry bag.

Cake with dates and cherries

Date cake with cherry

For those who prefer the taste of natural fruits, you can make a date cake with cherries. For the preparation of this delicious dessert, sugar is practically not used, fructose contained in dates is enough. And those who are not enough, sugar can replace honey. As you can see in the photo, the date cake can be decorated with cherry berries, syrup and cream patterns.

The ingredients for the test are the same as in the previous recipes. To make the cake more even, you can bake one cake, let it cool and cut lengthwise into two equal parts. Baked cake is very tender and slightly moist, so you need to cut it gently.

For cream you will need:

  • Soft cream cheese (Philadelphia is quite suitable) - 200 g.
  • Powdered Sugar - 50 g.
  • Seedless cherries - about 200 g.
  • Cherry juice - 4 tablespoons.
  • Melted butter - 20 g.

For cream, you need to beat powdered sugar, butter and cream cheese until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Add about half the berries of the cherry and beat again. Close the container with cream wrap and leave in the refrigerator for about half an hour.

We begin to collect the date cake. Each cake needs to be saturated with cherry juice. Then grease the cake with about 1/3 of the cream, put the cherry on top and add another cream to cover the berries.

Put the second cake on top and press down a little on all sides. Spread the remaining cream evenly on top and on the sides of the cake.

Chocolate Fans

Date cake with chocolate

For those who love a combination of dates and chocolate, you can offer another interesting recipe for a date cake with a photo. You can even pamper yourself with this dessert in the hot summer, because you don’t need to bake it.

For a chocolate date cake with berries you will need:

  • Peeled Walnuts - 360 g
  • Pitted dates - 250 g (170 g for dough and 80 g for glaze).
  • Cocoa powder - 100 g (60 g for dough and 40 g for glaze).
  • Avocado - 120 g.
  • Agave Syrup - 60 ml.
  • Fresh raspberries - about 1 cup.
  • Seasonal berries to taste - 150 g.

First you need to cook the dough. To do this, use a blender to grind nuts into powder, add cocoa and dates. Stir until smooth. Then divide the dough into two equal parts, wrap in cling film and put in the refrigerator.

For the glaze, you need to beat the dates, avocados, agave syrup and cocoa powder until the glaze becomes homogeneous. Grate the berries separately, if desired, you can add a little honey.

To form a date cake with berries, you will need a form with split sides. At the bottom, evenly distribute half the dough, grease the top with icing and lay out a layer of grated berries. Gently place the second layer of dough on top. Press a little, remove the form and distribute the remaining icing over the entire surface of the cake.

Cake "Oriental Beauty"

Cake "Oriental Beauty"

If you want a delicious date cake, but there is no desire to soak it with high-calorie cream, this recipe is great.

It will take quite a few ingredients:

  • Vegetable oil - 1 cup.
  • Sugar - 1 cup.
  • Pitted dates - 100 g.
  • Flour - 1.5 cups.
  • Hot water - 1 cup.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Cinnamon and vanillin - 0.5 teaspoon each.
  • Baking powder for dough (baking powder is better, but slaked soda is also possible).

Pour dates with hot water and leave to soften for about half an hour.

Beat eggs, butter, sugar, vanilla and baking powder for dough. Add cinnamon and flour. Flour should be introduced gradually until the dough becomes like thick sour cream.

It is good to use a silicone mold, it is easy to get pastries out of it without damaging it. At the bottom of the form, put an even layer of dates, pour dough. Bake in the oven for about 40 minutes.

This recipe is designed for 5-6 servings of a delicious aromatic dessert.

Date Dough Cupcakes

Cake with dates and condensed milk

Based on the date test, you can cook not only cakes. Pretty quickly, you can bake muffins or muffins with pieces of dates. In this case, it’s good to add some raisins and walnuts to the cake dough.

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