How to clear karma

Translated from Sanskrit, “karma” means “action”, in Orthodoxy, “sin” corresponds to this concept. Understanding the meaning of karma improves one's life.

The influence of our actions on the present and future was noted by our ancestors. Moreover, the actions of not only this life, but also of all past are important. The load brought by a person from past lives has its own name - tribal karma. It is she who determines the conditions for the birth of a person: the country, the well-being of the family, the relationship in it, the degree of talent. The worse you lived in your past incarnations, the more difficult it will be for you. But the point is not to punish a person, but to give an opportunity to purify karma.

Therefore, the main purpose of our life is the atonement of sins. In a place where souls fall after death, this is not possible, since it is our world that is a kind of Christian purgatory. If the soul has few sins, then the person will be born rich and beautiful, and he, in addition to the goal not to spoil the karma, will also have other tasks. For this reason, demand from these people is much stricter than from others.

How to clean karma

Imagine that karma is a fluid flowing through several pipes into a certain vessel - let's call it a vessel of karma. For a reason unknown to us, the soul, coming into this world, forgets about its original task and begins to develop a new one. The experience acquired by a person in the framework of his current life can be conditionally called the accumulated karma. Its level in the vessel greatly affects the course of a person’s life: we can say that a caretaker or, if you like, a guardian angel, who carefully monitors the vessel of karma and quickly responds to changes, is encouraged to do good things and punish bad ones .

Coming into this world, we attach too much importance to material values, completely forgetting that the main issue of our existence is how to purify karma. We strive for success, power, money, pay much attention to talents and skills, completely losing sight of the fact that the world is much deeper and more multifaceted. We idealize what surrounds us. In order to reveal “idealization,” you need to imagine your life without something dear — for example, without recognition. If life without any phenomenon seems gray and meaningless, then you idealize it. And what happens if a child plays with his favorite toy instead of preparing homework? That's right - the toy is taken away. To begin with, the caretaker will select luck, and if you do not pay any attention to it, it can destroy all your undertakings.

Fortunately, our karmic vessel has pipes not only supplying, but also removing, therefore negative experience can be eliminated. So how to clear karma?

First of all, it is necessary to block the pipes through which liquid enters the vessel: that is, look for idealizations and change their attitude. To do this, it’s good to keep a self-observation diary: it will help to systematize the positive experience, and the answer to the question of how to clear karma will appear much more clear.

To begin with, imagine a world without these important phenomena for you - it’s much better to learn to attach less importance to them than to lose them altogether. Develop the ability to make deliberate actions: learn charity, empathy, engage in charity. This can also include manifestations of altruism, the desire to disseminate knowledge.

Any negative act leads to the accumulation of negative karma, and if you harm any person, then in the next lives you will have obligations to him.

Each person has one or another talent, it can manifest itself in different ways - in plumbing or library work, the ability to treat or cook. Talent is a gift from above, and if you have been awarded some kind of talent, make every effort to use it for the benefit of people. If you have a craving for any activity - devote your life to it, this will not only give you pleasure, but also remove the question of how to clear karma from the first positions. Doing what you love, not only reduces the negative experience, but also makes a person happy, makes his life easier.

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