The gap between the teeth: causes and methods of elimination

What is the gap between the teeth? Someone considers it a dental pathology, someone aesthetic defect, and someone is a nice feature. Madonna, Vanessa Paradis, Ornella Muti, Alla Pugacheva, Konstantin Raiki - there are many celebrities who managed to turn this defect into a highlight. Do I need to get rid of it and how to do it?

The gap between the teeth: what is it

To begin with, it’s worth understanding what it is. Dentists call the gap between the teeth a diastema. From Greek, this term is translated as “distance”, “gap. This defect to one degree or another is present in almost every fifth inhabitant of our planet.

gap between front teeth

The diastema is an abnormally large gap between the central lower or upper incisors. Slit sizes can range from one to ten millimeters. The most common crevices within two to six millimeters.

Do I need to get rid of her

To correctly answer this question, you need to understand what kind of diastema is involved. It can be true and false.

  • Should I somehow deal with the gap between the teeth of the child? In children with milk teeth, a false diastema is often found. After their change, she can go on her own.
  • The true diastema is the one that appeared after the formation of the bite and the change of milk teeth. The visible gap will not disappear on its own. Its owner may encounter malocclusion, impaired diction, and dental problems. Also, for many people, the gap becomes the cause of complexes. Therefore, you should definitely get rid of the true diastema.


How to remove the gap between the teeth? The main goal of correcting the diastema is to achieve the most even alignment of the central incisors. This process can take several years or fit into one or two procedures. It all depends on the complexity of the problem, as well as the age of the person.

gap between teeth

Currently, the following methods of combating diastema are popular:

  • braces;
  • records;
  • mouthguards;
  • veneers;
  • lumineers;
  • crowns;
  • implants
  • cosmetic correction;
  • art restoration;
  • surgical plastics.

Each method deserves more detailed consideration.

Method number 1. Braces

What method of correction of diastema has been invariably popular for many years? How to eliminate the gap between the teeth? Braces are a fixed orthodontic design, the wearing of which allows you to give the incisors the correct position and align the dentition. It is fixed on the inside or outside of the teeth, it is almost impossible to notice.

bridging the gap between the teeth with braces

Braces are an ideal choice for correcting diastema up to 16 years. At this age, the bone tissue of the jaw still does not have time to form. Unfortunately, this method may not help adult patients. It cannot be ruled out that the incisors will return to their original position after removal of the orthodontic structure.

Wearing braces does not pose a health hazard to the patient. However, this method has certain disadvantages. Duration of wearing can be up to three years. During this period, you will have to pay maximum attention to the care of the oral cavity. Braces must not be removed until the end of treatment.

Method number 2. Records

How to remove the gap between the teeth? You can deal with this problem with the help of plates. We are talking about a removable orthopedic design, which has many similarities with braces. Wearing it helps the problematic incisors to move in the right direction and take the right position.

This method is used when correction of diastema in a child under 12 years is required. At this age, the position of the teeth and bone tissue of the jaw lend themselves well to correction. The plates also do not pose a threat to the body. The main advantage of the method is that they can be removed. Unfortunately, we can hardly cope with significant defects with the help of plates.

Method number 3. Mouthguards

What method helps to get rid of the gap between the teeth in adults and children? Kappa - removable orthodontic design, the use of which is gaining momentum in recent years. These are original "covers" intended for putting on teeth. Mouthguards are made using 3D technology.

how to eliminate the gap between the teeth

What are such "covers" capable of? The mouthguards exert pressure on the problematic incisors, forcing them to move in the desired direction. Elimination of diastema is achieved through their successive replacement.

Mouthguards are almost indistinguishable on the teeth, they are allowed to be removed. The main disadvantage of such “covers” is the high cost.

Method number 4. Veneers

What if there is a gap between the teeth? Veneers are another way to deal with this defect. They are a kind of facing material, which is intended for the outer surface of problem teeth. Installing veneers makes it possible to close the gap in the truest sense of the word.

gaps between teeth with veneers

This diastema correction method has many advantages. Veneers are made from reliable materials and are available in various colors. They are absolutely invisible on the dentition, do not cause an allergic reaction. However, this method has certain disadvantages. Veneers do not allow to solve the problem once and for all, so as not to come back to it. Their service life does not exceed ten years, after its expiration replacement is required. Also, before installing these products, grinding of the cutters is performed. There are a number of limitations that make veneers not available to all people.

Method number 5. Lumineers

What other effective ways to eliminate gaps between the teeth? Lumineers - an orthopedic pad that resembles veneers in many ways. It is fixed on the outer surface of the central incisors, completely closes the crevice.

Lumineers are better than veneers when compared in terms of aesthetic indicators. With such an overlay it is easy to find a sparkling Hollywood smile. Its service life is an average of 20 years; no grinding is required before installation. Of the shortcomings, the presence of contraindications should be noted. Lumineers, unfortunately, are not suitable for all people.

Method number 6. Crowns

How can I close the gap between the teeth? Crowns are able to cope with this task. We are talking about fixed orthopedic structures that completely cover the incisor. Various materials are used to make crowns. For example, it can be ceramics, plastic, metal.

With crowns, you can quickly achieve the desired result. They pose absolutely no threat to health. It is also worth noting that these products cannot be distinguished on the dentition. The average life of crowns is from ten to twenty years. They can be installed on damaged teeth, if the percentage of damage does not exceed 60.

Of course, this method also has disadvantages. The main one is that before installing the crowns, it is necessary to sharpen the teeth.

Method number 7. Implants

Is it possible to remove the gap between the front teeth? It is easy to solve this problem with the help of implants. They are fixed orthopedic structures that are intended for prosthetics, the absence of which led to the formation of diastema.

bridging the gap between the teeth with an implant

How does this happen? The implant is introduced into the bone jaw tissue, replaces the dental roots. This makes it possible to fully restore the aesthetics and functionality of the crown of the problematic incisor.

The method has both advantages and disadvantages. The implant may have a long or life span. Its installation allows you to quickly achieve the desired result. The product does not pose any threat to the human body, imperceptibly on the dentition. Among the shortcomings, the presence of contraindications and the need for postoperative observation should be noted.

Method number 8. Cosmetic correction

What other methods exist to combat the gap between the front teeth? With minor diastema, cosmetic correction comes to the rescue. The procedure involves applying a small seal to the gap between the incisors. As a result, the problem is visually resolved.

is it possible to get rid of the gap between the teeth

Cosmetic correction does not pose a health hazard, with its help you can quickly achieve the desired result. Speaking about the advantages of this method, one cannot but note the affordable cost of the procedure and the absence of contraindications.

There are certain disadvantages. Cosmetic correction allows you to solve the problem only temporarily. The average life of a seal is five to seven years. Gradually, it begins to change color, which negatively affects the appearance of the dentition. There is also the likelihood of caries incisors developing at the junction. Finally, a person will have to control the load on the front teeth. This causes certain inconvenience while eating.

Method number 9. Art restoration

How to close the gap between the front teeth? Art restoration will also help to cope with this problem. This method, unlike cosmetic correction, ensures long-term preservation of the result. It involves the extension of the tissue of the anterior teeth using composite materials. Products harden under the influence of an ultraviolet lamp, give the impression of a tight closure of the incisors. Such materials look natural, they are invisible.

Art restoration has many advantages. With its help, it is possible to quickly achieve the desired result. The procedure poses no threat to health, and there are no contraindications. The main disadvantage is that a person must reduce the load on the front teeth, as is the case with cosmetic correction.

Method number 10. Surgical Surgery

How else can you eliminate the gap between the teeth? Surgery may be required to solve this problem. This is true if the formation of a diastema is associated with an incorrect position of the frenulum of the lips, which does not allow the incisors to close. Such a defect is congenital.

Plastic bridle will help to cope with this drawback. As a result, the distance between the front teeth will be reduced, they will occupy the correct position.

The method has pros and cons. The procedure poses no threat to health, is painless and effective. The main disadvantage is the duration of treatment, which can take several years. Also, after surgery, it may be necessary to wear orthodontic structures.

The effectiveness of the operation depends on the age of the patient. The sooner the incorrect location of the bridle is diagnosed, the easier it will be to cope with this problem. The best result is surgery at the age of five to eight years. Bridle plastic surgery will lead to an independent closure of the incisors; the need for wearing orthopedic structures will not arise. Adult patients will have to wear mouth guards, plates or braces for some time after surgery.


How much does it cost to remove the gap between the teeth? The answer to this question directly depends on which method of eliminating the diastema is chosen by the patient.

  • Available. Surgical plastics, art restoration, cosmetic correction are the methods that involve the least cost. The cost of the most expensive of these procedures (artistic restoration) starts on average from 10,000 rubles.
  • Medium. This category includes braces, records, lumineers and veneers. The cost of such treatment is on average between 20,000 rubles.
  • Expensive. How much does an implant cost? It depends on what material the product is made of. If a person wants to eliminate the diastema by implantation, he will need to spend 30,000 rubles on it.
  • Very expensive. Kappa is the most expensive way to deal with cleft teeth. The cost of wearing them starts on average from 130,000 rubles.

Diastema between the front teeth

What else do you need to know? Why is the gap between the front teeth formed? The following reasons are possible:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • improper position of the frenum of the lips;
  • pronounced interdental papillae;
  • late change of primary teeth;
  • complete or partial absence of teeth due to improper formation of the dentofacial system;
  • slow growth of central incisors;
  • gum pathology;
  • abnormal arrangement of teeth;
  • supercomplete teeth ;
  • injuries
  • bad habits (sucking, gnawing).

At home

There is a misconception that you can eliminate the gap between the teeth without going to the clinic. In this regard, some people are trying to cope with the problem at home. Bandaging the front teeth with a thread in an attempt to bring them closer to each other leads to unpleasant consequences. The unnatural position of the incisors, the incorrect formation of the jaw, the unsteadiness of the dentition, the development of periodontitis and caries are just a few of them.

You can’t try to eliminate the diastema yourself. To cope with this task is possible only with the help of specialists who will select the best treatment methods.


Many people believe that it is not necessary to eliminate the gap between the teeth. Of course, in this case, each person makes his own decision. However, one should keep in mind the possible consequences of such a choice:

  • malocclusion;
  • violation of the aesthetics of the dentition;
  • problems with diction;
  • the development of periodontitis and caries;
  • various dental problems.

It is also worth considering that even an insignificant diastema over time can grow to such a size that its correction will become a necessity. Finally, it should be noted that the cleft for many people becomes a source of psychological experiences.

Preventative measures

How to avoid the appearance of a cleft between the teeth? It is very easy to prevent the formation of diastema if it is not a hereditary predisposition. To do this, it is enough to pay enough attention to oral hygiene, as well as abandon bad habits. In addition, do not forget about the need to regularly visit the dentist, follow all his recommendations.

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