The gameplay is greatly simplified if you connect a gamepad to the computer. This is especially true of "console" games - those for which the control was originally "sharpened" under the joysticks. Usually in this case, using the keyboard and mouse is not very convenient. Therefore, we will further find out how to connect the joystick to the PS3 to the computer. Is there such an opportunity for modern users? What difficulties can inexperienced users encounter? Understand all this and not only we will try below.
Activation option
Can I connect a PS3 joystick to a computer? This question is asked by many gamers.
The thing is that, ideally, you need to use "native" gamepads on computers. Today, on the shelves you can find many joysticks adapted for Windows and specially designed for this. This is the simplest solution, during the implementation of which there will be a minimum of problems.
But if you wish, you can connect the joystick from the PS3 to the computer. It is proposed to do this in different ways, so all possible options will be presented below. There are not many of them, but you will have to try to achieve the desired result.
What to prepare
Let's start with a little preparation. Without it, coping with the task will be problematic.
To connect the PS3 joystick to a computer (via USB or Bluetooth), you will need:
- gamepad
- a set of drivers;
- joystick emulator (to configure it);
- Bluetooth adapter or USB cable.
As practice shows, there are usually no problems with preparation. Unless when searching for emulators and drivers. Everything else should be complete with a gamepad.
Now everything is ready for further work. How to connect a joystick to a PS3 to a computer? First, we’ll use a wired connection. It is used most often.
To do this, you need to follow these steps:
- Insert the USB cable into the gaming device and connect it to the USB port of the computer.
- Press the power button on the connected device.
- Launch the MotionJoy program and go to the DriverManager section.
- Mark the driver of the selected gamepad with a tick. To do this, click on the designated field near the corresponding signature with the mouse cursor.
- Click on the inscription Load Driver.
- Go to the "Profiles" section, and then click on the "Select Van Mod" button.
- Set a mark near the inscription "Custom". This action will identify the used gamepad as the main device.
That's all. Now you can configure the device control for yourself. It’s better to do this before checking the Custom box.
Wireless connection
How to connect a joystick to a PS3 to a computer? The next popular trick is using a wireless connection. In our case, we are talking about bluetooth.
Step by step, this procedure can be imagined as follows:
- Insert the bluetooth adapter into the computer. Usually it comes with a gamepad.
- Connect Bluetooth to PC.
- Repeat the steps above.
- Open the section "Bluetooth" - "Bluetooth".
- Find the desired device for playing without a mouse and keyboard in the menu that appears.
- Mark the corresponding device and press the Pair Now button.
If everything is done correctly, the device should vibrate. This is a sign that the joystick is connected to the computer. Now it can be used without any problems.
Dual Shock 3 and connectivity
How to connect a joystick to a PS3 to a computer? Separately, the activation of "Dual Shock 3" should be highlighted. In this case, you have to try pretty hard.
The algorithm for connecting the "Dual Shock 3" gamepad is as follows:
- Download and install USB Siaxis, PPJoy, BtSix.
- Activate Bluetooth Dongle.
- Update the Dongle driver using FreeBT USB.
- Launch "PPJoy" and click on the "Gamepad Configuration" button.
- Add a new virtual device.
- Set the device control buttons to your taste.
Now you can configure the connection. Let's start with USB. In this case, you need:
- Insert the cord into the gaming device and into the computer.
- Open BtSix and click on the "Address" control.
That's all. You can control the game with the joystick. What about a wireless connection?
In such circumstances, it is necessary:
- Connect the Bluetooth Dongle module.
- Go to the BTsiks.
- Clamp the large central button on the gaming device connected to the PC.
If everything is done correctly, the gamepad will start working without fail. Now it’s clear how to connect the joystick to the PS3 to the computer. If you follow the instructions and update the hardware drivers on time, there will be no failures.
Important: if you can’t cope with the task, you can try to connect a special gamepad for Windows to the computer.