Insulation "Izover": characteristics

Isover is a heater whose technical characteristics make it possible to judge it as one of the most effective materials to date. It has a very wide scope. It is made of fiberglass and comes in the form of slabs and mats convenient for installation. Use it both for isolation of small private houses, and high-rise buildings or industrial buildings. Also, this type of insulation is very well suited for protection against cold water pipes and other household communication systems.

How is it made

So, what is the Isover insulation? The characteristics of any insulating material depend, first of all, on how accurately the required technologies will be observed during its production. Isover insulation is made as follows:

  • Quartz sand, cullet, limestone, soda ash and other minerals are thoroughly mixed beforehand .
  • The resulting mixture is melted at a temperature of 1300 g. until a uniform flowing plastic mass is obtained.
  • In a special installation, this liquid glass is fed from a great height onto a bowl rotating with great speed, in the walls of which there are small holes. Under the action of centrifugal force, the hot mass is squeezed out in the form of long thin threads.
  • The fibers are mixed with yellow polymer adhesive.
  • The resulting sticky mass is fed into a special furnace, where it is rolled between steel shafts and blown with hot air. As a result, the glue seizes, and the layer itself is leveled.
  • Finished glass wool enters under the circular saws for cutting into plates of the required size.

isover characteristics

Material advantages

The advantages of the insulation "Izover" (whose characteristics will be discussed below) include primarily:

  • simplicity in installation;
  • low degree of thermal conductivity;
  • high degree of fire resistance;
  • universality;
  • light weight;
  • excellent soundproof qualities;
  • low cost.

isover specifications

Insulation Disadvantages

Of course, like any other building material, Izover slabs also have certain disadvantages. These include:

  • dubious environmental safety;
  • the need to use workwear during installation.

All fibrous materials, including Izover (whose characteristics are otherwise very good), absorb water well, which is why they lose a significant part of their heat-preserving qualities.

Scope of application

The manufacturers of Izover recommend using this material for:

  • insulation of the walls of panel houses ;
  • heat and sound insulation of internal partitions;
  • insulation of the walls of stone and wooden houses in an insulating cake;
  • wall cladding from the inside;
  • insulation of floors both above and below;
  • insulation of roofs in houses with residential attics and attics;
  • winding pipes of communications.

Foundations are usually insulated with polystyrene foam. When using "Izover" for this purpose, it is necessary to additionally arrange very high-quality waterproofing.

Isover insulation specifications

Izover: characteristics

Of course, before choosing this material for home insulation, you should find out what specific properties it has. There are several varieties of the Isover isolator. According to the characteristics, they all differ slightly. Materials of this brand are produced with different indicators of density and thermal conductivity.

Insulation "Izover Classic" characteristics, for example, has the following:

Coef. thermal conductivity

At 25 gr. - 0,041 W / mK At 10 gr. - 0.038 W / mK


About 15 kg / m 3

Fire resistance


Water absorption

per day no more - 0.08 kg / m


1220 mm


6150 mm


50 mm

This type of insulation Isover is currently the most popular. Other types of insulators of this brand have good qualities.

Isover is supplied, the characteristics of which, therefore, make it possible to judge it as a really effective insulation, in panels and mats convenient for installation.

Mounting Features

characteristics of isover

The frame under the "Isover" can be assembled both from a wooden bursa and from a metal profile. The distance between the individual elements of the crate should be slightly smaller than the width of the insulation boards. This allows you to set them by surprise.

Of course, Izover, the technical characteristics of which we have described, must be protected from moisture when used as a heat or sound insulator. In order to prevent it from getting wet, vapor and waterproofing films are used. When assembling a wall or roof pie in this case, a certain order of installation of materials is followed. The vapor barrier is mounted on the inside. Due to temperature differences, humidity in rooms and attics is usually higher than on the street. Therefore, condensation forms on the walls and ceiling. The use of a vapor barrier prevents it from entering the insulation. A waterproofing film is mounted outside . It protects Izover from getting wet during rain or snowmelt.

Additional fasteners when installing the plates, as already mentioned, are not used. They are necessary only when installing the material on the ceiling. In order to completely eliminate their loss, in this case, special dowels - “fungi” are used.

insulation isover characteristics

Since the material is capable, even in small quantities, of releasing substances harmful to human health, when installing it from inside the premises, the tightness of all seams of the finish should be carefully monitored.


isover classic specifications

"Isover" - a heater, the technical characteristics of which we examined above - is classified into several popular types. In private housing construction, as already mentioned, the most commonly used material is “Classic”, marked with the letter “K”. He, in turn, is divided into:

  • "Izover KL 34" - very soft plates with high heat-shielding properties, used for insulation of surfaces without loads.
  • "Izover KL 35" - a material having a slightly higher density. It is usually used for the same purposes as the 34th variety, that is, for the insulation of roofs, walls and partitions.
  • "Izover 37" is most often used for insulation of floors, roofs and ceilings.
  • "Izover KT", usually used for insulation of basements or attics.

Very popular is also such a type as "Isover Classic Plus". Its characteristics are exactly the same as that of the usual Classic. These two varieties differ only in thickness. "Classic", as can be seen from the table, is supplied in 50 mm mats. At Classic Plus, this figure is 100 mm. There are other varieties of Isover material designed for a wide variety of purposes (Isover RKL, Isover OL, etc.).


isover classic plus features

Thus, the insulation "Izover", the technical characteristics of which were discussed in detail in this article, is a very warm and high-quality material. To protect the house from the cold with its use can be as effective as possible. This, as well as not too high cost, explains its unusual popularity both among private owners and among small and large developers.

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