What are the types of windows and their features?

A window is considered an important component of any structure. Through it, the rays of the sun enter, as well as breathtaking views. At the same time, a wide variety is presented on the market today, and the sizes affect the creation of comfort. Therefore, before installation, it is worth arming yourself with knowledge and making the right choice. You will have to pay attention to a lot.

Dimensions and location

The types of windows are diverse, but small and absurdly located spoil the perception of the room as a whole. And if they are too big, then you get the feeling that you are in the aquarium and there is no conditional security.

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Builders believe that the appropriate proportions are as follows: 55% of the width of the living room should be filled with windows. Another point: in order to sit looking out into the street, the windowsill should be located at a height of 90-100 centimeters. The upper corner of the window is at a distance of 200 centimeters (an error of five percent is allowed). At the same time, do not forget about the decoration process.

What else is important?

The window frame and sash are important. The second may have several varieties of the opening system:

  • Lean back or spin around.
  • Open in different positions.
  • Open like a door.
plastic windows views

So that the glass does not fall out, it is fixed on the glazing beads. To prevent water from entering between the flaps, there are special ebbs. If there are several opening structures, then additional holding elements can be installed inside. Any locking device always has its own characteristics. Today, standard pens are most often used.

Shapes and sizes of windows

It is clear that there are enough types of window decoration. In addition, many began to create designs for individual sizes. As a result, correctly chosen sizes allow windows to serve a long period of time. If an enormous load is placed on a large element, it begins to break and swing the structure over time.

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In a small room it is not permissible for the sashes to be long and strongly enter the room. It also happens that outside the windows look awful. There is an ideal form: 80 to 130 centimeters. The opening system began to change, and in addition to the standard one-way opening, tilt-and-turn analogues appeared. Thus, now you can meet many types of windows with various shapes and sizes.

What is on the market?

The models are diverse, and you need to choose your own for each room. Today you can choose:

  • A window with two frames. This is the easiest and most popular option. This design has an upper and lower frame. When the arrangement of the structure is done successfully, then the masters manage to decorate it and complement the general view of the structure.
  • Casement - opens inward. It is important to establish it correctly so that interference does not occur.
  • Casement, reclining outward. This type of opening window is convenient to use: the structure is easy to use with the handle-lever.
  • Ranch. This is an interesting design that is basically mounted high off the floor. Most often, the frames here are sliding and locate them in the countryside. Making such a window is difficult, but if you try, you can do it very beautifully.
  • Window awning. This is a universal design because it opens at any angle. If you think through every moment, the design neatly fits into any interior.
  • Among the extraordinary solutions - window-blinds. Opens with a lever. This design is recommended to be performed on an individual order.
  • Panoramic design. This is a relatively new type of window. Suitable for homes in picturesque places where there is something to look at. Most often, these types of large windows are made of one glass panel without the possibility of opening. Although today they are trying to carry out a ventilation unit. In terms of design, the panoramic view of the windows is not so complicated, because the design itself becomes the highlight of any building.
  • The smallest design in the niche is called the dormer. Decorating it is difficult.
  • You can completely change the appearance of the room if you install a window in the bay window. It is located in the protruding part of the house. You can make a variety of design decisions.
  • The cathedral is simply a unique design throughout the wall.
  • Double window. The name implies that these are closely spaced installations. For decoration apply a single direction.
  • French door. This window has a pair of flaps that open in any direction.
  • Modern development is a sliding door. Most often, it goes all over the wall. Its size is significant, and at night it is difficult to sleep in such a room. It is worth considering this moment.
  • Arch. This window has many interesting turns and can be created with an individual design.
types of windows

It turns out that for the house it is really possible to pick up any design. With it, you can create an individual direction of the entire structure. Another important issue is the materials from which the windows are made. We will consider this moment in detail below.


This is the most common material from which much is built. For many years, the tree has served the person, helping him create home comfort and warmth. Designing any interior is very simple using such material. This design has enough advantages: this is both complete safety for humans and a pleasant appearance. Such designs are created from both deciduous and coniferous woods.

plastic windows

Today they produce modern designs that can not be additionally insulated. They also have maximum sound insulation. It is clear that if the tree is not further processed, then it undergoes rot and mold. Creating modern designs, exclude any impact. This increases the life of the product, and also maintains its appearance.

In addition to the advantages, there are some disadvantages. You need to know about them:

  • The cost of this design is high.
  • Since wood is a natural material, in order to create a high-quality and reliable design, additional procedures have to be carried out.
  • Decay is inevitable. Over time, the design molds.
  • The defeat of microorganisms.
  • Increased flammability.

Oddly enough, but even a modern design should be subjected to special care.


Another type of window is plastic. These are modern designs that have become widely used in recent years. The emphasis is always on increasing the service life. This design has special requirements:

  • Durability.
  • Practicality.
  • Ease of use.
types of plastic windows

But at the same time, everyone is trying to install environmentally friendly and beautiful models in the house. That is why today various types of plastic windows are in demand. They are lightweight, durable, and each designer can create his own unique design.

The material does not emit harmful impurities into the environment. The service life of such structures may exceed 30 years. The materials are well tolerated by the effects of weather and temperature extremes.

Today, plastic types of windows (photo of windows presented above) do not freeze and create protection against sounds. In addition, there is a division into:

  • Cold models (without maximum protection). They most often glaze loggias and balconies. They have a small double-glazed window, from one to two. Also, products can be used in unheated rooms.
  • Warm. These are several double-glazed windows, between which there is a heat-insulating insert. This provides maximum protection against extraneous noise and cold. Such designs are used in any residential premises and are able to create a good microclimate.

Such windows can be decorated. There are special profiles for this. The first types of large plastic windows were white. This is not always a good color solution when designing a house or apartment. Today, there are many organizations on the market that create custom-made plastic windows. There are green, black, brown, etc.

Conveniently, any kind of PVC windows does not need to be painted and additionally insulated in the cold season. There is a special installation technique. But those who once held any tools in their hands today will be able to independently carry out these installation works. There are also specialists who are ready at any time to organize measurements, production and installation.

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In addition, it is realistic to create any design of windows made of plastic. These are showcase, standard, swing, in the whole wall, etc.

Glass types

There is a separation of windows on the selected glass:

  • The usual. Are applied everywhere if there are no special requirements.
  • Safe. They have a protective layer, so most often they find themselves in shop windows, in winter gardens and other buildings.
  • Energy saving glass. A special tool is applied to create the necessary conditions.
  • With sun protection function. They are able to reflect rays, but they can be absorbing. Such conditions are created by additional application of special means.
  • Self-cleaning. An additional coating is applied to the entire surface. When dirt is on it, then when water is supplied, it drains, is washed off, without leaving stains.


So, we found out what types of structures are there. Any of these glasses may be in a plastic construction. It is easy to understand that each manufacturer is trying to make their windows unique so that the models are in demand. It is enough for the buyer to plan the appearance of his interior and think over the shape and size of the windows. If the apartment has non-standard window frame sizes, then the relevant companies will cope with this difficulty and make windows to order.

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