A stubborn person does not mean stubborn

I would like to start my story with the following lines:

He: - Come on, why do we argue once again, because everyone will stand his ground until the next day.

She: - And I have a whole week!

Franz Kafka

There is a type of people who are inherently very stubborn and never compromise. They talk about him only as "this is a stubborn man," often comparing him with a stubborn donkey or a ram.

It is difficult for such a person to prove something, because even if he is wrong and knows about it, he will not be recognized in life! You will give all the arguments that the earth is round. But he will persistently prove that it is flat and rests on three pillars. Therefore, it is best to remain silent, remaining with your opinion in order to protect your nerves.

The parable of obstinacy

Intransigent silence

There is a very instructive story about obstinacy, which describes how boredom, for the sake of the venerable couple, decided to argue about which of them will remain silent for longer. Several hours passed, but the old people did not give up, then the wife went into the forest for brushwood, and the husband remained sitting at the porch. Soon two knights drove up to the house and spoke to him, but he was like a fish to him, which made him uninvited guests. One of them struck the old man with a whip, and the second compartment to him one mustache and part of the ear. But he endured everything with Spartan patience. The old woman who returned home, was saddened to see her mutilated husband, and completely forgot about the dispute, starting to gasp and wail over him. But the stupid old man only joyfully announced to her that she had lost. This is a stubborn man!

In this parable, all the stupidity of the debaters is perfectly demonstrated, for stubbornness is like a bird breaking against glass while the window next to it is open.

What qualities mask obstinacy?

Such qualities as iron willpower, persistence, perseverance, tenacity and inflexibility, it is very easy to confuse with the aforementioned drawback. Therefore, many people make mistakes, admiring the “stubborn sheep”, and not a strong and self-sufficient person (and, having learned, are very disappointed).

The notorious "obstinacy" ascribes to itself the dignity of perseverance and perseverance.

In fact, this is nothing more than a manifestation of stupidity, stubbornness and selfishness. Obstacle initially draws strength from the negative qualities of character, therefore it is quite strong, which differs from simple obstinacy, which is preoccupied with its "I" and is trying to fulfill its potential, shoving it everywhere.

Here are some examples of this flaw:

Stupid stubbornness
  • A woman washing dishes poorly, with tears in her eyes, proves that she does it well, despite the fact that she was “poked with her nose” in the remaining pieces of buckwheat on the spoon.
  • The guy who cheated on his girlfriend, and knowing that she saw everything with her own eyes, tries to prove with foam at her mouth: she did not understand everything correctly.
  • The scientist is a doctor who knows that the medicine he created has a dangerous side effect, insistently offers to use it.

From this it becomes clear: the definition of “stubborn person” means that this person is very intractable. Of course, to a reasonable extent, it’s even good if a person is firm in his convictions, but when selfishness and desire for profit are fixed, it becomes simply dangerous for others. Such a person, being in power, will become an ordinary despot, suppressing the will of people and forbidding to have an opinion.

Unfortunately, in the history of such characters have met more than once. And the greater the narrowness of thinking, the deeper a person drowns in his delusions. In general, a stubborn person is any type, just not wise and not judicious. The past years will not give him any positive experience, and he will still step on the well-known rake.

What should not be confused donkey obstinacy?

Unwillingness to listen - manifestation of obstinacy

You can often hear that without this notorious quality you cannot achieve a single goal set for yourself, which is fundamentally wrong. The path to the desired is the presence of constancy, perseverance, perseverance and determination, but a stubborn person is just a subject who does not admit his mistakes and never meets his opponents in building business relations.

Master Guo put it this way:

- The desire to understand is energy, and obstinacy is a state.

It is said very orientally: wisely and in an original way. In general, we can say that this drawback hides the usual reluctance to "turn on your brain."

Most often obstinacy occurs in men who, by virtue of their gender, believe that they are the masters of life and themselves know everything. Therefore, switching to new knowledge is very difficult for them. Women in this respect are more curious and emotionally prepared for self-education, although among them there are still little things!

What to call a stubborn person?

The stubborn boss is the worst!

Such a person can be called a donkey, a ram, a big child or a rotten stump, but hardly anyone will succeed in changing his views on life. Moreover, this task is obviously impossible, because without constant work on oneself such a person would not get better.

A stubborn person is an egoist, a proud man and a self-lover. He a priori cannot have high thoughts and worthy goals, because - he will never accept reality as it is.

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