Menorrhagia - what is it? Menorrhagia: causes, symptoms, treatment

The female body is very different from the male. So, representatives of the weaker sex regularly have menstruation. This is the absolute norm. Discharges usually last up to one week. If this gap increases, then you may have menorrhagia. What it is? You will get the answer to this question after reading the article. You can also find out what menorrhagic symptoms are. The reasons and methods of treatment will be described below.

menorrhagia what is it

Menorrhagia - what is it?

Most women, having heard this diagnosis in the doctor’s office, panic. Do not do this. Menorrhagia is a menstruation that has a slightly different character. Specialists characterize this concept as abundant or long periods. Some women suffering from this pathology believe that this is only an individual feature of the body. However, doctors find the cause of the disease in almost all patients who asked for help with similar complaints.

Menorrhagia - what is it? This is a discharge of blood from the genital tract, which occurs on time and corresponds to the cycle. However, their number is much larger, and the duration exceeds one week.

Signs of Menorrhagia

What is menorrhagia in women can be easily understood by its symptoms. If you find yourself with one or more symptoms, then you should seek advice from a gynecologist as soon as possible. Otherwise, the condition of the representative of the weaker sex can greatly deteriorate. Symptoms of pathology are as follows:

  • menstruation lasting more than seven days (usually up to 10 days);
  • discharge in which clots are present;
  • pain in the lower peritoneum and lower back during menstruation;
  • secreted blood has a bright scarlet or brown hue;
  • decrease in hemoglobin during menstruation;
  • deterioration of overall well-being and decreased performance;
  • the need to change pads or tampons every two hours.

Diagnosis of pathology is carried out by laboratory methods. A woman is assigned some tests and studies of the state of the reproductive organs and hormone levels.

what is menorrhagia in women

Causes of pathology and its treatment

Depending on what causes menorrhagia, an appropriate correction of this condition is selected. Treatment should be prescribed only after a preliminary examination and consultation with a doctor. Any independent intervention may turn out to be wrong and only exacerbate this process.

Menorrhagia treatment may have different. In most cases, conservative therapy helps the patient. However, there are situations when surgical intervention is necessary. Consider the main causes of menorrhagia and methods for its treatment.

how to treat menorrhagia

Hormonal diseases

Among the causes, pathologies such as adenomyosis, endometrial hyperplasia, and endometriosis can be distinguished. They arise due to an excess of estrogen in the body of a woman. In this case, the discharge is often accompanied by severe discomfort. Most women with these diseases suffer prolonged infertility. All due to improper secretion of hormones and the growth of the mucous layer of the uterine cavity.

The treatment of such a pathology is in most cases hormonal. Such drugs as Duphaston, Utrozhestan, Zoladex, Buserelin are prescribed. Any oral contraceptives may also be used. Only in especially advanced situations may surgical intervention be needed. Most often this is laparoscopy, curettage of the cavity of the genital organ and hysteroscopy.

menorrhagia is menstruation

Disruption of the circulatory system

In some cases, heavy periods can be caused by poor blood coagulation. At the same time, the woman not only suffers from abundant and prolonged discharge, but also notes severe bleeding upon receipt of any injury.

In this case, treatment is always selected individually. Often, a woman is assigned such compounds as Tranexam, Dicinon, Water Pepper, and so on. It is worth noting that some drugs can not be taken regularly. Others are allowed to be used only from the second or third day of the menstrual cycle.

menorrhagia treatment


Another cause of menorrhagia may be a benign or malignant tumor. Most often, patients encounter the first type of neoplasm. However, they can be in the form of fibroids or cysts located on the ovaries.

Treatment in such situations is most often surgical. Under general or epidural anesthesia, the surgeon removes the pathological formation and sends it for histological examination. Only then can an additional correction be recommended.

Use of contraceptives

Sometimes the cause of prolonged menstruation may be improperly selected contraception. Often these are oral hormonal drugs and intrauterine devices. If the cause of the pathology lies precisely in this, then the symptoms of menorrhagia arise immediately after the start of such pregnancy protection.

Treatment in such cases is symptomatic. Doctors recommend immediately stop using the selected funds and consult a doctor. Doctors will pick you the right drugs that will not cause such manifestations.

menorrhagia symptoms

Human factor

Abundant periods can occur due to improper behavior of women. If a representative of the weaker sex is engaged in professional sports, then for the period of menstruation, you need to stop training. Otherwise, such an effect can lead not only to abundant secretions, but also cause many health problems.

A variety of diets can trigger the appearance of menorrhagia. A woman during menstruation and throughout the cycle should eat fully and get the necessary proteins, carbohydrates and fats. If this does not happen for a long time, then dysfunctional bleeding often occurs.

menorrhagia causes

Summing up the article

You now become aware of such a thing as menorrhagia. What it is is described above. If you suffer from these symptoms, then you should contact a medical institution. It is almost impossible to independently identify the cause of the pathology and conduct its treatment. Only a gynecologist can correctly diagnose and prescribe a suitable correction. Often, treatment requires hospitalization in a hospital. Never refuse such an offer. Prolonged lack of treatment can lead to complications. In severe cases, complete removal of the uterus is required. Health to you!

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