Harmless Deodorants - A Review of the Best Remedies

Being healthy is fashionable and stylish! This is precisely the trend of modern society, and this is correct. Many people began to pay attention to the fact that in cosmetics there is a huge amount of harmful components. This negatively affects the skin and human health. Deodorants are no exception. Manufacturers of modern odor control products add a wide variety of ingredients. But are they all useful? Of course not, some of them are not only not useful, but also capable of causing tremendous harm to humans. Let's try to figure out which deodorants are harmless and how to find them among many others.

Ingredients that can harm the body

Toxic substances can be present in any cosmetic product, regardless of its purpose: in shower gel, face cream, lipstick, deodorant or perfume. Manufacturers of modern cosmetology add harmful ingredients not specifically in order to harm someone. Undoubtedly, they know about the negative effect of a substance on the human body, but is there really another way to save on composition? It’s good that modern society is interested in the contents of the products, and every year it is more and more difficult to get a customer. In order to choose the most harmless deodorant, you need to know exactly which components in its composition should not be.

harmless deodorant for women

Aluminum compounds

It is believed that these substances are one of the most dangerous for the human body. As a rule, such components are added in order to clog the pores and prevent liquids (sweat) from secreting. Since ancient times, aluminum alum has been used to eliminate odors. Modern studies of aluminum-containing deodorants have proven that over time, aluminum salts accumulate in the body and can lead to swelling. Such compounds include: allantoin chloride, hydroxyallantoinate and others. Harmless deodorants should not contain these components.

Cosmetic preservatives

Parabens are one of the most popular cosmetic preservatives. They are added to the composition of deodorants, since they have antiseptic properties. Since parabens are found in cancer cells of tumors, it is believed that some of them can cause great harm to the human body. In addition, in certain people, these substances can cause allergies in the form of dermatitis and rosacea. Of the parabens in deodorants can be found such as propyl paraben, butyl paraben, methyl paraben, ethyl paraben. If you want to choose a harmless sweat deodorant for yourself, you should also pay attention to the absence of substances such as triclosan, triethanolamine, diethanolamine, propylene glycol.

health-friendly deodorants

Mineral crystals

These substances are one of the safest. These are natural components that have antibacterial, astringent and hemostatic properties. Such components contain harmless deodorants. They can be used every day without fear for their health. Such crystals include: potassium aluminum (galun) and aluminum-ammonium alum. Although they contain a double aluminum salt, they can be considered absolutely safe.

The fact is that in Alum there is a double salt of Al in an inactive form. This means that this chemical element cannot be secreted and absorbed into the skin. Another thing is modern deodorants with aluminum content. In them, this substance is in free form. It easily penetrates the skin and accumulates in the cells of various organs. Among the many mineral products, one can distinguish such harmless deodorants as:

  • "Alunite Crystal of Freshness."
  • Deodorant Crystal DEONAT.
  • Deo-Crystal Thai Deodorant Stone Pure and Natural.
  • Tawas Crystal Deodorant.
  • Deo-Crystal Crystal Body Deodorant Stick.

Do it yourself

Many people think that the best tool is the one that he made himself, because only in this case a person knows for sure what is contained in his cosmetic product. To make a do-it- yourself deodorant, you need components such as beeswax, various essential oils, soda, vitamins, and starch. All this in different proportions needs to be mixed and put on fire. Then the mass is poured into a convenient container. After cooling this remedy, it can be considered that a natural harmless deodorant for women and men is ready.

If there is no time to make such a cosmetic product, then you can buy it in a store. Many manufacturers support the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle and produce high-quality products based on natural ingredients.

Deodorant Citrus by Weleda

This is one of the most popular natural remedies for removing unpleasant odors from the armpits. It consists of water, alcohol and natural citrus essential oils. This product protects against unpleasant odors for a long time, does not cause irritation and dryness. Citrus oils well absorb unpleasant odors, give a feeling of freshness and purity. The product must be applied to dry, clean skin. The German concern Veleda has been on the market for more than 90 years. The founder of this company, Rudolf Steiner, and his followers are of the opinion that you need to live "in harmony with man and nature."

harmless deodorants

Veleda uses only natural ingredients for the production of cosmetics. The company grows all plants used for the manufacture of Citrus deodorant on its own plantations without herbicides, nitrates, phosphates, and growth stimulants. The high cost of this tool is due to its full naturalness and usefulness. For people with hypersensitivity and allergies to citrus fruits, this remedy may not be suitable.

Sanoflore Antiperspirant Deodorant

If you study the most harmless deodorants for health, you can not help but mention this tool. Sanoflore is a French company developing environmentally friendly cosmetics. It has its own botanical garden, in which the most unusual and rare plants grow. They are the components of their products. The composition of the Sanoflore deodorant is really impressive: water, alcohol and 76% environmentally friendly components that are certified BIO.

the most harmless deodorant

This tool does not clog pores and keeps on the body for a long time. It has a pleasant sweetish smell, but after application, you must wait about 15 minutes. The deodorant contains various essential oils, which is why, before putting on clothes, you need to let it dry on the skin. A huge plus in this tool is that it is completely organic and does not contain any aluminum salts or parabens.

Deodorant Ball Vichy

There is an opinion that harmless deodorants for armpits should not contain alcohol. In any case, for sensitive skin, such products will be an irritant. Vichy deodorant uses thermal water instead of alcohol. It does not dry the skin, but rather moisturizes. This product does not have a pungent odor, and the manufacturer claims that it is valid for 48 hours. It contains only organic components that are great for very sensitive skin. The product passed strict dermatological control and was declared not allergenic. French thermal water is the main component of many products of this company. This is living water of natural origin, saturated with minerals and trace elements. Thermal water is extracted from the Central mountain range, located in the center of France.

harmless armpit deodorants

Mineral Deodorant DeoIce

As mentioned earlier, mineral crystals are the best harmless deodorants. The list of safest odor control products cannot do without DeoIce. Manufacturers claim that this deodorant is made from a piece of mountain mineral, and reviews of many girls confirm this. It does not contain parabens, aluminum salts and oil products. This tool is designed to neutralize harmful bacteria, which are a source of unpleasant odor. DeoIce deodorant differs in the way it is used. As a rule, all odor control products are applied to clean and dry integuments. This product is an exception. "DeoAys" must be applied after bathing on the still moist skin of the armpits. This use is truly unique. The minerals that make up the deodorant, in contact with wet skin, form a thin protective film. This product is completely hypoallergenic and odorless, therefore it is suitable for both adults and children.

which deodorants are harmless

To summarize

As we have already found out, the best sweat deodorant is one that does not contain harmful substances, does not clog pores and reliably protects from unpleasant odors. Screaming packaging "Without parabens and preservatives" does not really mean that the tool is such. In order to choose a harmless deodorant, you must carefully read their composition. If any components make you doubt, it is better to put this tool away.

If you have too sensitive skin, do not use alcohol-based sprays. The best choice in this case is ball deodorants based on oils, thermal water or alum. It is also necessary to pay special attention to the smell of the product. Despite the fact that it is made only from natural ingredients, some pungent ingredients can cause allergic reactions. In no case should the smell of deodorant interrupt the aroma of perfumes and mix with the unpleasant smell of sweat.

harmless sweat deodorant

It is very important to remember that deodorant should not block the release of moisture from the armpits. His responsibilities include only getting rid of bad smell and fighting bacteria. If you are concerned about abundant sweat, then you need to pay attention to antiperspirants. They are capable of blocking perspiration.

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