Today, when almost everything is bought and sold, and a stable financial condition allows you to make any dream a reality, money is considered almost an object of worship. People spend health, mental energy and many years to ensure a high standard of living. However, there are those who, in the pursuit of treasured bills, use various signs, rituals of money and superstition. Perhaps this makes sense? After all, it happens that for some money flows like a river, although a person does not seem to make much effort, but someone works from morning to night and still cannot secure a decent income.
It is believed that the first category of people simply uses some kind of magic based on centuries-old folk wisdom, which today is presented as money signs to increase money. Many people may consider this a pampering and an unreasonable waste of time, but there will certainly be those who have already experienced the power of magic rituals in their wallet and even saw a positive result. In any case, information on ways to increase financial flow will never be superfluous.
How to handle money
Today you can find thousands of articles and books about the rules of dealing with finances, as well as linking money and wealth. Let's get acquainted with the most interesting recommendations:
- Respect for money is a prerequisite, the fulfillment of which promises a continuous flow of material resources and, in the opposite case, their complete absence. It is believed that the amount of money depends on ourselves, as much as we allow ourselves to have, so much will come. At the same time, you can’t categorically think that there is a lot of money, otherwise your wallet may again become empty.
- Careful attitude to money - they should always be neatly folded in a purse. Large denominations are best stored separately from small and, of course, from little things. It is necessary to rejoice at any financial income, even a small one, saying: “money to money”, and it is recommended to give material resources with pleasure.
- Attention to finances - it is welcome to raise the money found, be it a large bill or a penny. It is believed that the Universe thus checks whether a person needs finances or not. However, you can not raise money at the intersection in the morning, being hungry.
- Providing finance with constant turnover - they should not “hide” under the mattress. Money "prefers" movement - it is better to store savings in banks and invest somewhere. Many signs of money and conspiracies are associated with the targeted spending of funds.
Household signs for increasing money
Such monetary signs and superstitions are general recommendations on the conduct of life in a home that have come down to us from the depths of centuries. It is believed that their observance will help overcome poverty, get rid of excess spending, and attract wealth.
You can not sweep the floor towards the exit from the house - so the hostess can "drive out" financial well-being. Garbage should be removed from the threshold of the front door and the floor needs to be cleaned from the same place. After sunset and until dawn, you can’t undertake such events at all.
It is necessary to store all things in their places, to prevent the accumulation of dust and scattered objects - money loves cleanliness and order. The spider in the house is profitable, therefore it cannot be killed.
In order to attract money in a dwelling , you need to lay out the coins in the corners or put in all the rooms a red envelope with a large bill inside. It is also advised to grow a money tree in the apartment , its type shows the level of financial condition.
The table in the home is a special place that should be used exclusively for food. Do not leave empty, dirty dishes on it and keep food in factory packaging.
Signs for improving financial well-being
Nowadays, few people pay attention to signs, money conspiracies and rituals, however, guided by them, one can often not only escape from troubles, but also attract good luck and financial stability.
So, a number of interesting superstitions:
- when paying for a purchase at the checkout, you should put cash on the counter, and take change from the hands of the seller;
- it is advisable to repay all debts in the morning hours - in the evening it is impossible;
- to spend more time with successful and wealthy people - a special monetary energy comes from them;
- visit expensive boutiques and restaurants, even if there is no way to buy something, just try on your favorite clothes or have a cup of tea;
- regularly sort out household items and dispose of unused items;
- to get home a picture of any water bodies;
- it is advisable to have a cat or cat, it is better if it is a stray animal;
- maintain an optimistic outlook on the world - money is attracted to active and cheerful;
- not to allow emptiness in the wallet, otherwise it will become permanent;
- count cash as often as possible, regardless of quantity - such a ritual will attract financial well-being to the house;
- you can not give or borrow money in the evening - this promises material losses.
Money signs for every day
There are also cash signs on the days of the week that will help to properly manage finances.
Here are some of them:
- Monday - do not count cash, borrow money or pay debts;
- Tuesday is also an inappropriate day for receiving or repaying borrowed funds;
- Wednesday - if you put a heel under your heel, it promises success and increased finance;
- Thursday - large expenses are not recommended;
- Friday - a suitable day for accounting for material assets;
- Saturday is the best time for all kinds of purchases;
- Sunday - it is forbidden to borrow money and borrow into debt yourself.
How not to scare money away from you?
To improve financial well-being, there are not only monetary signs for increasing money, but also certain rules that are recommended to be followed so as not to block the financial flow.
You can’t carry cash in your pocket - money is like expensive quality wallets or purses, in which there should be nothing but cash.
You should give up bragging about money and recounting other people's finances. If you are engaged in the accumulation of funds, then you should not constantly look at the location of the nest egg.
The apartment should have only one broom, which is placed with the work surface down. Also, you can not put a mirror opposite the entrance to the house, it is better to place it in the kitchen above the table.
Many popular money signs relate to completely harmless activities, for example, whistling in the house - it turns out that the money “despises” him. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the plumbing, all breakdowns must be fixed in a timely manner, especially current taps.
Money should "rest" - do not count, and generally perform any actions with them in the evenings. It is not recommended to exchange large bills for smaller ones - this will attract unforeseen expenses.
It is necessary to serve the poor, it is believed that the funds should be returned a hundredfold, however, you need to deposit only a trifle, not paper bills.
New Year's Eve will help you get rich
Money signs that help to get rich are often associated with holidays, and the New Year is always associated with magic and fulfillment of desires.
Here are some common omens for this occasion:
- you can not lend money on the eve of Christmas and Easter;
- on a festive night, use the number 7 as often as possible - prepare 7 dishes, put 7 coins under a chair, invite seven guests;
- if you have debtors, ask them to repay the loan before midnight;
- during the chiming clock, hold a coin in your fist and make a wish, then throw money into a glass and drink the contents, eat a coin, of course, is not necessary - it can be used in the future as a decoration;
- on New Year's Eve it is forbidden to wash dishes, this should be done on January 1 before noon - otherwise finances will "leak";
- on the first morning of the coming year you need to wash your money - just rub the coins on your hands and moisten your face with water filled with monetary energy.
All signs of monetary luck, even if they are not effective, will certainly cheer up the holidays for the whole family.
Rituals and conspiracies to attract wealth to the house
If a person believes in signs, money spells and works tirelessly, and finances do not linger, and as if it is flowing unclear where immediately after the pay, it is worth resorting to unusual rites. Such rituals are aimed at improving material well-being and prosperity. So, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with several common techniques that can significantly improve the financial situation.
New Moon Money Conspiracy
Banknotes of various values are taken: from the smallest to the largest and are laid out throughout the house in secluded places where money is difficult to notice. Best if they are under moonlight. Next, you need to go into the open space, turn to face the moon and repeat the following three times the following words: “Grow-grow a month, and give me (full name) wealth. So be it and be so! ”
Three days later, you should collect all the money and spend it on the purchase of something valuable, for example, expensive dishes, accessories for the interior or decorations. Thus, you start circulating the moon-charged funds, which return in double size. This rite must be carried out every new moon.
Charging with a large purse
The most "effective" grain in terms of attracting money is considered semolina. It is advised to carry a pinch of powder in your wallet.
Of all the colors, money loves red most of all - it attracts them like a magnet. Therefore, it is recommended to have a purse of any shades of scarlet.
You need to carry a piece of paper in your wallet with the number “7” written in red felt-tip pen or pen - this will attract not only funds, but luck.
Onion husk ritual
For those who believe in signs of money, conspiracies and rituals, we can advise the following rite. When peeling onions, the husks are placed in a special red box. Twice a day, they lower their right hand there, rustling and saying: “This is my money rustling!” Constantly replenish the box, and when there are too many husks on the growing moon, it should be taken outside and burned. The ritual must be carried out alone with a positive attitude and then the Universe will certainly listen to your desires.
Rite with gold coins
It is believed that this method is especially effective when attracting finance is not just a desire, but a vital necessity, for example, if you somehow manage to reach the salary.
Before conducting this rite, you need to properly clean the house, carry out a general cleaning to make sure there are no foreign objects or amulets that interfere with the effect of the spell. It is necessary to lay out in each room nine different yellow coins, each of which is located on its own level. Then you should sit on the bed, close your eyes and say nine times, “Gold is inside, not around my house.” So you will attract cash flows.
The right attitude to money is the key to success
During the implementation of all the rituals, the inner mental attitude is very important. It is worth getting rid of negative thoughts, doubts, envy and feelings of injustice. Of course, not all signs, conspiracies and rituals will work 100%, a lot depends on a person’s attitude to money. In any case, such events positively affect people, and financial welfare often comes for an optimistic worldview. The main thing to remember is that money should not be the goal of life - it is only a means to implement the plan.