Pregnancy at 45: is it possible to give birth to a healthy baby?

For the vast majority of women, motherhood is the highest happiness and the main goal in life. The reproduction and upbringing of offspring in women is inherent in nature itself, and they adequately fulfill this most important function. Even though a modern girl has an important place in life in her career, sooner or later she interrupts her in order to give the world a new member of society. But very often it happens that pregnancy does not occur for a long time, and when a woman is ready to come to terms and put an end to her motherhood, life suddenly presents a surprise in the form of a late pregnancy. Is a woman of 45 years able to bear and give birth to a healthy baby? This issue has become relevant for so many couples. Should I risk the health of a pregnant woman wearing such a coveted fetus? We will try to figure out whether pregnancy at the age of 45 is dangerous.

Pregnancy probability

pregnancy at 45

Life is full of surprises and rich in surprises, so the late pregnancy in our time is already surprisingly few. To begin with, many women deliberately delay the moment of the onset of motherhood until they receive a good higher education, build a career, arrange their lives and provide decent living conditions for the family and the unborn baby. Moreover, the modern development of medicine makes it possible to calmly bear a baby after 40 years. Especially if the expectant mother monitors her health, has no bad habits, goes in for sports and has a strong trained body at such a mature age. Since in most cases a pregnancy of 45 years is planned, the girls take care of their body in advance for late birth and do an excellent job of becoming a happy mother.

Today in medicine the very concept of “old-born” has changed. In the recent past, it offended 24-year-old girls. From year to year, the statistics bodies record the growth of women in labor of mature age, and this practically does not affect the positive outcome of childbirth. If before anyone doubted whether it was possible to give birth to a child at the age of 45, today it has already become obvious. Modern women look much better at this age than was observed half a century ago. Yes, and they feel much more healthy and strong, so that without any problems to bring to light healthy offspring.

Second or third pregnancy

There have been many cases when a 45-year-old woman comes to the antenatal clinic about her first pregnancy. Moreover, the same statistics record data that the number of women in labor under the age of 19 tends to decrease. Of course, among late pregnancies there are also unplanned cases when, at such a mature age, conception occurs and 2 or even 3 pregnancies occur. Many simply do not notice signs of pregnancy during the preparation of the body for menopause. Some already had it in the initial stage, and women, hoping for the absence of menstruation, ceased to be protected properly.

Pregnancy or menopause?

Is it possible to give birth to a child at 45

Meanwhile, the reproductive functions of the body, even after the arrival of menopause, do not immediately disappear. They can fade away gradually, over several years, and it is quite possible to become pregnant during this period. Moreover, when pregnancy occurs, not everyone can recognize its signs. Symptoms of menopause in a woman aged are superimposed on the symptoms of pregnancy and mask them until the signs of pregnancy are already more clearly manifested. The latter no longer leave doubts about the presence of the fetus in the womb. Therefore, it is often too late to take any measures to terminate the pregnancy.

Nevertheless, a 2 or 3 pregnancy at 45 years old is still less problematic than the first. As a rule, each subsequent birth occurs faster than the previous. Yes, and the pregnancy itself develops less hard. But all this individually and to a greater extent depends on the state of the body and the mood of the woman. If you do not plan to have a baby after menopause, continue to be protected and pay attention to the signs that have appeared. Symptoms of menopause in a woman aged, especially if it is difficult, can distract attention from those signs that indicate pregnancy.

Many women are simply convinced that it is impossible to get pregnant during menopause. Therefore, they do not pay attention to the body's signals, attributing them to other deviations in health. However, there is a high probability of pregnancy at 45, which should be remembered for those women who no longer plan to give birth. Moreover, with the age of the woman in labor, the risk of developing pathologies of the child increases. Although here everything is individual and depends on many factors, the main of which, undoubtedly, is the current health of the expectant mother. What are the risks of pregnancy at 45 and can they be avoided? More about this later in the article.

Pregnancy and childbirth difficulties after 45

age 45 years

It is possible to become a mother after 45 years - modern medicine allows you to do this today with almost no serious risk. However, in addition to the joy of motherhood, a mature woman should also be driven by other strong feelings. Here are the most significant arguments why pregnancy after 45 years is not very desirable. For and against this phenomenon, quite a lot of qualified specialists speak out.

One of the feelings of the future mother, which should prevail over the desire to have a child, is responsibility for the health of the future baby. Having decided to become a mother, a woman should be well aware of all the pros and cons of this important step. Of course, obstetrics and gynecology have reached such a level when the danger to life and the mother and the child can be almost eliminated. But, nevertheless, pregnancy at the age of 45 is still a certain stress for a not so young organism. Therefore, it is always better to know about the possible consequences in advance.

Today, in women of childbirth, pregnancy is fraught with much less complications, especially if it is not the first. But carefully thinking over this issue and weighing all the arguments for and against will not hurt anyone. Moreover, the first pregnancy at 45 years is for many a deliberate step, and not an impulsive decision. Since it is known that there may be risks, family planning should be started and carried out according to the results of a thorough diagnosis. A woman who has planned a pregnancy after the age of 45 should understand what she may face and be prepared for this both physically and mentally.

First: at this age, getting pregnant is not as easy as in younger years. This happens due to physical changes in the woman’s body. After the thirty-year milestone, the process of gradual decrease in egg cells begins, and the remaining ones may have some chromosomal abnormalities. Such a pathology at the age of 45 years, a woman and a fetus can cause serious trouble, because the risk of miscarriage is quite high. And if the fetus can be taken out and be safely born, then the child may have physical or mental defects. In order not to become a hostage of the situation after childbirth, planning a pregnancy, a woman should definitely be under the supervision of a geneticist - both in planning and in the process of bearing the fetus. In order to eliminate or at least minimize the risk, it is necessary to conduct recommended tests and studies.

In some women, even before that they gave birth and are already ready for a second or third child, pregnancy at 45 does not occur precisely because of age. For it can be difficult for them to reproduce their own eggs. The difficulties include the tendency of the body at this age to diseases of the cardiac and vascular systems, musculoskeletal system, which can cause various complications. This, of course, does not mean the inevitable appearance of problems during pregnancy, but the likelihood of such a manifestation of age-related diseases still exists.

Problems with the baby in the late pregnancy of the mother

Even the most desirable pregnancy cannot guarantee that the baby will not develop diabetes mellitus or Down syndrome, which, according to statistics, is not so rare - with almost every thirty children. If the expectant mother feels within herself the strength to accept such a fate of the child, then she can take such a risk. But again, he must be deliberate and balanced and pass under the strict supervision of specialists. But this problem still happens much less frequently than the risk of miscarriage. According to statistics, almost half of old-born women did not reach the fetus until week 20. But this is by no means an argument in favor of, but only a warning so that the woman understands the full responsibility of the moment and be careful while carrying the baby, do not hesitate to once again disturb the attending physician with any hints of an uncomfortable state, because not only the life and health of the child, but also the health of the woman.

High activity readiness

In addition to these medical difficulties, a woman must also understand that a small child will require her physical activity for a very long time. After all, even young girls find it difficult to cope with a baby without the help of a husband, mothers and grandmothers. Moreover, a child born at a late age can surpass other babies in the capriciousness due to the general weakness and soreness of the body. You need to be prepared for this both psychologically and physically, trying to provide your body with all the necessary complex of vitamins, minerals and other useful substances that prolong youth, give strength and vitality.

Benefits of giving birth after forty

There are undoubted advantages of late births, and they consist in the fact that in the vast majority such planned children are loved and desired. Their mothers have already reached such an economic position that they can afford expensive medical services, high-quality feeding, and a prosperous future. Such mothers are more restrained in emotions and better understand their functions, can pay so much attention to the child so that he always feels constant care and protection, love and tenderness. A woman who has gone through the risk of losing the health of her defenseless little ball of happiness fully realizes how richly her fate has endowed her, so she will always love and understand the baby.

In addition, the late-born woman already has solid life experience and is “immune” to difficulties. It is not so easy to get out of the saddle with temporary setbacks. She is resistant to stress and will not transfer her negativity to the child. In addition, such families are very strong and well-off, which reduces the likelihood of stress and gives a feeling of confidence in the future for both themselves and the child. If the mother is calm and balanced, then the child grows up more prosperous and stress-resistant.

Such arguments for the birth of a child after 45 years are quite logical and justified, therefore pregnancy in adulthood is attractive to many, and there are quite a few chances that it will end successfully and safely. We proceed to consider what features a pregnancy has at 45 years. What should a woman do to ensure that the process of bearing a child and childbirth is as favorable as possible? About it further.

first pregnancy at 45

What should a woman do during pregnancy?

In order for the pregnancy to be a joy and a healthy and strong offspring born, a woman must be absolutely sure that the decision on the birth of the baby was made right and that everything will go well. Therefore, first of all, you need to set yourself up for a good result and not doubt it.

When planning a family replenishment, you should find a good genetic specialist who will give initial valuable advice on the chances of a healthy child. In the future, close contact should be maintained with him and be closely monitored throughout the pregnancy. Set yourself up to the strict adherence to the instructions of qualified and experienced doctors, strictly follow all appointments and instructions, do not miss planned visits to the doctor, and in any doubtful case consult with specialists.

3 pregnancy

A woman preparing for childbirth should provide her body with the necessary feasible loads, of course, agreed with the treating staff. Prefer walking calm walks and deep breathing, be more in nature and in places with a clean ecological environment to provide cells with a high-quality oxygen supply and normalize metabolic processes. Swimming reflects very well on the health of a pregnant woman, so a visit to the pool is also welcome.

But the most important thing is the woman’s mood for positive, the expectation of pleasant events and a happy release from the burden. In conclusion, we give some information about how in the civilized world pregnancy is regarded at 45 years. The opinions of doctors in this regard are positive. Doctors see no particular obstacles to women giving birth not only at a young age.

Doctors say about pregnancy

menopause in women

Most foreign experts believe that the birth of a child is a great gift of nature, and, deciding on pregnancy, a woman should understand the high level of her responsibility. Israeli medicine is unambiguously up to the mark in this matter, because for all the risks and difficulties involved, women are not discouraged from having children, but they are offered to be observed in good clinics with extensive experience of age-related births and excellent statistics. Israeli clinics have extensive experience in monitoring pregnancies after 60 years, and in almost all cases they have been able to ensure a successful outcome.

Of course, doctors are not enthusiastic about the late birth, but they also see no special reason for panic. First-class specialists and good care are able to ensure the normal course of pregnancy and the birth of a baby. In the United States, scientists have found that women who have given birth to a child in the age range of 40-50 years are more likely to live long. Moreover, it does not even matter if it was the first child or the last. In addition, such births delay the onset of menopause, which prolongs female youth. Elena Degtyareva, Ph.D. and practicing obstetrician at the Moscow Scientific Center for Obstetrics, also believes that women are quite ready to give birth after 45 years and after 50. Many of these women were observed, and all of them were safely born and were discharged home with healthy babies.

So the birth of a child after 45 years is by no means an exceptional case, but rather the norm. But the role of heredity and care in this case plays a large role.

second pregnancy at 45


Now it’s clear how dangerous it is to give birth after 45 years, and whether women should risk their health and the life of the child. As can be seen from the material, so that everything goes well and the baby is born healthy, mom should lead a healthy lifestyle, have good hereditary indicators and clearly follow the advice of doctors.

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