Today, probably, all people already know that it is necessary to treat not only the body, but also the soul. Therefore, each person understands that it is necessary to get rid of damage, evil eye and other evil influences.
There are many ways to get rid of spoilage. They are all good and effective, so it’s better not to neglect anything. So, it helps to cleanse the soul from negative influence on it by reading prayers. Every day should begin and end with a reading of at least “Our Father”. You also need to periodically attend church, to confess. Unbaptized people must be christened; it is important for everyone to wear cross-body pins. These simple steps will not only help remove the damage, but will also hinder its further “attachment”.
Reason for evil
The next tip on how to get rid of spoilage: you must carefully check the house for foreign objects. Everything that was found (including just on the street) must be burned away from home. You need to inspect all the pillows, mattresses and feather beds: if there was hair, small debris or other objects, they should also be burned. When burning things, it is important not to get caught in smoke. And, of course, you need to read "Our Father." A logical question arises: why do all this? Everything is simple. Very often, knowledgeable people “throw” their negativity, illnesses, or troubles onto an object that then throws to the new owner of these failures. And fire, as you know, cleanses, so this is one of the first steps.
How to get rid of spoilage with water
The most common way to get rid of various negative effects on a person’s soul is to use spoken water. You can cook it yourself by reading certain prayers. It is very important to remember a simple rule: it is imperative to keep the talked water only under the cover. You can wash yourself with this water, drink it, you can even bathe in it whole. It all depends on the nature of the damage: what it affects and what kind of harm it brings to a person.
Still how to get rid of spoilage? Healers advise to prepare a special tincture, which will need to be taken for some time. To do this, you will need a placoon, thistle or Chernobyl - 100 grams of dried grass, which must be filled with 0.5 liters of vodka and put in a dark place to infuse. After 10 days, the infusion should begin to take 1 tablespoon three times a day, along with the heated water.
Another way to get rid of damage yourself: you need to find a fast-flowing river and walk along it. At this time, you need to read special prayers for purification. It is believed that fast water removes everything bad from a person, taking it with him. If it’s winter outside, you can just dip your feet in cold water without diving completely into it.
In order to get rid of spoilage, a positive attitude is also necessary. No need to lose heart or become depressed, it will not make anyone any easier. If there is a specific problem, you need to try to pay off it. For example, here is a way to get rid of debt damage: you need to give people all the debts that are. At the same time, for every money that is given, you need to sentence: “Go away, darling, with good. Come back only with your friends. ” After each debt returned, you must read "Our Father." And, of course, try not to borrow anymore.