Often young mothers and their environment ask themselves the question: is it possible to breastfeed at the temperature of the baby. The thesis that breastfeeding is the most useful way of getting nutrients for a child is currently not contested by almost anyone. Disputes arise only if the nursing woman suffers from diseases that are accompanied by high fever and symptoms of intoxication. Whether or not there is a risk of infecting the baby, whether any additional precautions are needed to prevent infection of the child - in case of doubt, the doctor will always answer the questions of interest.
Breastfeeding for colds is the best way to protect babies
Of course, the most often asked question is whether it is possible to breastfeed for colds and viral diseases, in which pathogens are transmitted by airborne droplets. In these cases, pediatricians and infectious disease specialists agree that breast milk, which contains specific antibodies produced by the mother’s body to a specific pathogen, provides reliable protection for the baby’s body.
Continuation of breastfeeding in this case should be accompanied by observance of elementary rules of personal hygiene - the use of disposable gauze or non-woven masks, which must be changed after each application of the baby to the chest. In the absence of severe symptoms of intoxication and a relatively satisfactory condition, the mother may even continue to care for the child. But the solution to the question - whether it is possible to breastfeed at a temperature caused by bacterial or viral diseases, depends entirely on the state of the mother - in extreme heat, in some cases, a woman has to decant to maintain lactation, and feed the baby with mixtures for children. In these cases, the reason for the temporary transfer of the baby to mixed feeding is the appointment of the mother of the child with drugs that can have a negative effect on the child's body.
Medications and breastfeeding - how to combine
That is why the answer to the question - is it possible to breastfeed at a temperature, should be asked to your doctor, and not to numerous girlfriends and "well-wishers." A mother of a child (regardless of his age) who receives breast milk must be warned about this by a doctor of any specialty - then the doctor will be able to prescribe a drug that is compatible with natural feeding or will recommend limiting pumping milk during the illness if necessary, use potentially toxic drugs.
The answer to the question of whether it is possible to breast- feed a baby at a temperature depends in many respects on how the nursing woman plans to reduce this temperature. If it is enough for mom to confine herself to cold rubdowns, vinegar compresses, wraps, then natural feeding can continue all the time of treatment. At the same time, even when using medicinal plants as antipyretic drugs, the answer to the question - is it possible to breastfeed at a temperature will most often be negative, because traditional medicine can have the same negative effect on a baby as pharmacy medicines. For example, teas with raspberries or linden can provoke allergic reactions, and viburnum often causes colic and bloating in the child.
Of particular note is the answer to the question of whether it is possible to breastfeed at a temperature when using drugs such as analgin or acetylsalicylic acid. These drugs can provoke the appearance of complications in a child that are potentially life-threatening - inhibition of bone marrow hematopoiesis, seizures, toxic damage to the liver and kidney parenchyma cells. Every mother who feeds her baby with mother’s milk should be attentive to food and drugs - then the woman’s illness will not affect the condition of the baby, and breastfeeding can be maintained.