The wide basin and its significance for women

In the modern world, appearance plays an important role. No matter how superficial and ephemeral this may sound, in reality it is valued more often than the deeper personality characteristics. A wide basin of women is one of the aspects that literally falls in love with men, since some natural qualities of the weaker sex are associated with it.

Attractive girls wide hips - is it fashion?

One of the special external characteristics of women, which most attracts the stronger sex, is a wide basin. This preference for men is not associated with fashion, and there are very specific biological factors that determine this choice.

Women's hips

Undoubtedly, any woman and girl dreams of a wide basin, which, together with her waist and chest, gives her figure an elegant and attractive look in the eyes of men. A deeper study of this issue revealed the special characteristics that are possessed only by those ladies who have wide hips.

The size of the hips and childbirth

Pregnant woman

Are girls with a narrow or wide pelvis easier to give birth? This question is asked by many women. In general, it can be said that having wide hips give birth to children less painfully. In this case, the body contains the child without problems inside itself, without creating harm to the expectant mother. Such relatively painless labor leads, on a subconscious level, to the fact that a woman is not afraid of them, which entails a possible increase in the number of her sexual partners.

Nevertheless, anthropologists do not share this opinion and believe that the severity of childbirth depends on a number of external factors, and not only on the physical structure of the woman.

Obstetric dilemma

One of the studies of human evolution put forward the hypothesis of the so-called obstetric dilemma, which suggests that during the existence of the human race, its weak representatives evolve in favor of a narrower pelvis, since this structure facilitates the walking process, but at the same time their ability to give birth to children suffers. That is why it is difficult for thin and young girls to give birth, and girls with a wide basin know that they can give birth without any difficulties, therefore they feel more freely in personal and social relations.

In this regard, a study was conducted at Leeds English University, which invited girls aged 18 to 26 years. Each of them measured the width of the pelvis and asked several questions regarding their sex life. As a result, it turned out that girls with narrow hips had fewer sexual partners, and many of them were in stable relationships. Girls with a wide basin were also in a stable relationship, but the number of their sexual partners and the number of sexual acts in one night turned out to be much larger than that of the representatives of the first group.

Study criticism

After a more thorough analysis of the results of the study, anthropologists came to the conclusion that many of the conclusions of the obstetric dilemma are not entirely justified. For example, the distance between the hips does not correlate with the width of the birth canal in a woman. In addition, the study did not take into account the weight and height factors of women, which also play an important role in this matter.

The girls participating in the survey were too young, and age plays an important role in ladies' sex life. So, a young girl has less sexual experience and is relatively constrained in relationships than an adult woman. The nature of the personality (extrovert or introvert) is another factor that is related to the issue of sexual relations and which was not taken into account when analyzing the results of the study.

Benefits of Women with Wide Hips

Nevertheless, there are objective advantages of a wide pelvis over a narrow one. First of all, it should be said that wide hips make the appearance of a woman more seductive and sexy than narrow. Many studies conducted at various universities around the world have confirmed that women with wide hips exude a special energy, in addition, they have high intelligence due to the high level of omega-3 acid in their body. Photos of the wide pelvis in one of the representatives of the weaker sex can be seen below.

Wide hips Kim Kardashian

Such women have the following distinctive features:

  • They are in good health, as their polyunsaturated fats are stored in the thigh area, which provides the best way to control blood cholesterol and triglycerides. Polyunsaturated fats are found in large quantities in fish, nuts and sunflower seeds.
  • Such women have a long life expectancy. Fat retention in the thighs, legs and buttocks reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and metabolic problems.
  • Wide-spread girls have a stronger heart and the circulatory system as a whole. Fats located in the hips contribute to the production of adiponectin - the hormone that is responsible for regulating blood sugar and toxic substances.
  • These ladies are more passionate. Many studies have shown that the libido of women with a wide pelvis is much higher than that of women with narrow hips. In addition, these women fear less childbirth, which at an unconscious level eliminates the fear of having sexual relations.
  • Their body is more healthy. So, Cushing's syndrome in women is associated precisely with an insufficient amount of body fat in the pelvic area.
  • Women with wide hips are always confident in themselves, they have a more resolute and liberated character, which makes them attractive in the eyes of every man. Such ladies are not afraid of anything, and this courage instantly attracts the stronger sex.

A healthy lifestyle is a condition for an attractive figure

Narrow hips girl

No matter how wide a woman’s pelvis is, she must monitor her appearance. The following basic rules will help maintain a good figure :

  1. Proper nutrition. It is recommended that you include more fruits, vegetables and herbs in your diet and avoid fatty and sugary foods.
  2. Exercise. It will be enough 3 trainings a week with an emphasis on cardio loads.
  3. Correct and full sleep. Due to the nature of the brain, women are advised to sleep 1 hour longer than men. Normal sleep should be 8–9 hours.
Running is one of the most rewarding sports.

The owner of a wide basin can be proud of her biological structure, since she will be desirable and attractive for any man, and in order to preserve this natural gift, she must lead a healthy lifestyle.

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