Why can't you blow out the candles? How to put out a candle

Why can’t you blow out the candles? Doctors in Australia believe that viruses can be spread in this way. Children blow out the candles on the cake and thereby transmit all their germs by airborne droplets. To do this, instead of a whole cake, parents came up with a birthday cake to give a separate piece of dessert or cake. We do not have such an alternative. Many do not even think about it.

blow out the candles

Essence on fire

So why can’t you blow out the candles? Let's figure it out. In fact, the whole point is on fire. This element is considered alive, and Agni leads it. In the case when they blow on the fire (no matter what, it may not be a candle), an insult to a higher power is inflicted. And the power of fire is associated with the organs of vision. Therefore, those who do so often may not see well in the future.

Few people know about this, and accordingly, almost no one does. In order not to play with fire, you need to close it with something or put out with a wave of your hand. Blow out candles - a bad omen.

Candles in religion

Speaking from a religious point of view, a candle is an important attribute of church service. Therefore, you need to treat him with respect.

They used to be used for lighting rooms. Light is a symbol of faith. In the church, candles began to be used a very long time ago and not only for lighting, but as a religious subject. According to the scriptures, such rites were carried out in the 8th century. Theologians have always paid great attention to church rituals, including the candle. The latter was compared with the bright idea, which should be in every person. The fire in a burning candle is none other than the Holy Spirit. The flame symbolizes our respect and love for God. The lit candles in front of the icons reflect the love of the initiates for the Lord. Thus, a pleasant, calm atmosphere is created in the temple.

Church candles

how to put out candles

Can I blow out church candles? In fact, they can be extinguished by a stream of air. Even ministers of the church speak of this. But then you need to light it up again. Also, many people who came to the temple saw how ministers extinguished unburned candles. There is nothing terrible here. They just make room for the following "offerings." No one will clean her if she has just begun to burn.

children blow out candles on a cake

How to put out a candle? Many people believe that you should never blow out a fire. Allegedly, at this moment the divine light also goes out. You can do this with a simple action, for example, put out the candle with your fingers or with a special cap. The ministers themselves believe that all this is superstition. In fact, you can blow out the fire.

how to put out a candle with your fingers

Candle flame

It can say a lot even about our housing. Fire feels the energy of the house. If the candle burns well, then everything is normal in the house. But if the flame begins to change - then less, then more, then to the side, which means that not everything is so good. By the same principle, you can hold a candle on a person. It is believed that in this way you can predict future troubles.

If it burns well, then there is nothing to fear. There are no negative acts; one should not worry about health either. If the flame flutters, then this means some kind of adventure or interesting adventure. A small fire is a bad sign foreshadowing disease.


There are even more dangerous warnings. For example, cracking a candle means that someone wants to spoil. And if it constantly goes out in the hands of a person, then this is about to near death.

There is a belief that when a candle starts to smoke, it takes away negative energy. And if it sparks, you should expect a bad guest. The flame burns blue - the spirit of the deceased may be nearby. The latter warns of the imminent death of a loved one.

This is not all the signs associated with a candle. But this is enough to know whether there is a negative in the house or in a person. With the help of a simple rite, you can independently clean the house by walking along all walls with a lit candle and prayer. Where it begins to smoke or the fire starts, you need to stand a little longer to remove the negative. To predict the future, observe candles at christening and weddings.

Rite of Purification

burning candle

There are some rules for performing traditional ceremonies. Each action carries energy and a certain meaning. Do not neglect this. It is sometimes recommended to light candles at home. This helps to cleanse it of negative energy and protects residents from problems and quarrels. Candles can be bought at any store, some special ones are not needed. The main thing is faith and positive thoughts during the ceremony.

How to light?

You need to remember a few rules regarding how to light a candle. You can’t light a candle for someone else from your own, otherwise there will be poverty in the house. This applies not only to candles, but also to other incendiary objects. Thus, a person shares his energy, the fire of his hearth. From the flame of a candle, you can set fire to a sheet of paper with negative inscriptions or desire, but in no case can you light a cigarette. This is considered a bad sign and portends misfortunes.

Why can’t you blow out?

But even more there is a sign about the extinguishing of the flame. Why can’t you blow out the candles? One of the explanations is that the element of fire "will be offended" by the fact that it was replaced by the element of air. But this is all superstition. In order not to violate unwritten laws, you can just put out the candle with your finger or a cap.

Candles on the cake

As for the candles on the birthday cake, you can blow them out. It even, conversely, helps in the fulfillment of desires thanks to the power of thought. If by chance it turned out to extinguish the fire, then this is to the guests.

how to put out a candle

If the candle goes out on its own, this is a bad omen. It means the approach of death, even if a person is not sick with anything. In other meanings, this may symbolize the end of a relationship or some important matter.

Wedding and candles

Wedding is a strong ceremony, and signs in this case are very important. It is believed that if the fire of a candle went out at one of the newlyweds, then he would soon die. This is the worst, but perhaps the marriage will not last long or a betrayal on someone’s side will be revealed. The fact is that the negative will be.

Candle for health and peace

Many people who come to church light a candle for health. If it goes out, then you need to wait for the death of the person who was requested. You can not extinguish such a candle, it should burn itself, then it can be extinguished by a church minister. It is better to stand for a while and wait until it burns out a little.

The candle behind the repose behaves differently. If it goes out, this is a good sign that the soul has found peace.

If the candle goes out with christening, then the baby has a hard life. But there is an opposite meaning - all negativity has been removed from the child. It happens that in dreams people see a candle go out. Such a dream broadcasts the same thing as in reality. But here you need to carefully remember the details, because they play a big role.

Should I be afraid if the candle fell? This is a good sign. For girls, this promises an early wedding. But if the candle fell in the church, then this is a bad sign that brings trouble. The candle itself may fall, it is also not a good sign - to problems and difficulties.

Tips and interesting facts

Is it possible to blow out church candles

If the candle is broken, it is best not to light it. It is better to melt it into a new one and then use it. A broken wedding candle can mean severe damage. If the candlestick burst, you can lose a loved one. This will happen only if it burst for inexplicable reasons, and not from overheating.

As mentioned earlier, the candle behind the repose may not burn for a long time, but there is no need to experiment and put it at the health of the deceased. This can end badly, and the person who laid the candle himself will die. People who are not very versed in church ceremonies are better off talking to ministers or a priest to know where and what kind of candles to put.

put out a candle

Wedding candles have their own story . They need to be kept at home and lit when one of the spouses or their children is sick. Also, if a woman can not give birth to a child, you need to light such a candle. At the wedding, candles burn throughout the rite. Then they are carefully examined - whoever has less will die first.

Candles lit on Easter during the consecration of Easter cakes have power. In the future, they can help with childbirth and treating diseases.


In the church you can find peace and clear thoughts. A burning candle holds the sacrament. To make it easier on the soul, you can contemplate the flame at home. If it does not help, it is better to go to church. Now you know why you can’t blow out the candles, and also familiarized yourself with the signs associated with this church attribute. For some, this is superstition, but still you should not play with fire.

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