Fiberglass wallpaper is a stylish and practical solution for decorative design of the interior surfaces of the room. By design properties, they are not inferior to paper coatings, but at the same time they are easy to wash and resistant to mechanical stress. But how to glue the glass to properly provide a full range of operational benefits after finishing? In general, the task is not difficult and an ordinary homeowner can handle it, but there are a number of points that you should familiarize yourself with in advance.
What is cullet?
As the name implies, this type of coating is formed from fiberglass. In special factories, high-precision spinning technology produces fabric based on glass fibers, which, in turn, are made from natural raw materials - clay, limestone, quartz sand and soda. Therefore, do not confuse fiberglass with synthetic plastics and composites with toxic components. Even under conditions of high temperature loads, this material does not emit chemically hazardous substances. As a confirmation of this fact, we can mention the practice of gluing externally unaesthetic heating equipment. For example, how to glue the glass on the stove? It is enough to bring in proper form its surface and primer. Next, a layer of wallpaper is laid, after which it is painted with heat-resistant paint. And just in this technique of using fiberglass, the ambiguity of its intended purpose is expressed.
The decoration function in relation to fiberglass-based coatings is not even as important as the task of reinforcement. There are special fiberglass mesh to strengthen the layers of plaster, but structurally they are too coarse and not suitable for thin coatings. In turn, cullets can also perform the function of structural reinforcement, and at the same time transmit texture patterns after the final painting.
What materials will be required in the work?
Unlike conventional wallpaper, in addition to adhesive, a wide range of accessories is required. These include the following:
- Rigid mounting materials - screws and dowels.
- Elastic fixing means - self-adhesive tape and serpyanka tape.
- Putty for sealing joints.
- Sealants.
If there is a question about how to glue cullet on the ceiling, then it will be useful to think through its design in advance. It is one thing to cover the base of the ceiling immediately after whitewashing, and it is another to mount a modern suspended ceiling. In the second case, it will also be necessary to prepare a special set with metal frames, drywall and the corresponding fastening equipment with profile height adjusters.
The nuances of choosing glue
Since cullet is environmentally friendly and non-toxic, it will be reckless to use reinforced compounds with aggressive chemistry to glue them. Specialists advise limiting themselves to soft-acting products based on starch or PVA. On the other hand, a completely natural base, especially in conditions of high humidity, becomes a favorable environment for the development of fungi and mold. In this regard, the question arises: how can glued glass in the bathroom on the same glue without special protective chemistry? To do this, use canvas with modern adhesive additives, in which there are safe for health antibacterial and water-retaining substances. This is a wide group of fungicides that inhibit the development of undesirable biological processes.
Glue preparation
It is advisable to purchase formulations in the form of a dry mixture, as they retain their qualities longer and allow one package to be used in parts at different times. In the question of how to properly glue the cullet, the aspect of dividing the working areas according to the temporary stages of execution is important. In other words, it is necessary to initially distribute portions among the pasting zones, since the prepared mixture retains its properties for a limited time of the order of 30-45 min. As for the preparation of the adhesive mass, this process is performed as follows:
- Water is poured into the prepared container of the required volume.
- A dry stream of glue is poured out in a thin stream - so that initially the particles do not stick together, but dissolve throughout the entire volume of the liquid.
- For mixing, it is recommended to use a construction drill with a mixer nozzle, using a low-speed mode. Stirring takes 5-10 minutes.
- The cooked mass is kept for another 10-15 minutes, after which it can be used.
Surface preparation for work
First, a set of works is carried out aimed at identifying and eliminating serious structural defects. If we are talking about old walls, it is necessary to carefully check their foundation for flimsy areas - for example, where the stucco is peeling off or chips are present. Such places must be covered with a new cement mortar, and then covered with a primer layer. In general, how to glue cullet on walls with bumps? The best option would be a combination of fiberglass coating and putty, previously applied in thin layers. Large cracks and joints are sealed with a prepared mesh-serpyanka. At the final stage of preparation, it will not be superfluous to carry out dust removal and degreasing along with mechanical cleaning. The first operation is carried out with a construction vacuum cleaner (or a clean, moistened roller), and the second - with any solvent like white spirit.
Is it possible to glue on old surfaces?
It is better, of course, to use new surfaces as a rough basis, but this is not always possible and technologically justified. For example, when it comes to paintwork, which can only be removed during coarse grinding with special equipment. On the other hand, gluing glass on the paint can only be provided that sufficient adhesive ability of the existing coating is ensured. That is, if the same putty was previously applied to the paint itself, creating the necessary adhesive function with both materials on both sides. As for other old coatings like paper wallpaper, the same adhesion requirement applies, but the condition for guaranteeing reliability is also essential. The coating should not have poorly glued, peeling or other weak areas. All of them are detected during troubleshooting and are treated with a primer.
Step-by-step instructions for pasting
The main workflow is performed in the following steps:
- From the doorway, glue is applied to the surface along the marked area with a brush. It is necessary to distribute the adhesive mass so that it slightly goes beyond the limits of the preliminary marking - this will exclude the preservation of non-glued places.
- Cloths are glued from top to bottom. Each strip is first glued at the upper edge, and then gently smoothed towards the bottom with a rubber spatula.
- Fundamentally important is the question regarding the design of joints. How to glue the cullet for painting - lap or butt method? Since this is a thick and relatively stiff material, a butt joint would be preferable. Two edges can be reduced without a gap, without changing the thickness of the coating in the convergence line. After completing the entire operation, the joints are additionally ironed, holding both sides of the canvases.
- Excess glue is removed with a trowel and rags, after which the coating is left to dry for two days.
Adhesive side selection
It is almost impossible to visually distinguish the underside of glass from the front with a cursory inexperienced look. Moreover, there is an opinion that there is no difference between them - the texture will be equally traced by the type of mirror image. But this is not entirely true, and the question of which side to glue the cullets for is completely logical. At least in some models, the facial texture dramatically differs in the configuration of the pattern, its recess and symmetry. There are two ways to recognize it:
- In a roll package, the outer side usually faces inward.
- On the back there is a marking in the form of a blue or gray strip.
Pasting uneven corners
Fiberglass is not so flexible and pliable that it can be easily deformed and glued in corner zones. At external angles, you will have to cut the canvas along the edges, forming two separated planes. After gluing, the edges will need to be carefully treated with sandpaper or other fine abrasive. How to glue the glass in the inner uneven corners? The canvas also needs to be cut along the ruler in the contour of the junction of two planes, observing the vertical direction of the line. It is important to note that the bend around the corner should not be higher than 2 cm. Next, another sheet is glued that will close the bend. This is the case when when working with fiberglass wallpaper the overlap technique justifies itself.
How to glue the cullet on the ceiling?
At the first stage, the installation of the suspension system is carried out. A baguette with drywall is installed along the guiding profiles, on the surface of which glass masks will be glued in the future. Further, the finishing technology is performed according to the standard scheme, but taking into account the specifics of the location of the working plane. How to glue the cullet on the ceiling? Firstly, you can not do without the use of a staircase structure, which must be securely fixed. Secondly, you will have to work with a tool for long-term retention of the material in a state of tight fit to the ceiling. There are special paint rods and trowels with a rule, the design of which allows you to conveniently smooth the finishing materials on a suspended surface. And thirdly, it will not be out of place to introduce into the list of criteria for choosing glue such a parameter as a quick fight. Full short-term polymerization with a sufficient set of strength for operation is out of the question, but after a couple of minutes the need to hold the web will disappear by itself.
The use of cullets gives a lot of advantages, which in the future will facilitate surface care. To this it is worth adding the significant advantage of this material as the structural basis of the finishing coating. This explains its widespread use in public and industrial buildings. If we talk about the shortcomings, they are expressed in high cost and installation technology. How to glue the glass? The secret to a successful finish in this way is the proper preparation of the base and the use of suitable glue. If these two conditions are met, then in the end it will be possible to obtain a durable, functional and aesthetically attractive coating. Again, it can be combined with paints and varnishes. Thus, an organic combination of the original texture and texture, corresponding to the overall interior style, will be achieved.