President of Uruguay Jose Mujica

The Republic of Uruguay is a state of Latin America. Its economic development is quite high for the countries of South American countries. In 2013, Uruguay was the third largest runway in Latin America. The average salary in this country is about eight hundred dollars.

Brief biography of Jose Mujica

The former president of Uruguay, whose full name is Jose Alberto Mujica, was born on May 20th, 1935. His mother was from a poor Italian migrant family. Father is a Spaniard. He was engaged in farming. He died when Jose was five. At twenty-five, Alberto Mujica joined the Tupamaros national liberation movement. He became an active member. The Tupamaros organization was akin to the famous Robin Hood squad. Members of the organization robbed the rich and handed out the money and food to the poor. As a result, Jose was arrested more than once.

president of uruguay

The first time he went to jail in 1970. But he was able to escape from prison. Moreover, his wife Lusia helped him in this. In 1972, Jose was again caught by the police. This time he spent more than 10 years in prison. He was locked up in solitary confinement, and even for 2 years he was "thrown" to the bottom of the well. Jose was released under an amnesty in 1985. In prison, in total, he served 14 years.

Political career Jose Mujica

The political career of Jose Mujica began in 1985, when democracy was restored in the country. He realized that Robin Hood’s methods were ineffective. And poverty must be dealt with differently. Political scientists said about him that he speaks "in the language of the people." They recall how , after becoming a deputy, Jose rode an ordinary scooter. Before his appointment as president, he managed to be a senator and even a minister.

president of uruguay jose mujica

Presidential race

In 2008, Jose Mujica was officially approved as the presidential candidate of Uruguay. In the campaign, he promised to continue the policy of Tabare Vasqueck, who was in power at that time. He lost the first round without gaining even half the votes. In the second, just over 50% of the country's population voted for him. But in 2009, Jose Mujica was finally elected President of Uruguay.

Presidential Benefits

By status, Uruguayan President José Mujica had to live in a luxurious villa, drive expensive cars, live on a grand scale and enjoy other advantages that his position gave him. He received a monthly salary of $ 12,500.

president of uruguay photo

How did the president of Uruguay, Jose Mujica?

Instead of a luxurious life, Jose chose another, more modest. Instead of a villa, he stayed in his small house on the outskirts of Montevideo, around which he and his wife grew flowers. I went to the old Volkswagen. Only two policemen guarded him. There were no bodyguards at all. He never bathed in luxury, so all five years that he was president, he was called the poorest leader of the country.

Of course, as President of Uruguay, Jose Mujica had to abide by a specific protocol. Receive dignitaries from other countries and wear a smart suit. The situation was binding, but he did it without much desire. Just because it's all taken on etiquette. And when the meetings ended, he left for his cozy little house and put the only full dress in the closet.

Jose Mujica is still married. His wife, Lucia Topolanski Saavedra, supported him in everything and is currently doing so. Lucia herself still gives the poor half of her pension, believing that the remaining money is enough for them to live on. Jose is an ascetic and a vegetarian. Their table was never full of dishes. They still live modestly, their food is ordinary, simple, like many Uruguayans.

Uruguay's poorest president

The poorest president of Uruguay how does he live now? Ordinary life. Jose never had servants. Linen is dried on the clothesline in the yard. In the garden is an old rickety chair. From living creatures, there is only one three-legged dog Manuel, which Jose loves. The farm has no driveways. Only one narrow dirt road leads to a yard overgrown with grass. The flowers that they grow with his wife, they sell. But these funds most often go to charity.

All the property of Jose Mujica is an old car. All other property is recorded on his wife. These are several old tractors and the same house in which he and his wife live.

Poorest president

Jose Mujica - President of Uruguay, whose photo is in this article, has always been of the opinion that he can live well with what he has. And 90% of his salary was given to poor families or helped those in need with this money. He kept only $ 1,250 for himself, which is “a penny” for the head of state.

Jose Mujica - President of Uruguay, who believed that others live on less money, so this amount is enough for him. He always said that the Earth is rich in resources, and each person can live comfortably. Many receive enough for ordinary life, but are "obsessed" with the idea of ​​wealth, while others make ends meet.

In 2012, José Mujica announced that the president’s palace was housing for the homeless. He believed that the cause of many ills is the model of civilization, created incorrectly, in his opinion.

president of uruguay how does he live

What could the poorest president of Uruguay do for his country?

Thanks to Jose Mujica, Uruguay has become one of the fastest growing countries. In five years as president, he has reduced the unemployment rate by almost half, and now it is considered the lowest in all of Latin America. There are much fewer poor people. Central Bank reserves were quadrupled. And amounted to almost 8 billion dollars. Uruguayan President Jose Mujica has also created a social construction program. For government purposes, not only the country's budget money was allocated, but also part of his personal funds.

There are also unusual presidential decrees that should be singled out separately. First, he legalized same-sex marriage. And the second - Jose issued a law that allowed the cultivation and sale of hemp. True, under strict state control. Jose believed that thanks to the law on marijuana, there would be much less drug traffickers in his country. And, accordingly, less funds will need to be spent on the fight against them.

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