Long periods. The reason is female diseases

Very often, women and girls lose their menstrual cycle. Sometimes menstruation does not arrive on time or, conversely, begins ahead of schedule. They can be longer or scarce. All this indicates that some malfunctions occurred in the female body. But which ones? What causes such changes in the loop?

Long periods, cause

Of course, you should immediately consult a doctor. Long periods? There may be more than one reason; only a competent specialist can establish them. But the woman herself has the right to study information about menstrual irregularities.

If menstruation lasts 2 weeks, this is certainly bad and can alert a woman. Monthly, one after the other, an irregular cycle - all these are symptoms of some kind of disease.

What cycle of menstruation is considered the norm? Its duration is from 20 to 45 days. On average - 28. At the same time, menstruation most often goes from 3 to 5 days.

If menstruation goes 2 weeks

Long periods: reason

  • Menstruation in adolescents and in women with menopause. This is absolutely normal, since in adolescents the cycle is established for two years, and during the menopause, the woman's hormonal background changes .
  • Severe stress, climate change, heavy physical exertion also contribute to disruption of the cycle of menstruation, while they can be longer or shorter than usual.
  • Various diseases that cause malfunctions. Among them may be diseases of the uterus and ovaries, hormonal disorders. Endometriosis, polyps, uterine fibroids, inflammation of the appendages, ovarian tumors, uterine cancer, poor blood coagulation, liver disease, hormonal drugs, an intrauterine device, malfunctions of the thyroid gland, acute infections (ARVI) may well cause long periods.
  • Ectopic pregnancy. The main symptoms: weakness, menstrual irregularities, pain, severe dizziness, spotting from the vagina. Contact a specialist immediately.
  • Long periods? The reason is hormonal imbalance, especially if clots come out with blood. Disorders of the brain and its departments, for example, the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, provoke a cycle disorder.
  • Long periods? Their reason may be in the incorrect structure of the uterus, with congenital pathologies. The uterus is irregular in shape, two-horned, with partitions - all this contributes to stagnation of blood. Often, such features of the uterus can be corrected only by surgical intervention.
  • Endometriosis is a common gynecological disease in women over the age of forty. It arises from the growth of the endometrium in the uterus. Also affects the duration of menstruation.

What is the cycle of menstruation

What to do with heavy periods?

First of all, go to a good gynecologist. Secondly, try to adjust your lifestyle, namely: reduce stress, relax more, do not overwork, eat well, quit smoking and take alcohol, get enough sleep. Following these simple rules and tips, you will help your body quickly return to normal. It is so important for a woman to be healthy, because she continues the birth, has children. At least therefore, think about your condition.

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