What should not be done at Epiphany, January 19, and why

Baptism is the end of the New Year and Christmas celebrations, but this is not the importance of the holiday. Epiphany during the Christian period has acquired great importance for people living or seeking to live a full spiritual life, and has become a sacred symbol of purification for the majority.

Not without the fact that a lot of folk signs and beliefs mixed in with the church holiday, which, by the way, tend to come true. Not without magic.

The Epiphany turned out to be a holiday with a somewhat liberal bias, allowing fortune telling, the use of conspiracies and analysis will take. But here's what you can't do at Epiphany, January 19th, is swearing and harboring anger. Actually, such actions are punishable on any day, but especially at Baptism.

Fortune telling - only on Christmas Eve

Marriage, financial situation, health and well-being of loved ones is a familiar set of questions, the solution of which has remained relevant for centuries, and I want to know the answer in advance, and that it must be positive.

what can not be done for baptism on January 19

You can find out your fate, but not in the Epiphany itself, but on the eve of the evening, until 00:00 inclusive. Next is a taboo. A new, festive day starts at midnight, and who did not manage to find out their future is late. Fortune-telling will have to be postponed for a whole year. In the old days, girls did just that; they were God-fearing and well aware of what should not be done at Epiphany, January 19th.

Conspiracy plot

To the category of fortune telling can be attributed and conspiracies. Active actions on the part of man to correct his fate were also taken until midnight. But some ceremonies (for money, for example) were allowed to be performed before dawn, in parallel with the accumulation of baptismal water.

Analyzing fortune-telling at Epiphany (January 19) - what can and cannot be done - we come to the conclusion that you can wish yourself and your environment wealth, health, marriage (marriage) and direct all spiritual, magical and prayer forces to it. You can’t think bad - the boomerang effect on holidays is more distinct and faster.

List of baptismal signs

The main signs for Baptism, January 19 (what can and cannot be done) one hundred and fifty years ago, they were a program of action that was adopted by everyone - from small to large.

Now they are not believed in them so widely and are perceived, rather, as entertainment, but are increasingly noticing that forecasts based on fluffy snowfall, clarity of stars, and side of the wind are not without logic.

baptism what cannot be done on holy day

So, what are the signs of baptism, January 19? What can and cannot be done?

It is strictly forbidden to enter into discussions of an aggressive plan, holding holy water in your hands - it can lose its strength.

You can’t also be greedy and get too much baptismal water .

January 19 and after Baptism is not supposed to be fortunetelling.

Two days after the Epiphany are not erased at home and two weeks in the hole.

signs for baptism on January 19 what can and should not be done

But then a dip in the hole is welcome. It is especially useful for those who dared to tell fortunes the day before - water will wash away this sin.

You can sprinkle the house with holy water.

The mistress before Baptism is allowed to personally draw small crosses above the windows and the front door - this will save the house from troubles.

If a bird knocks on Baptism at the window - pray for the deceased relatives, it is their souls who ask the living for help and charitable deeds.

Why can’t you feed the chickens?

One of the strange, at first glance, baptismal bans - on feeding chickens on this day. It would seem that such cruelty to living beings is unacceptable. But zealous villagers, who count not only every layer, but every sprout in the garden in the summer, take the ban seriously.

They have well-fed chickens - number one on the list of “What Not to Do at Epiphany, January 19”. What does the poor bird, forced to suffer on a bright holiday? It is not known where such an omen came from, but they say that if it is not in the Epiphany that they feed the chickens, in the summer they will not rake the beds and spoil the seedlings.

Prohibition of physical labor

On the day of the great Christian holiday, all types of physical labor are prohibited. This is probably the most pleasant. What should not be done at Epiphany, January 19? Right, work! Time, freed from everyday tedious work, can be spent pleasantly and with benefit - to visit the service in the temple, to visit, have fun with friends.

Fortune telling on January 19

Of course, meeting with nice people here means "fifty or more." You can warm your soul with alcohol even at Baptism. What you can’t do on a holy day is to get too carried away and sort out. Firstly, the holiness of the holiday does not save from a hangover and headache. Secondly, to look like a famous pet is simply indecent. It is better to get drunk from a beautiful day, a bright holiday, revel in faith in a beautiful future, which was expected on Christmas Eve, and enjoy life just like that.

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