In our country, one of the most popular types of meat is pork. It has excellent taste, good energy value and affordable price compared to other products, so it is widely used in cooking to prepare a huge number of dishes. However, despite this, many doctors and nutritionists constantly urge people to stop eating this type of meat, as it supposedly has a negative effect on the human body. But is pork really dangerous ? The benefits and harms of the product will be discussed in detail in this article. Therefore, having read it to the end, you can make the right choice in favor of whether to refuse kebab, pork "Wellington", juicy fried steak and many other amazing dishes.
Chemical composition
So, in your daily diet there is pork. The benefit and harm to the body of this meat is of interest to many, because, in addition to the negative, it also has a positive effect. To verify this, just look at the chemical composition of the product.
In addition to the vital amino acids found in pork, it is also rich in the following nutrients:
- vitamins A, B, D and E;
- choline;
- sulfur;
- calcium;
- iron;
- zinc;
- iodine;
- magnesium;
- potassium;
- sodium;
- cobalt;
- phosphorus;
- copper;
- fluorine;
- manganese;
- tin;
- chromium;
- nickel;
- chlorine;
- molybdenum.
The calorie content of 100 grams of meat is 356 kcal, which accounts for 14 g of protein, 33 g of fat, 3.5 g of essential amino acids, and the rest are other vital nutrients. Given the rich chemical composition and nutritional value, we can conclude that the harm of pork is greatly exaggerated.
Beneficial features
Let's dwell on them in more detail. If we talk about what harm pork does to the human body when it is regularly consumed, then its beneficial effect cannot be ignored.
For example, fat is recommended to eat, because it:
- sharpens eyesight;
- stimulates bowel movement from waste products;
- facilitates the course of pneumonia and many other diseases of the respiratory system;
- helps to cleanse the liver of salts and heavy metals;
- stimulates the process of blood formation.
In addition, pork fat is used as a moisturizer for facial skin care. Making a mask only twice a week, especially in the winter, you will notice that the epidermis will begin to better resist the negative environmental factors.
Many nutritionists argue that pork is harmful because it contributes to obesity. However, if the meat is cooked correctly, then you will not only not gain extra pounds, but even, on the contrary, you can lose a couple.
Effects on the nervous system
What you need to know about this? Few people know that with vinyl, the health benefits and harms of which are described in detail in this article, normalizes the functioning of the central nervous system. Due to vitamin deficiency, a person is more susceptible to stressful situations, since his hormone of happiness is produced in small quantities, which is why mood often changes. The reason for this is the lack of vitamins of group B. And since they are contained in large quantities in pork, then using it, you can replenish the balance of nutrients in the body. Just a few weeks after the inclusion of the product in the diet, you will notice that you have become much calmer in reacting to everything that happens around you and it is much better to get enough sleep. And fat is one of the most powerful antidepressants of natural origin. In its composition there is a special substance tryptophan, which is responsible for the production of the hormone of joy.
How does this product influence? In winter and autumn, the protective functions of the body are significantly reduced in people, so they are much more susceptible to various diseases. This is due to a number of factors, among which the main one is a lack of vitamins. To strengthen the immune system, proper nutrition is required, therefore it is very important to eat foods rich in nutrients. In this regard, pork (the benefits and harms of meat cause a lot of controversy in the scientific community) is one of the best products. In addition, pork fat slows down the aging process and improves metabolism in the body. A rich chemical composition helps to strengthen the health of hair and nails.
Reproductive effects
What you need to know about this? As you have probably already seen, the harm of pork is not so terrible as they say about it. This meat contains a large amount of testosterone, which is involved in the development and functioning of the male reproductive system, as well as its psychophysiological behavior. Also, this hormone is responsible for increasing muscle mass, which is especially important for people who are actively involved in any sport. Testosterone deficiency negatively affects erectile function, as a result of which representatives of a strong half of humanity have problems with erection. To stimulate the production of androgen, a large amount of zinc is required, one of the best sources of which is pork. Therefore, doctors advise patients who are struggling with infertility to consume as much of this type of meat as possible.
Effects on the cardiovascular system
If you are still convinced that the harm of pork meat is really there, and it is quite high, then consult a qualified cardiologist. One of the most important systems of any living creature is cardiovascular. She is responsible for providing all internal organs and tissues with nutrients, so if violations are observed in her work, then the whole body suffers.
For the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, the movement of blood through the veins and arteries should be uniform and carried out under a certain pressure. To regulate its work, the body needs vitamins and minerals. Eating pork helps lower blood cholesterol, as a result of which the risk of developing various diseases and pathologies also becomes less. In addition, pig meat contains zinc, magnesium and arginine, which improve heart function and stimulate normal blood flow.
Harmful properties
This issue should be given special importance. Despite all of the above, the harm of pork is truly undeniable. What does it consist of?
It is expressed as follows:
- This meat contains cholesterol and lipids, which can stimulate the development of various serious pathologies. According to medical statistics, people who regularly eat pork are much more often diagnosed with obesity, arthritis, and destructive-dystrophic joint damage.
- In the process of pork digestion, histamine is formed in the body, which provokes the development of food allergies.
- Various parasites can be present in meat. Propagating in the body, they affect the internal organs, which, in turn, can lead to death in the absence of proper treatment.
- Some doctors claim that pork increases the likelihood of developing cancer.
- The meat is very fatty, so it puts a big strain on the liver. If a person is diagnosed with cirrhosis or hepatitis, then the consequences can be catastrophic.
In some countries, pork, the harm to the body of which is quite obvious, is under the strictest ban. Moreover, the average life expectancy of the population in them is much higher than in Russia. The same applies to the number of centenarians.
You should definitely familiarize yourself with them before using this product. Pork (the benefits and harms of meat have been discussed in detail above) is not recommended for use by people suffering from certain diseases.
These include the following:
- obesity;
- stomach ulcer;
- renal failure;
- acute or chronic inflammation of the skin;
- myocardial infarction;
- abnormalities of the gallbladder;
- cholecystitis;
- pancreas inflammation;
- duodenitis;
- cardiovascular pathology;
- atherosclerosis;
- type 2 diabetes mellitus.
In addition to all of the above, people who have individual intolerance to pork should be abstained from eating this meat. However, a similar phenomenon in medical practice is extremely rare.
Cooking pork
This kind of meat has become very widespread not only in our country, but also around the world. It is used to prepare a huge number of different original and amazing dishes, striking with their unique taste. As for Russia, barbecue is the most popular here. Our compatriots came up with so many ways of pickling and cooking meat, baked on charcoal, that just the head goes around. But is there any harm to pork barbecue? Let's try to understand this issue in more detail and find out whether it is worth denying yourself this very simple, but incredibly tasty dish or you can safely eat it.
The chemical composition of barbecue
So what is he like? Earlier, we examined what substances are contained in raw pork, but in the process of heat treatment and cooking of meat its chemical composition changes. At the same time, it is very difficult to determine exactly which minerals and nutrients we get together with barbecue, since everything here depends on which marinade and method of preparation were used.
As for the generalized information, it says that 100 grams of the dish contains:
- protein - 25%;
- fats - 45%;
- carbohydrates - 3-4%;
- vitamins - A, groups B, C, D, E and PP;
- minerals - iron, magnesium, calcium, zinc and phosphorus.
As for calorie content, it can vary from 180 to 340 kcal. Most of the fat is in the brisket, so it is from this part that the most satisfying kebab is obtained. But here everything also largely depends on what exactly the meat was pickled.
Useful and harmful properties
Let's dwell on them in more detail. Many people are wondering if it is possible to eat pork skewers. The benefits and harms of this dish depend on how often and how much you consume.
In moderate amounts, the following benefits are achieved:
- the kebab contains a large amount of protein and beneficial amino acids involved in muscle growth, increasing the level of hemoglobin and improving blood circulation;
- high nutritional value. If you want to quickly gain weight, then the kebab is perfect for this. In addition, meat baked on charcoal reduces the risk of anemia;
- A good source of vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal functioning and functioning of the immune system. Kebab stimulates the production of testosterone in the male body, which favorably affects potency.
As for the harm, with moderate use it is practically nonexistent. However, you should take into account the fact that barbecue is a high-calorie dish, so it is better to exclude it from the diet of pregnant and breastfeeding women.
Despite the harm of pork and dishes from it, you need to eat this type of meat, because it contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals and nutrients that our body needs. If you do not abuse pork, then there will be no harmful effects. But the same can be said absolutely about any products. If you know in all measure, then you will never have any health problems.