Acne calendula tincture: application and reviews

Acne tincture of calendula is an alternative but effective way to combat acne and inflammatory redness on the face and body. It is believed that the constant use of tinctures will help get rid of acne and prevent skin problems.

Product Features

All who have skin problems are interested in one question - does calendula tincture help for acne? Some experts argue that the systematic use of the drug will help get rid of not only acne, but also small scars.

what the tincture heals

Acne tincture of calendula has the following actions:

  • It has anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Promotes rapid cell regeneration.
  • Reduces the activity of pores.
  • Effectively eliminates dead epithelial cells.

In addition to positive effects, the tool can produce a negative effect:

  • Dry skin, if it is normal or dry.
  • Intense peeling due to the presence of alcohol in the tincture.
  • Due to active use, allergic reactions in the form of redness, rash may occur.

If you use the tincture correctly, then the unpleasant consequences can be excluded from the list of effects of the product on the skin.


Typically, calendula tincture is suitable for all people with any type of skin. But sometimes there are contraindications for use, which are regulated by the body's reactions to the components of the drug.

homemade lotion

Acne tincture of calendula is contraindicated:

  1. If there is an allergic reaction to one of its components.
  2. Individual intolerance.
  3. Do not apply on deep or fresh wounds.

Contraindications can be identified independently, but it is better to consult a dermatologist. For a home test, it is worth putting a little funds on the elbow. If redness or itching appeared, then an allergic reaction appeared.

Principle of using a rash treatment product

Calendula tincture is a medicine. Therefore, before use, you should read the instructions.

home cosmetology

The use of tincture of calendula for acne:

  1. To relieve inflammation, you need to use tincture at least 4 times a day.
  2. The product is applied locally - exclusively on the pimple, capturing a small area of ​​the skin around the site of inflammation.
  3. Use the product exclusively on clean skin.
  4. It is better to apply the drug with a cotton swab so as not to capture healthy areas.
  5. After an hour, the product must be washed off with warm water and soap.

Additional instructions for use are prescribed in the instructions for the drug. Application conditions may vary depending on additional components and solution concentration.

Self-made tincture

Calendula tincture can not only be purchased at the pharmacy, but also prepared independently. Usually, at home, two versions of tincture are made, which have a different degree of effectiveness.

The classic recipe. To prepare a standard tincture you will need: half a glass of vodka or 40% alcohol, 40 grams of fresh finely chopped calendula, a glass container. Pour the flower into the jar and add alcohol. Remove the container with contents for 1 week in a dark place. After time, get the tincture, strain and pour into a more convenient container.

natural cosmetics

Universal recipe. The base is prepared according to the same principle as the classic tincture. When the base is ready and cleaned, 4 tablets of aspirin and 3 tablets of chloramphenicol are added to the liquid. Acne tincture of calendula with chloramphenicol helps much better than the classic remedy. You can get rid of deeper inflammations.

There are other variations in the preparation of tinctures based on calendula. Often people themselves experiment using the components that are appropriate for their skin type.

Production of cosmetics at home based on tincture

Acne tincture of calendula is the main component for the manufacture of cosmetic products at home. Most often, the drug is the basis for the manufacture of lotions, as in this form tincture of calendula can treat all areas of the skin.

calendula tincture

Recipes for making lotions:

  1. Dilute the alcohol tincture purchased at the pharmacy in half with water. Water should be purified and slightly warm. Distilled liquid is sometimes used.
  2. Lotion with honey helps in the fight against acne and nourishes the skin with beneficial substances. Dissolve 40 grams of honey and 40 grams of tincture in a glass of warm water.
  3. For oily skin, camomile-based lotion is ideal. 40 grams of dried chamomile flowers and the same amount of calendula pour a glass of boiling water. When the herbs are brewed and the water has cooled, strain the liquid. Add 40 grams of camphor alcohol.

Calendula tincture is the main for the manufacture of ointments, creams, masks and tonics. Depending on the amount of the product and other components, the functionality and method of applying cosmetics are determined.

The advantages of tincture in comparison with other means

Tincture of calendula for acne on the face has many advantages in comparison with other cosmetic products and procedures.

tincture effectiveness

The advantages of cosmetology use of tincture:

  1. The tool is available - it can be purchased at any pharmacy or prepared independently.
  2. The cost of the drug is low.
  3. A simple method of use without the presence of global contraindications.
  4. It does not require much time for the implementation of cosmetic procedures.

The advantages in comparison with other cosmetic products are obvious, but there is also a drawback. A drug based on calendula needs to be used for a long time and constantly to get the desired result. During use, an unpleasant odor of alcohol may occur.

Comparative characteristics before and after

A comparative description of the results regarding the use of this tool is often positive. Users note a positive trend in the process of using tinctures. But there are cases of regression that can be triggered by other factors.

How tincture of calendula for acne affects the skin (before and after).

Facial skin condition before using the product

Condition after applying tincture

Focal inflammation that is painful to the touch and characterized by rednessRedness completely disappears and soreness decreases
Oily shine and enhanced pore performanceSkin appears dull, and pores are narrowed qualitatively
Unnatural skin color and loss of elasticityThe skin of the face acquires a normal color, and the tone is completely restored
Acne with pronounced black dotsBlack dots completely disappear, and the pores in these areas return to normal functioning.
The need for constant hydration and peelingProvides skin cells with nutrients and accelerates the regeneration process
Inflammation under the skinElimination of subcutaneous inflammation with further restoration of the skin

Reviews of cosmetologists and dermatologists

To get rid of acne and rashes, many people turn for help to specialists: dermatologists, cosmetologists. Depending on the degree of the problem, the treatment method is determined. If acne or small inflammatory processes on the surface of the skin are observed, then certain drugs and preparations for external use are prescribed.

flowers for making tinctures

The use of tincture of calendula for acne reviews from experts is mixed. Dermatologists believe that the drug is quite effective for solving minimal skin problems. For teens and children, this is the best way to solve acne problems.

Beauticians to this tool are very indifferent. Specialists in this field do not evaluate the effectiveness of the drug too high. It is believed that such a component in cosmetology is completely neutral. Other cosmetologists indicate that calendula can activate other components of an acne treatment product.

User reviews of different age categories

Use this type of drug to eliminate acne and girls, and guys. Age limits are not limited, so the range of users is very wide. The use of tincture of calendula for acne on the face reviews is mostly positive.

Most often, this tool is used by adolescents in the treatment of acne and to normalize the work of pores. Teenagers note that tincture relieves inflammation and cleanses pores. The skin becomes less oily, its color normalizes.

The category of people over 30 years of age notes that the product based on tincture of calendula partially smoothes fine wrinkles, improves skin condition. Due to the nutrients that the flower contains, the epithelium is less susceptible to external influences.

If someone is dissatisfied with the results, then there may be several reasons: improper use of the drug, a short time of use, a more serious problem that requires complex treatment. Often the rash appears as a result of poor nutrition or poor hygiene, so the tool does not give the desired result.

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