Beautiful Muslim girls names: list, meaning and characteristics

It is believed that the name leaves its mark on the fate of man. Therefore, parents approach this issue anxiously. Muslim names of girls differ not only in melody of sound. Each of them has a certain meaning, which leaves its mark on character and life.

beautiful muslim names for girls


Among the Muslim names of the girls, Aziza stands out for its sonority and beauty. It is of Arab origin and comes from the masculine form of Aziz, which translates as "powerful." The name Aziza in the understanding of "close to God" can be found in African mythology. This is a fairy who patronizes hunters.

Azizas are usually decisive and purposeful. They are always ready to help those who need it. This beautiful Muslim name for girls can have different effects, depending on the date of birth:

  • Winter gives the girl stubbornness and firmness. Such Azizas, as a rule, inherit their paternal character. At the same time, they remain idealistic for life and react painfully to the imperfection of this world.
  • Autumn gives the girl prudence and caution. Such Azizas are able to benefit from any business in which they take part.
  • Summer gives the girl selfishness. Such Azizas do not know how to listen to the interlocutor and accept someone else's opinion. Therefore, there may be communication problems.
  • Spring gives the girl a refined taste and all kinds of talents. At such Aziz, as a rule, it turns out to realize themselves in creative professions.
unusual muslim names for girls


Muslim names of girls have a melodic sound and beautiful meaning. For example, Aigul translated from ancient Turkic means "moon flower". This means that the girl will be beautiful and tender, like a flower, and also mysterious, like the moon. The owner of this name is characterized by such features:

  • high intellectual abilities that begin to manifest at an early age;
  • sociability and the desire to be in the spotlight;
  • ability to smooth out conflicts;
  • expressed leadership qualities;
  • giftedness in various creative directions;
  • vanity, bordering on vanity;
  • gift of persuasion;
  • conscientious attitude to work;
  • ability to make decisions quickly.
names for girls rare muslim


Muslim names of girls from the Koran are quite popular. For example, Amina is the name of the mother of the Prophet Muhammad. From the Arabic language it is translated as “honest”, “faithful”, “reliable”, “calm”. Some linguists translate the name as "safe." Thus, Amines (Emine) are called daughters, wanting to protect them from life's shocks.

Muslim girls' names (like many others) can affect the character in different ways, depending on the time of birth. Namely:

  • Winter gives girls a changeable mood. Such amines are characterized by inconsistency of action and selfishness. As a rule, they have a solid masculine character.
  • Spring gives the girl responsiveness. To such Amines many people are drawn. In this regard, they are able to hold responsible positions and manage a large number of employees.
  • Summer gives girls devotion, care and reliability. Such Amines are good daughters, faithful wives and loving mothers.
  • Autumn gives the girl prudence. Such Amines know the value of time and do not spend time on activities that do not bring them benefits.


Many Muslim girl names have Persian roots. For example, Dilyara. This beautiful melodic name translates as "beautiful," "beloved." Girls with this name are distinguished by such features:

  • since childhood they have a calm, flexible character;
  • love to command others;
  • strive to be in the spotlight;
  • exacting to others and to themselves;
  • emotional and passionate natures who outwardly try to seem cold and balanced;
  • have high conceit;
  • they can quickly forgive insults.
Muslim names for girls are rare and beautiful


Beautiful Muslim names for girls are rapidly gaining popularity. Especially nice to hear the name Leila, which has Arabic roots. It can be translated as "night, darkness" or "dark-haired". The name, common among Turkic peoples, endows its owner with the following qualities:

  • likes to be in the spotlight;
  • carefully monitors his appearance;
  • Sensitivity and touchiness;
  • propensity for disputes;
  • ability to assert one's innocence;
  • exceptional decency, not allowing anyone to discuss behind him;
  • punctuality and obligatoriness;
  • integrity in matters of justice and morality;
  • willingness to help those in need.


Recently, parents have been striving to choose rare names for girls. Strange as it may seem, Muslim names are also popular among representatives of other religions. For example, thanks to the well-known gymnast and TV presenter, the name Laysan became widespread. It is of Arab origin and literally translates as "the first spring rain." This can be interpreted as “rich” and “generous”. The owners of this amazing name are characterized by such qualities:

  • giftedness and talent for various types of creativity;
  • subtle perception of beauty;
  • desire for self-expression;
  • openness and sociability;
  • the ability to find a common language with people of different nature;
  • kindness and responsiveness;
  • does not tolerate conflicts;
  • reverent romantic nature;
  • constant pursuit of new discoveries;
  • ability to defend one’s point of view;
  • desire for material well-being and comfort;
  • fidelity to the spouse.
Muslim names of girls from the Quran


Considering the rare Muslim names for girls, one can not help but pay attention to the name of Malik. It is of Arab origin and translates as "queen" or "ruler". In Chechnya, where this name is quite common, it is believed that this name is translated as "angel". Such a version takes place if we draw an analogy with the Turkic word "melek" (angel).

Rare and beautiful Muslim names for girls leave a serious imprint on character and destiny. For example, Malika has the following features:

  • kindness and credulity;
  • responsiveness and amazing ability to feel pain and sadness of other people;
  • openness to communication and new acquaintances;
  • diligence in studying creativity and work;
  • high vitality;
  • excellent performance;
  • purposefulness and focus on results;
  • careful attention to the opinions of others;
  • constancy regarding attitudes and feelings;
  • the ability to create a warm and comfortable atmosphere in the house;
  • Sensitivity and touchiness.


Considering the rare and beautiful Muslim names for girls, it is worth paying attention to the name of Nuria of Arab origin. It comes from the word "nur" meaning "light." Thus, the name translates as "bright" or "radiant." It endows its owner with the following features:

  • pride and self-esteem;
  • indifference to peers and a genuine interest in communicating with the older generation;
  • arrogance and arrogance; neutral position to avoid conflicts;
  • prefers privacy to noisy companies;
  • organization and responsibility;
  • pedantry in everyday matters;
  • desire for leadership in relations with men;
  • good taste and a keen sense of beauty.
the most beautiful muslim names for girls


Among the Muslim names of the girls from the Koran, the beautiful and euphonic name of Samir stands out. There are several versions explaining the origin and meaning. So in Islamic culture, Samira is most often translated as "bearing fruit." There is also a version that the roots of this name go deep into Sanskrit (ancient Indian language). In this context, the name can be translated as "supportive conversation." Gaelic translates as "rising sun."

Samira is one of the most beautiful Muslim names for girls. If you take it apart by letter, you get the following characteristic:

  • desire for material well-being;
  • sharp mind;
  • judiciousness
  • authority
  • desire for spiritual balance;
  • priority is comfort
  • concern for others;
  • resistance to temptations
  • sensitivity and kindness;
  • empathy;
  • desire to help those in need
  • self-confidence;
  • active life position.


The most beautiful Muslim names for girls include the name of Bushra. Translated from Arabic, it means "a good omen." Here are the features characteristic of the owners of this name:

  • desire for new knowledge, acquaintances and discoveries;
  • love of art;
  • striving for high results in study and work;
  • ability to conduct a conversation;
  • sophisticated sense of humor;
  • ability to be friends;
  • discipline and cleanliness;
  • desire for spiritual harmony;
  • the ability to find compromises and extinguish conflicts.
Muslim girls names are modern and their meaning


There is an increased interest in the modern Muslim names of girls and their meaning. For example, Zara. This name has several versions of origin. So, from the Persian language Zara is translated as "gold". If we consider the Arabic version, then this is the "morning dawn." Some linguists believe that the name Zara has Slavic roots and also causes associations with the dawn.

Unusual Muslim names for girls leave an imprint on fate and character. Zara means the following:

  • independence, organically combined with humility;
  • respect for parents and the desire to help them throughout life;
  • solid masculine character;
  • dreaminess and eccentricity;
  • emotionality and temper for trivia;
  • observation and the ability to learn from the mistakes of others;
  • diligence in study and work;
  • high intellectual abilities;
  • artistic talent that helps transform into different roles to achieve goals;
  • desire to take a leading position in the family;
  • developed imagination and fantasy;
  • good intuition helps to understand people well and avoid many unpleasant situations;
  • the ability to achieve goals at all costs.

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