Features of sex during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a great time for every woman. New emotions, feelings and boundless love for the baby in the womb can exalt the expectant mother to heaven. But what to do with such a significant part of life as intimacy ?!

When you can and cannot

If the expectant mother is absolutely healthy, and the doctor leading the pregnancy allows sexual life, then you can have sex during pregnancy. The main thing is not to give fear the victory in you. Positive emotions are needed not only for a pregnant woman, but also for the baby in the womb.

It is possible or not

Sexual contact can not adversely affect the formation of the fetus and cause a risk of interruption. Such troubles can cause reasons associated with the abnormal structure of the female genital organs, a lack of progesterone, malfunctioning of the thyroid gland, sexually transmitted infections and so on.

Diagnoses in which sexual life for spouses will be prohibited:

  • habitual miscarriage;
  • threat of interruption;
  • miscarriages in previous pregnancies;
  • Mom expects twins or triplets;
  • low location of the placenta;
  • spouse or pregnant carrier of a sexually transmitted disease;
  • bed rest for the period of gestation.

In addition, the threat of abortion is often associated with the cervix, which cannot fully fulfill its function. All these problems during intercourse can contribute to increased tone in the uterus, cause bleeding or miscarriage.

Up to 12 weeks

Is it possible to have sex during pregnancy in the early stages - most expectant mothers are interested. Doctors caution pregnant women in the first trimester, since weeks 4, 8 and 12 are risky, therefore it is recommended that the entire initial period of the “interesting” situation be abstained from sexual intercourse. This is especially true for women who have previously had miscarriages in the early stages, premature birth, uterine hypertonicity and other associated problems.

In the first trimester, the desires and moods of women are very changeable. The constant fatigue and drowsiness of this period is often accompanied by a decreased libido. The hormonal background of the girl is changing, along with him there are physiological and emotional adjustments in the body of the future mother.

2 trimester of pregnancy

The second trimester allows sex during pregnancy. The terms are not yet large, and the tummy is not yet large. The critical period is over and you can breathe a sigh of relief.

Vivid feeling

The only thing that women experts ask is to avoid standing on their backs. There is an opinion that the growing uterus can put pressure on the vena cava and thereby impede the flow of oxygen to the baby.

Hormonal changes also remain at their peak. High sensitivity of the breast only adds to the pleasant sensations during intercourse.

Sex from the 25th to the 40th week of pregnancy

Sex during pregnancy in the third trimester is not as bright as in the second. The big belly of the expectant mother is already interfering with sleep, and choosing a convenient position for sexual intercourse becomes a serious test.

Sex during pregnancy

Some women with increased libido note that sex during pregnancy can be attributed to something bright and enchanting. For many, this is an occasion to relax, do not have to think about contraception or interrupted intercourse.

Moreover, sexual life in recent weeks can facilitate labor, but this is the opinion of specialists in this field. They justify this by the fact that sperm contains an enzyme that can soften the cervix, thereby preparing it for childbirth.

And more recently, there was an opinion that prostaglandin, which is contained in seminal fluid, can cause premature birth. To date, this statement has been disproved quite a few times.

How often can I have sex?

There is no strict framework and restrictions on the frequency of sexual intercourse during pregnancy. It all depends on the state of health, the course of pregnancy and desire. It is important that both partners want lovemaking. Some women tend to “want” more during pregnancy than before an “interesting” position. A spouse should go to meet her beloved, because any manifestations of love and affection towards her play a significant role for her well-being and self-confidence at this stage of life.

Positive emotions

Rounded feminine forms quite often increase the attractiveness of a woman in the eyes of a spouse. And the rush of blood to the small pelvis of a pregnant girl can deliver new feelings to the partner, since the vagina is narrowed and the clitoris is enlarged.

Poses for sex during pregnancy

Intimacy in familiar postures - is it possible? Sex during pregnancy is allowed in a position comfortable for spouses, if the doctor has given the go-ahead, and there are no contraindications for sexual activity. Moreover, sex life is even beneficial during pregnancy. Regular sex activities strengthen the pelvic muscles, promote the production of hormones of happiness, which have a beneficial effect on mother and baby.

But there are a number of nuances that must be taken into account when choosing a posture for sex during pregnancy:

  1. Pose for intimacy should be chosen so that the penetration is not deep, and close contact between partners does not put pressure on the belly of the future mother.
  2. How to have sex during pregnancy? Do not choose extreme poses. Moreover, the duration of sexual intercourse should not exceed 10 minutes.
  3. The safest poses when partners are lying on their sides, respectively, the man is behind. Or the girl on the edge of the bed, and the partner in front of her.

Oral caress and anal sex

If a woman’s pregnancy does not cause discomfort and discomfort in the pelvic area, then oral sex is a great alternative to the classic look.

Important! Avoid intimacy if your partner has cold sores on her lips. The virus can very easily get to you and seriously harm the baby. Doctors agree in the common opinion that herpes can provoke birth defects in a baby. Of course, the statistics confirm the fact that this will not necessarily happen to you, but the baby’s health should still come first.

Anal sex during pregnancy is prohibited, some girls are prone to hemorrhoids in the last stages. Also, a variation of this intimacy contact can irritate the rectal mucosa, which ultimately can lead to an inflammatory process.

Is sex during pregnancy harmful?

Most partners during pregnancy begin to fear sexual intercourse. Some are afraid to harm the baby or the expectant mother.

Spouses can have sex during pregnancy, it is not harmful and will not harm either mom or the little one. The main thing is to approach the process with caution and check with the gynecologist for information about whether you have contraindications from sex during pregnancy.

Why pregnancy sex is good

Quality sex during pregnancy prepares the vagina for the upcoming birth. During the act, an additional supply of oxygen to the blood occurs. Which, undoubtedly, will benefit the baby in the womb.

Love and care

Do not worry about the baby, it is reliably protected by a shell. The only thing he can respond to is your rapid breathing and hormonal surge due to orgasm.

Of considerable importance is the benefit of sex during pregnancy, which affects psychology. A woman in such a sometimes difficult period must be sure that she is desirable and attractive. And abstinence has not benefited anyone yet.

Discomfort during sex

The state of discomfort during intercourse during pregnancy is an understandable phenomenon. The child’s head puts pressure on the pelvic organs, which provokes sprain. Moreover, some women are accompanied by pains in the area of ​​the pelvic bones even at rest, not to mention sexual life.

The breast swells from the early stages of pregnancy, the nipples become very sensitive. And sometimes even gentle touches and caresses can deliver discomfort.

The poses that a woman loved for a long sex life become inaccessible, as her rapidly growing belly interferes. Often, a pregnant woman cannot relax, and more and more often have to think about her desire, and forget about a partner.

Why sex is needed

Sometimes, despite all the arguments in favor of intimacy and good health and pregnancy, spouses still try to avoid intimacy. Girls feel ugly, plump, and the constant presence of panic, which remains after childbirth, pushes into the framework of complete indifference to sex. Men are afraid to deliver pain or harm the fetus.

Sex and pregnancy

Consider the reasons why sex during pregnancy is needed:

  1. Intimate discharge lowers blood pressure (for hypertensive patients).
  2. Support for a loved one and close contact with a loved one.
  3. Reducing the risk of complications during childbirth (gaps, cuts, etc.).
  4. Feel tenderness caress, warmth and care.
  5. Stress suppression.
  6. Strengthening the muscles of the pelvis.
  7. You can get hormones of happiness.

Most girls are faced with worries about future birth, the state of health of the baby in the womb. Hormones produced during orgasm help a woman relax and relieve stress. And for a pregnant girl, a state of inner harmony and calm is very important.


Consider 5 myths about sex during pregnancy:

  1. In an “interesting” position, a woman does not want to have sex. The desire of the expectant mother during pregnancy can either fade away, or vice versa, “catch fire” with special force. Each case is individual. But I want to note the fact that the first trimester is difficult for the body of the future mother and the absence of desire is associated exclusively with hormonal restructuring. This condition is short-term, and by 12 weeks the woman is already feeling much better.
  2. Orgasm is dangerous. No, despite the fact that it is accompanied by contractions of the uterus, it cannot provoke a miscarriage or premature birth. In addition, such an emotional discharge is needed by a woman and brings a lot of positive emotions to the baby in the womb.
  3. Sex during pregnancy contributes to rupture of the fetal bladder. Amniotic fluid located in the amniotic fluid provides reliable protection for the baby from injuries, shaking and infections. Thinning of the membrane is possible with previous flu or viral infection during pregnancy. Sexual infections, vaginosis or thrush can also be the cause.
  4. During intercourse, the baby can be infected or infected. No, the baby is under enhanced protection of the mucous plug, which prevents bacteria from entering the uterus. The risk of infection through the genital tract to the fetus is reduced to zero. But the opportunity to infect the expectant mother with viruses or sexually transmitted infections remains. And their presence can have a negative impact on the health of the child and the course of pregnancy.
  5. If the baby enters, it can cause injury. This is not true, the baby is protected by amniotic fluid with a bladder and a closed cervix.

It is worth noting that most doctors recommend couples to start regular sex after 39 weeks. Hormones contained in male sperm soften the cervix, so the risk of tears and incisions is minimal.

Doctors advises

Do you have sex during pregnancy? Sure! It is wonderful when spouses relate to sexual life during pregnancy without fear. The situation is worse with those who have no contraindications, but for this period of time they are “closed” from each other. Or couples who have to maintain sexual rest due to a threat. The main thing is to treat the situation with understanding or compromise when one of the partners has fears and inner feelings.

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