Southern Military District: headquarters, command, troops

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Political events take shape in such a way that a strong Armed Forces are simply necessary for Russia.

In 2014, Crimea was annexed to Russia. A tense ceasefire in the Donbas, now and then on the verge of collapse due to ongoing provocations, the ongoing NATO exercises in the Black Sea force the Armed Forces, including the Southern Military District, to be on high alert. The article describes the current state of this district, its command and composition.

Southern Military District

History of South-Eastern Military District

In 1918, the North Caucasian Military District was established, and the Army of the North Caucasus became known as the eleventh army. The following year, the First Cavalry Army was created here , headed by S.M. Budeny.

In the twenties, military schools were established on this territory. The district was replenished with new weapons and equipment and by the beginning of the war became one of the most advanced districts of the Soviet Union.

In 1942, the district was abolished, and the administration was transformed into the administration of the Transcaucasian Front.

In peacetime, the Don, Stavropol and Kuban military districts were created on the territory of the abolished North Caucasian Military District. The Don district began to be called in the old way - the North Caucasus, with headquarters located in Rostov-on-Don.

The troops of this military district played a major role in the counter-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus. Forty-three servicemen then became Heroes of the Russian Federation.

In 2008, the North Caucasus Military District conducted an operation to force Georgia to peace. It lasted five days. As a result, the people were saved, and the aggressor was defeated. Many then were awarded orders and insignia, and Major D.V. Vetchinov (posthumously), lieutenant colonel K.A. Temerman, captain Yu.P. Yakovlev and Sergeant S.A. Mylnikov was awarded the title of Heroes of the Russian Federation.

In 2009, Russian military bases were formed in Abkhazia and South Ossetia, which were included in the military district.

Southern Military District address

Military reform

At the end of 2010, four military districts were formed instead of six - Central, Western, Eastern and Southern. The latter is located within the borders of the North Caucasus Military District, including the Black Sea Fleet and the Caspian Flotilla, the fourth Air Force Command and Air Defense, the 49th and 58th armies.

Location South-East

Southern Military District Headquarters

At the moment, the troops of the Southern Military District are located in the Southern, North Caucasian and Crimean Federal Districts, fourteen regions of the Russian Federation. Outside of Russia - in Armenia, Abkhazia and South Ossetia - there are military bases also included in the South-East Military District. The headquarters of the Southern Military District is located in Rostov-on-Don.

SEE today

Southern Military District Command

Southeast Military District is the smallest in comparison with other military districts of Russia. But at the same time, the most hot spots are located here . In Russia - Chechnya and Ingushetia, abroad - Georgia, Nagorno-Karabakh and Ukraine.

And while in Chechnya and Ingushetia, within the country, and Georgia with Nagorno-Karabakh, conflicts have virtually stopped at present, the situation in Ukraine is only escalating.

In 2014, Crimea became part of Russia, and since then tension has been particularly acute from NATO and the United States. They conducted exercises in the Black Sea more than once, but each time they received worthy response from the Russian troops.

The main function performed by the troops of this military district is to maintain security on the southern borders of Russia.

Southern Military District Command

Commander of the Southern Military District

Lieutenant General A.V. Galkin commands the troops. After graduating from a command school, he served in Germany and the Far East, rising to the post of commander of a motorized rifle battalion. He reached the rank of commander of the 41st army in the city of Novosibirsk. Since 2010, this is the commander of the Southern Military District. Lieutenant General A.V. Galkin subordinated to all troops in the district, except for the East Kazakhstan region and the Missile Forces. Also, the police, the Border Troops, units of the Ministry of Emergencies and the FSB and other departments that perform tasks in the district are subordinate to him.

Armed Forces Structure

The Southern Military District includes the ground forces, marines, airborne forces, navy, air force and air defense.

The ground forces include the largest number of soldiers. They act independently or interact with other units of the Armed Forces. SWs consist of several military branches, including special ones.

  1. Motorized rifle is a type of army designed to break through the defense, advance and maintain occupied territory.
  2. Panzer is a type of force for solving the most important combat missions.
  3. Artillery and missile are a type of troops for fire and nuclear destruction.
  4. Air defense (air defense) is a branch of the armed forces, which is one of the main means for defeating the enemy in the air.

Special forces of the ground forces consist of:

  • communications troops;
  • intelligence;
  • engineering;
  • nuclear engineering;
  • automobile;
  • electronic warfare troops;
  • biological, chemical and radiation protection;
  • technical support;
  • rear protection.

Office of the Southern Military District

The Air Force (Air Force) is the most maneuverable type of aircraft that is designed for;

  • ensuring security and protecting the interests of Russia in the airspace of the state;
  • providing combat operations of the NE, Navy and other units of the Armed Forces;
  • various special missions and striking at the enemy from the air.

The Navy (Navy) is a type of aircraft designed to ensure the security and protection of Russia's interests in the seas and oceans.
The Navy consists of 4 fleets and a flotilla:

  • Northern;
  • Black Sea;
  • Pacific
  • Baltic;
  • Caspian flotilla.

The Black Sea Fleet and the Caspian Flotilla, respectively, are part of the Southern Military District. Its address is the city of Rostov-on-Don, Budennovsky Prospect, building 43.

The composition of the Southern Military District. Number of armies

The Southern Military District includes two armies, which include:

  • motorized rifle brigades (seven);
  • intelligence team;
  • air assault brigade;
  • mountain brigades (two);
  • military bases (three);
  • Airborne Forces;
  • Marines.

The Navy consists of:

  • Caspian flotilla;
  • Black Sea Fleet.

Air Force and Air Defense include:

  • fourth command;
  • Fleet aviation;
  • Flotilla aircraft.

Military doctrine

According to the military doctrine approved by the president of the Russian Federation, NATO’s proximity to the state’s border, the creation and deployment of missile defense systems, non-nuclear systems of ultra-precision weapons, as well as the intention to deploy weapons in outer space are the main external threats to the state.

In addition, external threats include hotbeds of interethnic and interfaith tensions, the activities of radicals and private military companies in the territory adjacent to the border of Russia and its allies.

Thus, the Southern Military District is becoming one of the most important strategic districts ensuring peace in the country.

Troops of the Southern Military District

Teachings of Russian troops

The Ministry of Defense reports that in 2015 about four thousand exercises in the Russian troops will be held.

It is also planned to conduct international exercises. Among them are the Russian-Belarusian “Shield of the Union-2015”, the international games “Tank Biathlon-2015”, competitions for different types of the Armed Forces.

The ground forces will hold up to one hundred and fifty exercises, missile forces - up to a hundred maneuvers.

In addition, the supply of modern weapons and equipment will continue.

Exercises in the Southern Military District

The exercises conducted in the Southern Military District each time confirm excellent preparation for repelling an attack, if necessary. The Office of the Southern Military District plans in 2015 to conduct more than twenty internal exercises, as well as ten international exercises.

In 2014, the intensity of practical training increased significantly, more than thirty training sites were involved.

The troops of the Southern Military District participated in the joint Russian-Indian exercises.

Over 370 exercises and 150 trainings were conducted by missile forces and artillery.

The Black Sea Fleet and the Caspian Flotilla carried out about 300 combat exercises.

Aviation training has also been significantly enhanced. In total, pilots flew over 47 thousand hours.

Military engineers cleared more than three thousand hectares of agricultural land in Chechnya and Ingushetia, neutralized more than three thousand shells and mines. Their annual plan was overfulfilled by 22%.

The headquarters of the Southern Military District reports that in 2015 no less intensive exercises are expected, and the number of international exercises will increase. Therefore, the southern border of Russia will be reliably guarded.

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