Descendants of the Prophet Muhammad in our time. Wives and children of the Prophet Muhammad

Today, the descendants of the Prophet Muhammad live almost anywhere in the world. Some of them do not even suggest that the blood of the messenger himself flows in their veins. Others, on the contrary, take this opportunity to proclaim themselves the descendants of Muhammad in order to take advantage of the benefits that are implied to those who really are.

Mohammed Biography

Perhaps there is no adult in the world who does not know who the prophet Muhammad is.

He belongs to the Quraish tribe. He became the founder of Islam. Born in 571 in Mecca. From 6 he became an orphan, and he was raised by his grandfather, and after his uncle Abu Talib.

Muhammad prayed a lot and practiced meditation. Once during this process, he saw the angel Jabrail (the archangel Gabriel), who gave him the first verses of the Qur'an. So Muhammad became the messenger of Allah Almighty on earth.

Due to persecution by the Meccan pagans, he and his associates were forced to move to Medina. The first Islamic community was formed there.

But in 630, he returned to Mecca, where he convinced residents to convert to Islam. Since then, Mecca has become the capital of Muslims.

Quran Book - Holy Scripture

In 632, the Messenger of Allah departed on his last journey and was buried in Medina. He left behind the most important miracle of the Muslim world - the Quran, a sacred allowance for life for all people on earth.

Wives of the prophet

To understand who are the descendants of the Prophet Muhammad, you need to go through his entire family.

According to different versions, the prophet had from 11 to 23 wives. But still, most of them are inclined to the number 11. The messenger married all of them before the law was announced, which forbids having more than 4 wives.

Khadija. The mother of the faithful became the first and only wife of the prophet until her death. Qurayshik by birth was already 2 times married until she met Muhammad.

When they got married, she was 40 years old, and Muhammad was only 25. But the age difference did not prevent them from being happy spouses. The woman gave her husband 6 children: 2 sons and 4 daughters.

Khadija was the first to believe the prophet and convert to Islam. The prophet always appreciated her support and had great love and respect for her.

Sauda. She became the wife of Muhammad when he was 53 years old, after his relocation to Medina. She was married to Muslim Sakran ibn Amr, who was killed by polytheists. She survived the prophet and died during the reign of Umar in Medina.

Aisha. The third wife of the Messenger of Allah Almighty. Perhaps the most discussed woman in Islam, about which there are fierce battles both among Muslims themselves and among representatives of other religious faiths.

According to some sources, Aisha was only 9 years old when she got married. But also, according to other studies of historians, many data indicate that the girl was already 17 years old at the time of the marriage.

When Usman was killed, Aisha and her supporters rebelled to take revenge on the killers, but were defeated and captured. After, on the orders of the new Caliph Ali (Fatima’s husband), they were all released.

Hafsa. She became the fourth wife of the prophet after she remained a widow. She was the daughter of Umar (a companion of Muhammad). Father asked Usman and Abu Bakr to marry Hafs, but they refused. And then the prophet decided that he himself would marry a woman, and Umm Kulsum would give his daughter out for Usman.

She was a very strong-willed and pious woman. She was deposited with the first copy of the Koran, collected during the caliphate of Abu Bakr. Then it was propagated, as Usman asked, when he became a caliph.

Zeynab. The girl’s first husband was the adopted son of the prophet Zayd ibn Haris. But a year after the marriage, they divorced. It was then that Muhammad and married a woman. She was very devout and kind. Died after the death of the messenger.

children of the prophet Muhammad

Juvairia. The daughter of the leader of the Banu Mustalik tribe. When Muslims defeated the tribe, the girl was captured. Her father and associates were asked to return her, but after talking with the prophet they converted to Islam. And for the sake of reconciliation, Muhammad married a girl.

Safia. Like Juvayria, she was captured after the battle of her father’s tribe with the Muslims. In this battle, her second husband was killed. Muhammad freed her and offered either to leave, remaining in his faith, or to marry him and convert to Islam. The girl chose the second option.

Umm Habib (Ramlya). The girl was married to a Christian, but soon they both converted to Islam. However, after moving to Ethiopia, the man abandoned Islam, returning to Christianity. But the woman did not support him, remaining a faithful Muslim. They parted, but she could not return back to Mecca because of the fury of her father, who hated Muslims. When the messenger of Allah found out about this, he decided to marry her.

Umm Salaam. Her first husband was killed in the battle of Uhud. Both Umar and Abu Bakr were offered her hand, but she refused them. However, she agreed with the prophet.

The woman died at 84 years old.

Rayhan. Was taken prisoner. After the adoption of Islam, she was freed and taken by the prophet as a wife. She was very religious and virtuous.

Maimuna. Before marriage, she was married 2 times. Remained a widow, and Abbas (uncle of Muhammad) advised the envoy to marry her.

Maria. She was the concubine given to Muhammad by the ruler of Egypt. She converted to Islam before meeting with the prophet. According to some sources, she remained a concubine. But she gave birth to the prophet the last son, who, however, died while being quite a baby.

All the wives of the Prophet Muhammad were deeply religious and virtuous women.

Messenger children

In total, the Prophet Muhammad had seven children. The six of them were Khadija's mother. The seventh boy was born by his wife Maria.

Qasim. The first child of the messenger. Born before Muhammad began to prophesy. He died at the age of two.

descendants of the prophet mohammed

Zainab. The second child in the family. 10 years after her birth, Muhammad - the messenger of God - began to preach monotheism. And Zainab was among the first converts to Islam, unlike the husband of Abu al-Asu ibn Rabia. He not only refused to accept Islam, but also opposed the Muslims in the battle of Badr.

The couple broke up for several years, until eventually Abu al-Asa converted to Islam and reunited with his family. However, after the reunion, they lived only a year. Zaynab fell ill and moved into another world.

Rukia. The third child and second daughter were born 7 years before the father began the prophetic mission. She was supposed to be the wife of the son of Abu Lahab, but the contract was terminated, since he did not accept Islam and was at enmity with Muslims.

Rukia married Usman ibn Affan, who became the third righteous caliph. The girl died on the day of the Badr battle.

Umm Kulsum. The fourth child and third daughter of the prophet. She was promised as a wife to another son of the same Abu Lahab, but this agreement was terminated for the same reason.

After the death of her sister, Rukia married Usman. Their marriage lasted 6 years, when this girl died.

Fatima The fifth child and the last, fourth daughter of the prophet. It was from her that the descendants of the prophet Muhammad went.

The girl married a cousin of father Ali ibn Abu Talib. Five babies were born in their family. Of these, only three survived, the girl Zaynab and 2 boys Hassan and Hussein.

Fatima herself survived her father for only six months. The girl is very revered by Shia Muslims. Her piety and generosity are often mentioned in Muslim hadiths.

Abdullah. The sixth child and the second son of the messenger of the Almighty. Unfortunately, he died at a young age.

Ibrahim. Seventh child and third boy, the last in the family. Also died in early childhood.

All the children of the Prophet Muhammad were Muslims.


The direct descendants of the messenger of the Almighty are the grandchildren, the sons of Ali and Fatima - Hussein and Hassan.

Muhammad the Messenger of God

The Prophet loved his grandchildren very much, admired them and asked the Almighty to grant them his mercy. He raised them for almost 7 years, until he moved to another world. According to Fatima, he left as a legacy to his grandchildren his generosity and generosity for Hassan, courage and valor for Hussein.

Hassan took the place of the caliph only a few months in 661. After he signed the treaty with the Umayyads and ceded the throne to Mu'awiyah with the condition that he would return the caliphate to him. But the contract was broken, and the grandson of the prophet was killed.

After the death of his brother, Imam Hussein also tried to select the caliphate, which he had to manage. But he did not succeed in defeating the Umayyads, he was killed during the battle of Karbala.

It is from these two boys that the descendants of the Prophet Muhammad went further. When they got married, had children, the blood, nations and genealogies mixed. And now it’s hard to find real Muslims in whom the blood of the prophet flows.

Abdullah II

King of Jordan Abdullah II is a direct descendant in the 43rd generation of the Prophet Muhammad.

Coming from the Hashemite dynasty. The founder of this family is considered Hashim, great-grandfather of the messenger of Allah.

For several centuries, representatives of the Hashemites became emirs of Mecca, who later became the rulers of the Arab states. It:

  • Iraq;
  • Hijaz;
  • Syria;
  • Transjordan etc.

Thanks to the king, Jordan was able to avoid internal conflicts and confrontations and maintain a peaceful situation within the country.

King of Jordan Abdullah II

Moreover, the king reconciled the two religions, Christianity and Islam, kissing the pope when he flew to Jordan. This act significantly strengthened the country's economy, as due to the influx of tourists the treasury earned more than $ 2 billion.

The king married Rania, a girl from a simple family. The Queen is very popular in the world and among her people, embodying the image of an ideal mother and wife.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei

The bloodline of the ruler of Iran goes back to Imam Hussein, which affected the choice of Khamenei as a spiritual leader.

He is now 79 years old, but his health condition is very poor. He was distinguished by his negative attitude and harsh statements towards the United States.

Ayatollah Ali Sistani

The Shiite theologian of Iraq, who enjoys unquestioned authority, is also considered a descendant of a prophet along the branches of Imam Hussein, the son of Ali and Fatima.

Now he is 88 years old, he lives in Iraq. He was nominated for a Nobel Prize, but the fatwa on homosexuality became an obstacle. And although it was subsequently revealed that this was a mistake, he never received a prize.

Prince Karim Aga Khan IV

The direct descendant of the messenger of Allah through Fatima is also considered Prince Karim Aga Khan IV. He does not have his own state, but the title was assigned to him by Queen Elizabeth II. And in 1959, from the Iranian Shah, he received the title of His Royal Highness.

Prince Karim Aga Khan

The prince is the leader of the Nizari Ismailis, which around the world number about 20 million people.

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