Common spring questions, or how to get rid of freckles quickly

Especially in the spring, many women are worried about the question "how can I get rid of freckles", or rather, its more accurate statement - "how to get rid of freckles quickly."

At first (forgive me!) I would like to recall that the long-suffering “kisses of the sun” are by no means so unattractive. The face strewn with light spots looks young, fervent and natural. Many men consider this “drawback" to be the cutest and most charming feature of their girlfriends.

What are freckles

These are small, delicate pigmented spots, most often appearing on the skin of the face and chest, sometimes covering the neck, arms and back. Their color varies from light yellow to dark brown. Its intensity varies depending on the time of year (brighter spots in spring and summer, vanishingly pale in autumn and winter).

More often, freckles are found in fair-skinned, fair-haired and red-haired people. First appear at the age of two to six years, and after thirty years their number is usually reduced.

What is the fight against freckles

Getting rid of freckles comes in two parallel ways: whitening and protection. Whitening is the exfoliation of the upper layer of the skin containing the pigment melanin. It is carried out in several stages, preferably in a gentle mode (that is, by soft means) and during the inactive sun (autumn months). Experts do not recommend bleaching pigment spots in spring or summer, since the effect may be the opposite.

Protection involves the use of sunscreen cosmetics during a period when ultraviolet radiation is especially strong (from April to July). The degree of protection should be the higher, the stronger the sun exposure. For example, for jogging along the city streets "home-work" enough day cream or foundation cream with an SPF level of 15-20 units, while a beach or picnic will require the use of a special cream with a "capacity" of 40-60 units plus a reliable wide-brimmed hat.

Below are a few ways to whiten freckles at home. Any of them is carried out in several sessions, the number of which will depend on the color intensity of the spots and the individual characteristics of the skin.

How to get rid of freckles quickly at home

Recipe 1. Grate a fresh cucumber. Three tablespoons of the mass pour a glass of vodka and leave to brew for 12 hours. Strain. Wipe the skin with the resulting lotion in the morning and evening.

Recipe 2. Crush the leaves of a dandelion in a mortar. Wipe the skin with the allocated juice.

Recipe 3. Peel one potato, grate. Finely chop the parsley. Add 3-4 tablespoons of yogurt and 1 teaspoon of olive oil, mix everything. Do not apply face with a thick layer and leave for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with cool water.

Recipe 4. Shredded parsley greens with the allocated juice mixed with a tablespoon of honey and a tablespoon of lemon juice. Apply the resulting slurry on the face and leave for 20-25 minutes. Wash off with cool water. After the mask, be sure to apply a nourishing cream.

The above recipes gently and safely exfoliate the upper layers of the skin, eliminating age spots. After such procedures, it is recommended to use a nourishing cream that restores the protective properties of the skin.

How to get rid of freckles quickly outside the home

There are numerous ways to get rid of freckles, carried out in beauty salons. Their essence also comes down to the removal of the surface layers of the skin containing a greater amount of melanin. The most popular among them are photo-bleaching, whitening with a laser or liquid nitrogen.

Before looking for the answer to the question “how to get rid of freckles quickly” in specialized institutions, it is better to consult a specialist who can choose a method that is more suitable for the individual characteristics of the skin and, therefore, more gentle.

The answer to the question “is it possible to get rid of freckles forever” is negative. In the spring, when the sun becomes strong, the skin begins to produce melanin again, trying to protect us from harmful effects. Therefore, freckles will appear again. You can reduce their number and “dim the brightness” by protecting your face and shoulders from the sun.

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