Is it possible for nursing mother kissel: recommendations for lactation

After the birth of a baby, the question arises as to which foods are best for a newly minted mother while breastfeeding. There are many recommendations regarding her diet. However, one of the controversial products during lactation is jelly. From this article we find out if nursing mom can have kissel. The harm and benefits of the product will also be discussed in this publication.

Jelly composition

Berry jelly

This product was loved and consumed by our grandmothers. It is considered harmless and even useful. This is partly true. However, before understanding whether it is possible for nursing mother to kissel or not, you need to decide what is included in its composition.

So, the main ingredients of this dessert are fruits or berries and starch. As for fruits or berries, everything here is very individual. It is recommended to use those for which you are not allergic and which you ate quietly during pregnancy. Many argue that those products that you took during the period of bearing a child should not cause him to have allergic reactions during lactation. However, if you observe symptoms of allergies or poisoning in your baby, then the use of certain foods should still be ruled out. Usually, only 2 days is enough to understand whether the baby is allergic to the fruit or berry.

The next main component is starch. This is the link for jelly. It does not carry special benefits and values ​​for the body. This is just a simple carbohydrate, and all that he can give to a nursing mother is extra calories.

What kind of jelly is preferable for nursing mothers?

As you know, for pregnant, lactating and infants everything should be natural and useful. However, is it possible for a nursing mother to kissel jelly? Or in this case, you need a dessert only from fresh fruits and berries?

Powder jelly

You yourself understand that the unequivocal answer to this question is: it is better to cook homemade jelly than to eat a store one. Using fresh fruits and berries for a homemade drink, you thus exclude possible allergens. After all, in the shop packaged jelly there is one chemistry, dyes, flavors and preservatives. From them, it is more likely to get an allergic reaction or even worse poisoning in a small child.

Fruits and berries for jelly

So, we have decided whether it is possible for nursing mother to kissel and which is better to choose. Now we find out what kind of fruits and berries are best suited for the preparation of this drink during lactation of the baby.

Everyone knows that the most powerful allergens are brightly colored fruits and vegetables, especially red. Therefore, they are often excluded from a woman’s diet during the lactation period.

From this we can conclude that it is better to start cooking jelly for a nursing mother from hypoallergenic products. These include green and white fruits and berries, as well as dried fruits. Also suitable for making jelly are bananas, pumpkin, watermelon, gooseberries and plums. But it’s better to be careful with these products, because they are borderline and can cause, if not allergies, digestive upset, which is just as painful for the baby as it is for the mother.

The prohibited products for the preparation of kissel include:

  • Strawberries
  • raspberries;
  • wild strawberries;
  • red and black currants;
  • Blackberry
  • grapes;
  • a pineapple;
  • melon;
  • persimmon;
  • Garnet;
  • citrus;
  • peaches;
  • apricots
  • cranberries.
Cranberry Jelly

You should pay attention to the fact that even allergenic products can be safely tolerated by your body and your baby. Therefore, fruits and berries for the preparation of jelly should be selected individually.

How to enter the diet?

Like any other product that may be allergenic, kissel should be introduced into the diet of a nursing mother carefully and gradually. Initially, it is recommended to consume a small amount of the product in the morning, after which it is necessary to carefully monitor the reaction of the body of the crumbs. What you should pay attention to?

  1. Whether the colic in the child has become more frequent.
  2. Whether the quantity and nature of the baby's stool has changed.
  3. Are any rashes on the skin crumbs.

If during the observation process you notice one of the listed symptoms, then you need to stop the use of jelly. But if everything is fine with the baby and nothing has changed in his well-being and behavior, then mom can calmly increase the amount of product used.

However, if you still doubt whether it is possible for a nursing mother to drink jelly, then you should consult with a pediatrician.

The benefits of jelly

Undoubtedly, this product has been known since ancient times. What is the use of jelly and is it possible for a nursing mother to use it - these two questions always stand at the same level. Kissel is considered a useful therapeutic composition. It is prescribed by many doctors in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. For a nursing mother, it will be a good restorative after a period of pregnancy and childbirth. In addition, this is the optimal replacement for bored compotes and milk porridges.

Kissel with ice

The beneficial properties of such a dessert can also include protection of the digestive tract mucosa, normalization of intestinal microflora and improvement of digestion in general. It is also an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, depending on which ingredients it is made from.

For example, oatmeal jelly will help to fight excess weight after pregnancy, and jelly from rose hips, currants, cranberries and bird cherry - with colds and infections. Apple, mountain ash and other varieties are used in the treatment of the digestive and excretory systems.

Is harm possible?

Since this brew refers to the permitted products during lactation, the harm of kissel for a nursing mother is considered with the obligatory consideration of the individual characteristics of her and her child's body.

Undoubtedly, this product can still do some harm. As we already said, these are, first of all, allergic reactions in infants. First of all, they are caused by red and orange vegetables and fruits, as well as wild berries.

Another point that we have already pointed out is the caloric content of starch. If mom after childbirth can not in any way lose the gained kilograms, then it is better to refuse frequent use of jelly.

An increased danger is powder jelly from the store. It has nothing to do with a useful classic home squad.

Features of use in lactation

Grape jelly

Can a nursing mother kissel? Sure. But for this period of the life of a woman and her child there are certain conditions for the use of this product.

The preparation of a gelatinous dessert for nursing mothers is no different from the preparation of ordinary jelly. It should be borne in mind that the use of a product of red fruits and berries is recommended after the child reaches six months. But milk and oat jelly are allowed from the first months of life of the crumbs. A drink of apples and carrots can be drunk when the baby is 1-2 months old.

It should also be noted that you can use jelly only if the ingredients of the nursing mother already have the ingredients used and the baby is not allergic to them.

Initially, you need to drink only 3-4 sips. And if your child does not have an undesirable reaction, then you are allowed to drink a glass a day.

If you decide to cook oatmeal jelly, then it is better to boil it in water. So you eliminate allergies to cow protein.

Introduce new jelly gradually. First, try to eat only one type for several weeks.

Pay particular attention to the selection of fruits, berries and vegetables for the preparation of jelly.

Starch you can use potato, corn and rice. Corn is preferred if a nursing mother suffers from heartburn.

For the stomach, liquid jelly is better than thick.

Drink a drink must be warm. This is one way to cause lactation.

Purchased ready-made jelly for women during lactation is not suitable. Useful only natural homemade.

Beverage recommendations

Oatmeal jelly

After we have decided whether it is possible for nursing mother to kissel, you need to cook it. The standard recipe is as follows.

Grind the main ingredient (fruits, vegetables, berries, etc.). It can be cut into plates or cubes, grated or mashed. Next, sprinkle it with sugar and leave it for 15 minutes. During this time, juice should form. Then fill it all with water and cook over low heat since boiling for about half an hour. At this time, we breed starch in cold water.

After half an hour, filter the drink and again set to brew. Pour starch into a thin stream and stir constantly. Cook for a few minutes until the desired consistency and remove from the stove. Everything, the drink is ready to drink.

Lactation Recipes

We answered the question: "Is it possible for nursing mother kissel?" Now we give a few recipes that are valid during lactation.

  1. Apple and carrot. Finely chop the apples, and three carrots on a grater. Sprinkle with sugar and leave for 30 minutes. Add a glass of water to the mixture and simmer for 30-40 minutes. We filter. Pour the liquid into a separate container and return to the fire. Dilute 1 tablespoon of starch and mix with liquid. Cook for several minutes and remove from heat.
  2. Cranberry with dried apricots. Pour cranberries with boiling water, chop and filter. We leave the juice, and pour the cake with boiling water and put on fire. Grind and add dried apricots, bring the mixture to a boil. We dilute corn starch with water and add to the mixture. Pour sugar and mix. Remove from heat, pour in the remaining cranberry juice.
  3. Berry. Wash the berries and wipe through a sieve. Do not touch the juice, fill the pulp with water and cook for 20 minutes. Filter, squeeze the flesh. Add cane sugar. We breed rice starch in the left juice. We introduce starch with juice into the mass, cook for several minutes, remove from heat.
Milk jelly

Tips for nursing mothers

Who, if not experienced mothers with experience of feeding, can give practical advice on the use of kissel during lactation. For example, mothers advise, if you notice an allergy in a child, then the product should be excluded from the diet for a couple of months. Usually, crumbly enzyme systems develop during this period, and it is likely that you can still give him this product, but a little later. Also, mothers pay attention to the beneficial properties of jelly. For example, it helps eliminate dry scalp and gives your hair a healthy look. It is also a great dessert for those who want to lose weight after pregnancy. Kissel also cheers you up, protects against stress and the common cold, relieves stress and warms you during the cold season. And all this is due to the fact that he is able to saturate the body with vitamins and energy. Many reviews indicate that the most acceptable option for nursing mothers is apple and banana jelly. In addition, fruits for their preparation can be purchased at the store at any time of the year.

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