Each Muslim is supposed to remember Allah, as often as possible during the day, during any work or rest. In the hadiths and the Qur'an it is said that with every sincere commemoration of the Almighty, a believing person counts a good deed in tenfold. The same applies to the yuza Bıllahi ’s Istiase. Muslims must pronounce these words before starting any business. Since they are very important and are of great importance.
Istiaza and dhikr - what is it
At its core, isthiasis is a short formula for prayer to God. Often the concept of "isthiasis" is confused with the concept of "dhikr", but this is a misunderstanding.
Dhikr is also the formula of a special prayer in which the glorification and commemoration of Allah Almighty takes place. Most often, dhikr consists of one or several words, for example, these are the names of the Creator or a thankful dhikr.
So isthiasis (Auzu biLyakhi) is the first appeal to God before a Muslim wants to do something. For example, read the holy Quran, before a daily five-fold prayer, or before any business in which you need to protect yourself from the shaitan and his incitements.
Translation and semantic meaning of isthiasis
As a rule, when it says "Auzu biLyahi", then you need to say "Mina shaitani rajim." Having uttered these words, the believer, thus, recognizes the power of Allah Almighty, asks him to help and protect from the base shaitan, who was stoned.
The pronunciation of isthiasis also serves as evidence that a Muslim recognizes his helplessness before enemies and faith in the help of the Creator.
Prayer (Auzu billyakhi mina shaitani rajim) is considered the message received by the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). The isthiasis consists of 3 parts.
- Syphathy, where the meaning is that the speaker utters the protection of the Almighty from His anger for the satisfaction of the Creator.
- Bottlenose dolphin, the meaning is that the worshiper hopes for the protection of Allah from His own punishment.
- An undertaking where the believer seeks protection from everything that is already predetermined.
The complete truth is translated as "I am in search of protection from God from the damned (stoned) Satan who has lost His grace."
The Qur'an says that the devil, although not visible to the human eye, but he is, without a doubt, the real enemy of mankind. Every second, the shaitan tries to mislead a person, diverting his thoughts towards sin and temptation, preventing him from committing good deeds. Therefore, it is necessary to read this little dua (prayer) in order to protect oneself with the help of Allah from Satan, whom he himself created.
Basmala and Hamdala
In addition to the words "auzu biLlyahi mina ..." also pronounced basmala, which literally sounds like "Bismillahi-r-rahmani-r-rahim", which is translated in the name of Allah, the Gracious and the Merciful. However, believers often pronounce an abridged version of Bismillah.
Very valuable expression in the Islamic world, which gives rise to all good. Any business with good intentions begins with these words. Saying basmala, every Muslim hopes for the mercy of the Almighty.
Basmalu should be said before beginning to read the Qur'an, before performing prayers, before bathing, eating, sleeping, etc.
However, it is strictly forbidden to read these words before a sinful, objectionable deed. Otherwise, you can automatically fall into kufr (disbelief).
Saying first “Auzu biLlyakhi shaitan rajim”, then “Bismillahlahi rahmani rahim” pronounce hamdala. It sounds like this: "Alhamdulillahi Rabbil-'Alyamin," which means "Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds."
Muslims believe that all good and even bad comes from the Almighty, and therefore you need to thank him for everything that they have. After all, God says that those who give him praise will increase their blessings.
If someone did something good, right, then in a laudable tone they say hamdala. And also, according to the Sunna, Hamdal, like Basmal, it should be pronounced when a person starts any work with good intentions and good deeds.
Many surahs are preceded by hamdala. In abbreviated form, the hamdala sounds like the dhikr "Alhamdulilah". And this dhikr will fill the scales in the positive direction when the time comes for Judgment Day.
The meaning and power of dhikr
Dhikr is a remembrance of Allah Almighty. He discourages Satan and gives the Muslim the contentment of the Creator.
Thanks to the pronunciation of the dhikers, believers become closer to God, sanctify their soul, filling it with reverence, joy and harmony.
This is salvation from punishment in hell, from human malice, from one's own fall.
Like the hysteria of the “Ausa of Billyahi”, dhikras should be recited as often as possible and with strong faith in Allah Almighty.