Advertising banners are a very effective and time-tested way to advertise a resource on the Internet.
Advertising banners, if they are endowed with brightness in all senses of the word, and are characterized by the presence of differences from others, are inherent in the ability to quickly attract attention, convey the necessary information and be remembered for a long time. Of course, such works of web designers should carry the appropriate slogans for advertising. At the same time, one should not forget that, only if the described component of the web resource is correctly and efficiently performed, it will not be a bothersome and annoying website visitor and the user will never have the desire to learn how to remove an advertising banner.
Banners that adorn literate advertising slogans are designed to perform the following tasks:
- attract unique visitors to the resource, which means potential buyers;
- form a positive and memorable image of a company or product, which is mainly formed by advertising slogans, as well as distinguish a product, service, company from competitors;
- contribute to the promotion of the brand and its recognition;
- Strengthen the image of the company.
Success criteria for an advertising banner:
Successful completion of tasks is carried out by an advertising banner only if it meets certain criteria that are presented by the modern advertising market in the Global Network:
1. The banner should be unique and attractive. The results of studies conducted by experts suggest that the banner has only a few seconds (and sometimes less) for the user to pay attention to it. In that case, when a quick look at the banner, the visitor’s eyes will not catch on it the answer to the question that brought him to the resource (that’s why slogans are so important for advertising), then the banner will not be viewed more carefully.
2. Advertising slogans should have simplicity and clarity, otherwise they will not attract attention. An advertising banner is all the more effective as it is more minimal and simpler. The visitor should not need to think about how to interact with the component for advertising.
3. The banner must comply with the promises that were declared by the inscription, and the resource to which it leads. Only in this way is the continuity of the communication chain achievable.
4. Interactivity. Animation banners created using Flash technology are more dynamic, vibrant and colorful. All this, as well as technological features, gives the user the opportunity not only to contemplate, but to interact with the banner.
5. All banners claiming to be effective must be placed correctly and promoted in the right way. A lot depends on the choice of advertising platforms and thematic resources with similar themes, sites with a high level of traffic to attract as many visitors as possible.
6. Correspondence of the design of the advertising banner to the corporate style of the advertised company (that is, elements of corporate identity must be inherent in the banner ). In this case, the banner can become a factor that additionally supports the image component of the advertising campaign.
7. Compliance with the “last frame” rule. Most experts agree that the advertising slogans placed on the “last frame” (frame) of the banner are most effective. It should contain clear calls that can prompt the user to action. Do not forget that maintaining balance in this aspect is an unusually important point.
To create an advertising banner that meets all of the above criteria, the best solution would be to attract experienced professionals. Then, most likely, the cost of an advertising banner will more than pay off with results, that is, an increase in the level of attendance of an Internet resource.